Historian's Craft Spring 2024 HI 200 syllabus


So what is this course about, anyway? This is your gateway into the world of historians. Sounds dramatic, but in this course, you will get acquainted with some of the most important aspects of the historian's work: from finding sources, to interpretation and constructing an evidence-based argument and narrative. We will also spend considerable time discussing the nature of history, who-and what-it is good for, how it is sometimes used and abused, and what is its public role. By the end of the semester you will gain a better understanding who YOU are as a practitioner of historical research and writing; you will build a solid foundation for your future work, whether in the history major/minor and beyond; and you will confidently voice your own ideas in an increasingly polished and, dare I say, professional manner. • E-portfolio on Google Sites, 10 entries (20%) Book Review Your second assignment will be a book review, for which you will have to read a historical monograph and assess the way the author uses their sources, structure their main argument, and weave their narrative. You can either purchase or borrow your chosen monograph using inter-library loan service, but do not wait until the last minute.