Actitudes hacia la Matemática

2008, Sapiens


Attitudes toward Mathematics This article offers a series of considerations in relation to the attitudes towards the mathematical, including particularitities on the process of teaching-learning-evaluation of the Mathematical. It reviews its components, including its basic factors, and it stands out that the attitudes comprise of the subjective knowledge of the subjects, they delineate and they are delineated by its behaviors, they differ based on the atmosphere where it develops them or they learn and they are important for when the decisions are analyzed that are taken in the classroom from mathematical and for when worries to describe, to understand or to explain the success or the failure of the actors protagonists of which she occurs in the classroom of Mathematical. From which one becomes necessary to take them in account, based on the context, for when it is wanted to improve the productions, constructions and performances of the participant subjects of the Edumáticos Encounter. In relation to the aversion that still exists towards her and with the failure of the actor's protagonists of that encounter, one has been that it can be due to the belief that the Mathematical is difficult, boring and complex, or to other beliefs, conceptions, opinions, feelings or emotions that comprise of the affective domain.