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International Journal of Geometric Methods in Modern Physics
The equivalence between [Formula: see text] and scalar–tensor theories is revisited, we consequently explored different [Formula: see text] models. After consideration of specific definition of the scalar field, we derived the potentials [Formula: see text] for each [Formula: see text] model focusing on the early Universe, mostly the inflation epoch. For a given potential, we applied the slow-roll approximation approach to each [Formula: see text] model and obtained the expressions for the spectral index [Formula: see text] and tensor-to-scalar ratio [Formula: see text]. We determined the corresponding numerical values associated with each of the [Formula: see text] models. Our results showed that for certain choice of parameter space, the values of [Formula: see text] and [Formula: see text] are consistent with the Planck survey results and others produce numerical values that are in the same range as suggested by Planck data. We further constructed the Klein–Gordon equations (KGEs...
Physical Review D, 2003
The scalar spectral index n is an important parameter describing the nature of primordial density perturbations. Recent data, including that from the WMAP satellite, show some evidence that the index runs (changes as a function of the scale k at which it is measured) from n > 1 (blue) on long scales to n < 1 (red) on short scales. We investigate the extent to which inflationary models can accommodate such significant running of n. We present several methods for constructing large classes of potentials which yield a running spectral index. We show that within the slow-roll approximation, the fact that n−1 changes sign from blue to red forces the slope of the potential to reach a minimum at a similar field location. We also briefly survey the running of the index in a wider class of inflationary models, including a subset of those with non-minimal kinetic terms.
Universe, 2018
I give a review of predictions of values of spectral parameters for a large number of inflationary models. The present review includes detailed deductions and information about the approximations that have been made, written in a style that is suitable for text book authors. The Planck data have the power of falsifying several models of inflation as shown in the present paper. Furthermore, they fix the beginning of the inflationary era to a time about 10 −36 s, and the typical energy of a particle at this point of time to 10 16 GeV, only a few orders of magnitude less than the Planck energy, and at least 12 orders of magnitude larger than the most energetic particle produced by CERN's particle accelerator, LHC. This is a phenomenological review with contents as given in the list below. It includes systematic presentations of the different types of slow roll parameters that have been in use, and also of the N-formalism.
Proceedings of Corfu Summer Institute 2018 "School and Workshops on Elementary Particle Physics and Gravity" — PoS(CORFU2018)
Physical Review D, 2006
We study the single field slow-roll inflation models that better agree with the available CMB and LSS data including the three years WMAP data: new inflation and hybrid inflation. We study these models as effective field theories in the Ginsburg-Landau context: a trinomial potential turns out to be a simple and well motivated model. The spectral index n s of the adiabatic fluctuations, the ratio r of tensor to scalar fluctuations and the running index dn s =d lnk are studied in detail. We derive explicit formulas for n s , r and dn s =d lnk and provide relevant plots. In new inflation, and for the chosen central value n s 0:95, we predict 0:03 < r < 0:04 and ÿ0:000 70 < dn s =d lnk < ÿ0:000 55. In hybrid inflation, and for n s 0:95, we predict r ' 0:2 and dn s =d lnk ' ÿ0:001. Interestingly enough, we find that in new inflation n s is bounded from above by n s max 0:961 528. .. and that r is a two valued function of n s in the interval 0:96 < n s < n s max. In the first branch we find r < r max 0:114 769. .. . In hybrid inflation we find a critical value 2 0 crit for the mass parameter 2 0 of the field coupled to the inflaton. For 2 0 < 0 M 2 Pl =192, where 0 is the cosmological constant, hybrid inflation yields a blue tilted n s > 1 behavior. Hybrid inflation for 2 0 > 0 M 2 Pl =192 fulfills all the present CMB LSS data for a large enough initial inflaton amplitude. Even if chaotic inflation predicts n s values compatible with the data, chaotic inflation is disfavored since it predicts a too high value r ' 0:27 for the ratio of tensor to scalar fluctuations. The model which best agrees with the current data and which best prepares the way to the expected data r & 0:1, is the trinomial potential with negative mass term: new inflation.
A generic homogenous and isotropic cosmology is investigated based on the scalar-tensor theory of gravitation involving general metric coupling and scalar potential functions. We show that for a broad class of such functions, the scalar gravitational field can be dynamically trapped using a recently suggested mechanism. The corresponding scalar potential can drive inflation, accelerating expansion in the early and late universe respectively, with features consistent with standard requirements. Remarkably, the inflationary phase admits a natural exit with a well-defined value of the Hubble parameter dictated by the duration of inflation in a parameter independent manner, regardless of the detailed forms of the metric coupling and scalar potential. For an inflation duration consistent with the GUT description of the early universe, the resulting Hubble parameter is found to be consistent with its observed value.
Physical Review D, 1995
arXiv:gr-qc/9506050v1 23 Jun 1995 SUSSEX-AST-95/6-3, IEM- Abstract We show how observations of the perturbation spectra produced during inflation may be used to constrain the parameters of general scalar-tensor theories of gravity, which include both an inflaton and dilaton field. An interesting feature of these models is the possibility that the curvature perturbations on super-horizon scales may not be constant due to non-adiabatic perturbations of the two fields. Within a given model, the tilt and relative amplitude of the scalar and tensor perturbation spectra gives constraints on the parameters of the gravity theory, which may be comparable with those from primordial nucleosynthesis and post-Newtonian experiments.
Physical Review D, 2009
Inflation is now an accepted paradigm in standard cosmology, with its predictions consistent with observations of the cosmic microwave background. It lacks, however, a firm physical theory, with many possible theoretical origins beyond the simplest, canonical, slow-roll inflation, including Dirac-Born-Infeld inflation and k-inflation. We discuss how a hierarchy of Hubble flow parameters, extended to include the evolution of the inflationary sound speed, can be applied to compare a general, single field inflationary action with cosmological observational data. We show that it is important to calculate the precise scalar and tensor primordial power spectra by integrating the full flow and perturbation equations, since values of observables can deviate appreciably from those obtained using typical second-order Taylor expanded approximations in flow parameters. As part of this, we find that a commonly applied approximation for the tensor to scalar ratio, r \approx 16 c_s\epsilon, becomes poor (deviating by as much as 50%) as c_s deviates from 1 and hence the Taylor expansion including next-to-leading order contribution terms involving c_s is required. By integrating the full flow equations, we use a Monte-Carlo-Markov-Chain approach to impose constraints on the parameter space of general single field inflation, and reconstruct the properties of such an underlying theory in light of recent cosmic microwave background and large-scale structure observations.
Journal of High Energy Physics
Scalar-tensor theory of gravity with non-minimal coupling is a fairly good candidate for dark energy, required to explain late-time cosmic evolution. Here we study the very early stage of evolution of the universe with a modified version of the theory, which includes scalar curvature squared term. One of the key aspects of the present study is that, the quantum dynamics of the action under consideration ends up generically with de-Sitter expansion under semiclassical approximation, rather than power-law. This justifies the analysis of inflationary regime with de-Sitter expansion. The other key aspect is that, while studying gravitational perturbation, the perturbed generalized scalar field equation obtained from the perturbed action, when matched with the perturbed form of the background scalar field equation, relates the coupling parameter and the potential exactly in the same manner as the solution of classical field equations does, assuming de-Sitter expansion. The study also reveals that the quantum theory is well behaved, inflationary parameters fall well within the observational limit and quantum perturbation analysis shows that the power-spectrum does not deviate considerably from the standard one obtained from minimally coupled theory.
Physics Reports, 1999
This is a review of particle-theory models of inflation, and of their predictions for the primordial density perturbation that is thought to be the origin of structure in the Universe. It contains mini-reviews of the relevant observational cosmology, of elementary field theory and of supersymmetry, that may be of interest in their own right. The spectral index n(k), specifying the scale-dependence of the spectrum of the curvature perturbation, will be a powerful discriminator between models, when it is measured by Planck with accuracy ∆n ∼ 0.01. The usual formula for n is derived, as well as its less familiar extension to the case of a multi-component inflaton; in both cases the key ingredient is the separate evolution of causally disconnected regions of the Universe. Primordial gravitational waves will be an even more powerful discriminator if they are observed, since most models of inflation predict that they are completely negligible. We treat in detail the new wave of models, which are firmly rooted in modern particle theory and have supersymmetry as a crucial ingredient. The review is addressed to both astrophysicists and particle physicists, and each section is fairly homogeneous regarding the assumed background knowledge.
a work done to simply understand the basic inflationary cosmology with minimal use of necessary general relativity
Gravitation & Cosmology - GRAVIT COSMOL, 2005
We propose a revision of the most important results from the slow-roll approximation using an exact inflationary approach. The most important quantities which may be derived theoretically from slow-roll inflation and may then be compared with observational data, such as the curvature perturbation; the spectral index n(k ), a nd the derivative of the spectral index n with respect to ln k , are presented in an explicit form. We study these quantities in the case when a scalar field has a logarithmic evolution with time and for power-law inflation. tONAQ KOSMOLOGIESKAQ MODELX I SPECIFIKACIQ INFLQCIONNOGO SCENARIQ s.w. ˜ERWON, m. nOWELLO, r. tRIJE
Physics Letters B, 2003
Some of the consequences for inflationary cosmology of a scale dependence (running) in the tilt of the scalar perturbation spectrum are considered. In the limit where the running is itself approximately scale-invariant, a relationship is found between the scalar and tensor perturbation amplitudes, the scalar spectral index and its running. This relationship is independent of the functional form of the inflaton potential. More general settings, including that of braneworld cosmological models, are also considered. It is found that for the Randall-Sundrum single braneworld scenario, the corresponding relation between the observables takes precisely the same form as that arising in the standard cosmology. Some implications of the observations failing to satisfy such a relationship are discussed.
Revista Mexicana de Física E, 2020
The main aim of this paper is to provide a qualitative introduction to the cosmological inflation theory and its relationship with current cosmological observations. The inflationary model solves many of the fundamental problemsthat challenge the Standard Big Bang cosmology such as the Flatness, Horizon and the magnetic Monopole problems. Additionally it provides an explanation for the initial conditions observed throughout the Large-Scale Structure of the Universe, such as galaxies. In this review we describe general solutions to the problems in the Big Bang cosmology carry out by a single scalar eld. Then, with the use of current surveys, we show the constraints imposed on the inflationary parameters (ns; r) which allow us to make the connection between theoretical and observational cosmology. In this way, with the latest results, it is possible to select or at least to constrain the right inflationary model, parameterized by a single scalar eld potential V (\phi).
We study the polynomial chaotic inflation model with a single scalar field in a double well quartic potential which has recently been shown to be consistent with Planck data. In particular, we study the effects of lifting the degeneracy between the two vacua on the inflationary observables, i.e., spectral index n s and tensor-to-scalar perturbation ratio r T. We find that removing the degeneracy allows the model to satisfy the upper limit constraints on r T from Planck data, provided the field starts near the local maximum. We also calculate the scalar power spectrum and non-Gaussianity parameter f NL for the primordial scalar perturbations in this model.
The latest released data from Planck in 2018 put up tighter constraints on inflationary parameters. In the present article, the in-built symmetry of the non-minimally coupled scalar-tensor theory of gravity is used to fix the coupling parameter, the functional Brans–Dicke parameter, and the potential of the theory. It is found that all the three different power-law potentials and one exponential pass these constraints comfortably, and also gracefully exit from inflation.
Cosmology is the study of the universe as a whole. It deals with the origin and evolution of the universe. Our current understanding of our universe is based on the application of theory of general relativity to the universe. The standard theory of cosmology is able to explain many of the observational facts about the universe with great success, such as the expansion of the universe, primordial nucleosynthesis, origin and spectrum of Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation(CMBR) etc. Despite of its great success, it remains silent about some of the most profound questions related to the initial conditions of our universe. There are problems such as the horizon problem and the flatness problem for which the standard theory of cosmology offers no solution. The solution to these problems is provided by the theory of inflation. In addition to solving the above problems, Inflation, as a bonus, provides seed for structure formation in the universe. The theory of Inflation was proposed to solve the problems associated with the standard (FRW) cosmology. Inflation postulates the existence of a field φ, the inflaton, associated with which was the potential V (φ). The field was slowly rolling for some duration from its local minima to global minima. During this small duration of slow roll, φ was the dominant form of energy. The space experienced a period of exponential expansion. We have learned a great deal about inflation, but, we don't know much about the potential V (φ) itself. There exist hundreds of models of inflaton, with different V (φ)s. The predictions of any successful model should match with the observational/experimental values of the parameters involved. Here we study few such models to find out if they can be the potential inflaton. Also we explore the basic ideas about structure formation due to the quantum fluctuations in inflaton.
In this project, we study the theory of cosmological inflation and its cosmological implications. Firstly, we present basic elements of the ΛCDM cosmological model as well as the shortcomings of the Big Bang theory which motivated inflationary scenarios in the primordial universe. Then,we adduce the standard single-field theory of inflation and describe the slow-roll conditions. Next, we present the theory of cosmological perturbations related to the inflaton field by analysing theories with massive or massless scalar fields in de Sitter or quasi de Sitter primordial universes. Consequently, we feature the scalar metric fluctuations coupled with the inflaton ones. In addition,we deduce the power spectrum of the curvature perturbations which is directly related to the fluctuations of the gravitational potential. Finally, we establish the relations between the curvature fluctuations and the matter density and temperature fluctuations which can be tested through observation.
Next-to-leading order expressions related to Stewart-Lyth inverse problem are used to determine the inflationary models with a tensorial power spectrum described by a scale-invariant spectral index. Beyond power-law inflation, solutions are characterized by scale-dependent scalar indices. These models can be used as assumption on the generation of primordial perturbations to test for scale dependence of scalar index at large angular
We analyse the implications of the Planck data for cosmic inflation. The Planck nominal mission temperature anisotropy measurements, combined with the WMAP large-angle polarization, constrain the scalar spectral index to n_s = 0.9603 ± 0.0073, ruling out exact scale invariance at over 5 σ. Planck establishes an upper bound on the tensor-to-scalar ratio of r < 0.11 (95 inflationary models, preferring potentials with V" < 0. Exponential potential models, the simplest hybrid inflationary models, and monomial potential models of degree n > 2 do not provide a good fit to the data. Planck does not find statistically significant running of the scalar spectral index, obtaining d n_s/d ln k = -0.0134 ± 0.0090. Several analyses dropping the slow-roll approximation are carried out, including detailed model comparison and inflationary potential reconstruction. We also investigate whether the primordial power spectrum contains any features. We find that models with a parameterized ...
Nucl. Phys. B 882 (2014) pp. 386-396
In this paper we provide an accurate bound on tensor-to-scalar ratio (r) for class of models where inflation always occurs below the Planck scale, and the field displacement during inflation remains sub-Planckian.
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