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2010, Suvremena lingvistika
14 pages
1 file
Mjerenjem pokreta oka u paradigmi sluanja istraivala se razlika u jezičnoj obradi u djece uredna jezičnog razvoja i djece s posebnim jezičnim tekoćama (PJT). Pri tome su mjereni anticipirajući pokreti očiju koji upućuju na...
Fluminensia, 2017
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Hrvatska Revija Za Rehabilitacijska Istraživanja, 2012
Sveučilište u Zagrebu. Filozofski fakultet. Odsjek za lingvistiku., 2020
This thesis presents a corpus linguistic research on lexical creations in German in the period between the 1990s and the second half of the 2010s as well as their translatability into Croatian. The research is based on the following underlying hypotheses: 1) The most common parts of speech among lexical creations are nouns; 2) All lexical creations, neologisms and nonce words, are coined by the same mechanisms; 3) The most common method of making lexical creations is word-building; 4) German lexical creations are usually translated into Croatian by combining two or more techniques of translating culture-specific items. The aim of the research is to describe recent tendencies in the word-building of lexical creations in the German language, to emphasize the importance of nonce words when analyzing lexical creations and to outline possible techniques for translating German lexical innovations into Croatian. Lexical creations are the result of changes a language undergoes on a nearly daily basis, attracting considerable attention from scholars and the general public. On the one hand, lexical creations emerge as a direct response to the need to refer to new concepts and phenomena that must be designated, while on the other hand, they reflect the speaker's desire for expressive communication. Thus, lexical creations are necessarily linked to a particular language community at a given point in time and to the innovativeness of their authors, i.e. the context in which they emerged. Lexical creations are a genuinely interesting linguistic topic addressed by a number of linguistic disciplines, such as lexicology, lexicography, morphology, diachronic semantics, contact linguistics, sociolinguistics, pragmatics and stylistics. The role of language policy must not be neglected, since lexical creations can at the same time be a result of the susceptibility of a language to the influence of other languages, but also a result of linguistic purism. In this thesis, the term "lexical creations" is considered to be the superordinate of the terms "neologisms" and "nonce words". Reference sources in linguistics mostly refer to "neologisms", whereas "nonce words" are either not mentioned at all, or are not considered relevant, or are referred to as "neologisms" in a broader sense of the term. The thesis opens with a theoretical framework which identifies lexical creations as a phenomenon of linguistic change, emphasizing their essence: the necessity to meet the communication and cognitive needs of the members of a particular language community (Schippan 2002). We will analyze the motivation underlying the creation of lexical creations, which can be extralinguistic or intralinguistic (e.g. Fleischer 1987, Kinne 1998, Muhvić-Dimanovski 2005, Steffens 2010). We will also provide a possible classification of the mechanisms by which lexical creations are created, the most prominent of which are wordbuilding, borrowing, creation of multiword expressions, and semantic change (e.g., Muhvić
This presentation will focus on evidence-based Early Years practices that support children with autism. Karen will discuss specific ways in which Early Years practitioners can promote a culture and ethos of inclusivity, and support all children to learn. Karen will present a framework for Good Autism Practice in the Early Years. This framework is derived from an analysis of current research, practice and policies about the learning needs of autistic children. Karen will give practical and research-based guidance on the preconditions for inclusive practice, as well as the tasks, outcomes and specialist teaching principles that practitioners need to focus on when working with autistic children. Karen' s presentation will draw out the importance of understanding the lived experience perspective of autistic people. She will make a strong case for challenging the ' outside in' perspective, which is linked to a deficit focussed model of disability, as this often means that attention is given to interventions which target the reduction of autistic behaviours while losing sight of broader educational goals. The presentation will outline dimensions of practice that are common to all learners, whilst drilling down into distinctive approaches for autistic learners. Karen will draw out the different needs of autistic children in relation to social communication, social understanding, interests and information processing, and sensory processing. Her argument is that unless there is a pedagogical and curriculum response to these needs, children' s academic and well-being development will suffer. As these group differences vary considerably from individual to individual, the presentation will draw on real-life examples to explore how to personalize the learning environment for children on the autism spectrum. Participants will have the opportunity to reflect on their own experience and practice, and to be involved in generating plans and ideas for children they work with.
Psihologijske teme
U radu su prikazani teorijski argumenti i empirijske potvrde za ideju i protiv ideje da kognitivni procesi (mišljenje, rezoniranje, očekivanje i vjerovanje) ili emocije i motivacija mogu izravno utjecati na i mijenjati sadržaj vida. Prema hipotezi o modularnosti uma i Marrovoj računalnoj teoriji vid je informacijski zatvoren modul s fiksnom, urođenom arhitekturom. Ona se temelji na specifičnim načelima koja su bitno drugačija od općega kognitivnog funkcioniranja. Vid mora biti kognitivno inpenetrabilan zato jer mora stvoriti točnu mentalnu reprezentaciju vanjskog svijeta i time omogućiti jedinki uspješno snalaženje u njemu. Suprotno tome, prema modelu prediktivnog kodiranja, kao suvremenog oblika zagovaranja penetrabilnosti vida, mozak stalno generira predikcije koje olakšavaju i usmjeravaju procesiranje osjetnih informacija i posljedično mijenjaju ono što vidimo. U novije vrijeme mnoga bihevioralna i neuroznanstvena istraživanja pokazuju da se vid doista mijenja pod utjecajem nauče...
Selektivni mutizam (SM) rijedak je anksiozni poremećaj, obilježen odsutnošću govora u socijalnim situacijama u kojima se od osobe očekuje da govori, čak i kada ona može govoriti u drugim situacijama. Cilj ovoga rada bio je: ispitati obilježja neverbalne komunikacije djece predškolske i rane školske dobi koja imaju selektivni mutizam, utvrditi i opisati koja su obilježja zajednička djeci sa selektivnim mutizmom i onoj s poremećajem iz spektra autizma (PSA) u situaciji ispitivanja. Osim toga, cilj rada bio je: odrediti razlikovna obilježja djece sa selektivnim mutizmom i one s poremećajem iz spektra autizma u ispitnoj situaciji, radi dobivanja smjernica za lakši postupak dijagnosticiranja selektivnog mutizma. Obilježja neverbalne komunikacije ispitana su Opservacijskim protokolom za dijagnostiku autizma (ADOS-2; Lord i sur., 2012), a u istraživanju je sudjelovalo sedam djevojčica u dobi od 5 do 10 godina. Rezultati pokazuju kako je većina djece sa selektivnim mutizmom imala minimalan ...
U radu se utvrđuju utjecaji antičkih pjesnika na prijevod Homerova epa Odiseje iz pera hrvatskog isusovca Bernarda Džamanjića, nastao krajem 18. st. Sažeto je prikazan kontekst u kojem Džamanjić stvara te mjesto ovog prijevoda u njegovom opusu. Uz pomoć zbirki tekstova CroALa, Musisque Deoque i Poeti d'Italia pokušale smo utvrditi prisutnost citata iz djela antičkih autora u tekstovima, te odrediti koji su antički pisci izvršili najveći utjecaj na Džamanjića u oblikovanju latinskih stihova, pri čemu je kao glavni izvor služila zbirka Musisque Deoque, dok su CroALa i Poeti d'Italia služile za dodatnu provjeru izvora. S obzirom na isusovačko obrazovanje i rimski neoklasicistički krug u kojem se kretao, u Džamanjićevu prijevodu Homera očekivan je utjecaj rimske epike, ponajprije Vergilija.
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