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Corr, 2009
PDF/A is defined by ISO 19005-1 as a file format based on PDF format. The standard provides a mechanism for representing electronic documents in a way that preserves their visual appearance over time, independent of the tools and systems used for creating or storing the files.
New Developments in Digital Libraries, 2001
There is a lack of durable thinking on digital longevity. For this we require cross-domain communication and acceptation of standardized concepts, procedures, document formats and IT-tools. Four kinds of standards are required for preservation of digital documents over an indefinite period of time: standards for the architecture, document format standards for preservation, metadata standards for preservation of the access and
s Papers RECENT DOCUMENT DATING: AN APPROACH USING RADIOCARBON TECHNIQUES D. Zavattaro , G. Quarta (2) , M. D’Elia, L. Calcagnile (1) Raggruppamento Carabinieri Investigazioni Scientifiche, Roma, Italy (2) CEDAD, Department of Engineering of Innovation, University of Lecce, Italy
Este artigo realiza uma reflexão abrangente sobre as políticas de preservação digital para documentos arquivísticos, com ênfase na manutenção da fidedignidade e na garantia de acesso em longo prazo. Desta forma, são perpassados os seguintes aspectos: a evolução das tecnologias da informação; o advento do documento digital; o uso de padrões abertos; o uso de metadados; os custos relacionados; a segurança; e o planejamento da preservação em longo prazo. A metodologia consiste no levantamento bibliográfico-documental, composto por materiais previamente publicados, dentre eles: livros, teses, dissertações, textos em sites da Internet e artigos em periódicos científicos indexados no Google Scholar. Constitui uma revisão de literatura, que aborda principalmente trabalhos contemporâneos, publicados nos últimos quinze anos, período em que as discussões sobre a preservação digital se acentuaram. Desta forma, os dados coletados são processados através da análise qualitativa, e posteriormente, estruturados em seções temáticas, que apontam os principais entraves teóricos. Digital preservation policies for archival documents Abstract This article presents a comprehensive reflection on digital preservation policies for archival documents, with emphasis on maintaining the reliability and guaranteed access in long-term. Thus, the following aspects are covered: the development of information technologies; the advent of digital document; the use of open standards; the use of metadata; related costs; the security; and planning of preservation in long-term. The methodology consists of search bibliographic and documentary, composed of previously published material, including: books, theses, dissertations, texts on Internet sites and articles in scientific journals indexed in Google Scholar. It is a literature review, which mainly addresses contemporary works published in the last fifteen years, period when discussions on digital preservation have widened. Thus, the collected data is processed by qualitative analysis and subsequently structured in thematic sections that link the main theoretical barriers.
Die Deutsche Nationalbibliothek verzeichnet diese Publikation in der Deutschen Nationalbibliografie; detaillierte bibliografische Daten sind im Internet über abrufbar.
The papers fixate on how to preservation of information which is available in digital form and in the printed form, we also discussion on different methods & procedures involved in converting printed form of documents in to a digital form for preservation.
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Proceedings of the 2004 ACM symposium on Document engineering - DocEng '04, 2004
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