Tools of Justice: Non-discrimination and the Indian Constitution



It ushered in universal adult suffrage and a judicially enforced bill of rights to a population that was marked by stark inequalities of caste, gender, religion, and class. The constitutional values were not part of the lived experience of most of the people. The liberal republican document perched uneasily upon an administrative structure-the police, the judiciary, the bureaucracy, and the army-that retained both the practices and personnel of the colonial state. The activist and the relatively autonomous Supreme Court reflects this tension through its dramatically divergent readings of the constitution, for instance, recognizing the rights of transgendered people while upholding colonial legislation criminalizing sodomy. Kalpana Kannabiran lays out a radically new approach to constitutional interpretation by making nondiscrimination the central organizing concept. Arguing that the fundamental rights cannot be disaggregated, she demonstrates how Article 21 (guaranteeing life and liberty), Article 14 (guaranteeing equality before law), and Article 19 (listing the freedoms of expression, association, and movement) are intrinsically connected to Article 15 which prohibits the discrimination on grounds of religion, race, caste, sex, or place of birth. In doing so, she seeks to "sustain and develop" the creative articulations of constitutional morality and limit the possibility of reductionist readings of rights. This is a strategic move as Indian courts have been receptive to intertextual readings centering on Article 21, the right to personal life and liberty. In 1978, the Supreme Court had imported the requirement of due process into any law that limited the right to life and personal liberty holding that "no fundamental right is an island in itself " (Maneka Gandhi v. Union of India, 1978). The Supreme Court has also successfully amplified the right to life and liberty bs_bs_banner 687