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This paper provides a comprehensive overview of current insights and literature informing the Knowledge Management Critical Capability (KM CC) within the digital business context. Highlighting the necessity for organizations to adapt their KM practices in the face of digital transformation, it emphasizes the importance of managing knowledge effectively to enhance decision-making. Furthermore, it discusses the evolving relationship between knowledge management and information technology, advocating for an integrated approach that leverages advanced technologies to facilitate knowledge sharing and collaboration.
Knowledge Management (KM) has become one of the most discussed issues amongst academics and practitioners working in the information systems arena. The source of knowledge, the dissemination of knowledge, and the motives of the knowledge provider and knowledge seeker have received less attention in the literature than their significance warrants, both in terms of practical outcomes and in terms of ethical issues. This paper sets out to re-examine some of the foundations of Knowledge Management, to show that much of the current discussion -including by those who are critical of the conceptual basis of KM -neglects or underplays some otherwise well known aspects of the topic. The paper points to the more manipulative processes which characterise the darker side of KM. Why is it even necessary to explore the ethical dimension of KM? There exists shades of desirable and undesirable directions of the experience of KM, processes in need of a critical awareness. We cannot assume that however knowledge is interpreted, facilitated, conceptualised, or experienced, that KM processes will always have a desirable outcome. The first section examines the multidisciplinary foundations of Knowledge Management.The second section discusses 'relationship guidelines' for engaging with KM in organizations. The concluding part examines the issues raised from the previous discussion and relates these to the theme of ethics. The paper concludes that if the study of KM is to have an enduring future it must take a more holistic stance and recognise that its antecedents come from many more disciplines than those which are cited in its literature.
The content of the essay can be considered as divided into three parts. The first part refers to the key issues around the concept of knowledge and KM, and the second part refers to the topic around the relationship among KM, KMS and IT. The final part refers to the empirical applications of KM in PBOs. This essay will firstly discuss the basic definition of knowledge and KM, and then focuses on the important features of KM, the basic process of KM, some criticisms about KM, the concept of KMS, relationship between IT and KM, some disadvantages of using KMS and adopting IT into KMS. Then the essay will focus on some empirical applications of using KM strategies in the construction industry and in consulting firms. This essay has analysed and concluded some important arguments. The concept of Knowledge can be regarded as the learning process of master new skills or understanding of new ideas. When referring to corporate firms, knowledge is close related to business practice and inventories. KM is used by firms to gain profits based on the approach of sharing knowledge effectively. The basic features of KM can help us to further understand the concept of KM. The first feature, which is strategy, is mainly based on the effective application of intellectual capital within the firm, and the second characteristic, which is culture, is mainly about workforce diversity that also related to equal pay issues. The third feature organizational learning refers to the exploitation and exploration of corporate knowledge. The first step of KM process, which is the knowledge creation theory, is closely associated with tacit and explicit knowledge and knowledge storage is based on organizational memory. The unsuccessful management of corporate culture is the main reason for the fails of western firms that use KM theories. The concept ‘KMS’ can be defined in terms of technological aspects or business strategies aspects. KMS can be a good platform for firms to integrate human capitals, technological software and corporate resources in order to gain profits. IT plays a significant role in KM since it relates to the search, the presentation, the integration, the transform, the communication and administration of knowledge. However, firms should carefully identify the target users and specific aims for using their KMS, and their employees’ learning behaviours. Consulting companies apply different KM strategies that based on two main different knowledge types: codified and personalized knowledge. Specific strategies for these firms have close relationship with filed include economic models of corporations, IT systems and human resource management.
Long Range Planning, 1997
Knowledge can be seen as a key source of advantage. Its importance has been recognized for a long time. Some scholars have realized that information can create wealth. What is happening today is that there has been a qualitative change in the way in which vast amounts of data can be collected and communicated. The risk is of information overload. To help avoid this, a discipline is needed which can distinguish between data and knowledge, can find ways to reduce the overload and can organize itself.
Knowledge management (KM) is going through a challenging time. Interest in knowledge management in the corporate world is waning across the board. According to a major consulting firm, for the first time since its inception as an important management tool in early 1990s KM has fallen out of management's priority list this year. It is one more reason why a number of academics are questioning the viability of KM as a worthy concept and its right to be an academic discipline. There are multiple issues that have facilitated the growing ambiguity around the concept. First, ever since the concept emerged, some members of KM community have opposed the name knowledge management. According to this group, this moniker is a misnomer and an oxymoron. They consider that knowledge cannot be managed hence the name does not make any sense. Their rational is as, often, subject name embodies and exemplifies what the subject is about it creates considerable opacity in the understanding of the true nature of the notion. Second, the concept of knowledge management evolved from the idea of information technology management. Technology is a key enabler and a pillar of knowledge management. However, undue focus on technology in the early stage of knowledge management has, in many cases, brought dubious results putting a damper on the enthusiastic sprouting of knowledge management use. Third, lack of proper theoretical and philosophical foundation bifurcated the concept in two ideologies: subjectivist and objectivist. Each of these views propagates its strategy and focuses on different priorities. Recent studies show that the KM initiative based on just one of the two strategies does not always produce desired outcome. Fourth, in today's evolving market, management concerns and needs are changing rapidly. Because of the superficial constraint internally imposed by KM as a discipline, it is failing to engulf new adjacent concepts as they emerge. Big data, for example, is a case in point. Grounding on the ideas taken from previously emerged new disciplines the author argues that the concept of knowledge management should be augmented and renamed as "Knowledge Science." The domain of the new discipline, the paper suggests, should encompass all aspects of knowledge not just management of knowledge activities.
International Journal of Research in Economics & Social Sciences, 2012
In the industry era, organizations improved their efficiency, effectiveness through automating manual labour and reducing redundancy. In this Information era, success depends critically on the quality and effective management of knowledge which becomes the life blood of an organization. Knowledge has been described as information combined with experience, context, interpretation and reflection. Given the importance of such an asset, it is not surprising that organizations everywhere are paying attention to knowledge exploring what it is and how to create, transfer and use it more effectively. Knowledge Management (KM) has blossomed into a strategically important area for most organizations to gain competitive advantage. The knowledge-based perspective of the firm (Cole,1998) postulate that knowledge assets produce long-term benefits such as competitive advantage and sustainability in the face of a fluctuating economic climate. According to Gartner report, from 2006 to 2010 organizations will continue to invest in KM as one of the critical competencies in high-performance workplace (HPW) initiatives. A survey by Reuters found that 90 per cent of companies that deploy a Knowledge Management (KM) solution benefit from better decision-making, while 81 per cent say they notice increased productivity. It is found that, while 26 per cent of knowledge in the average organization is stored on paper and 20 per cent digitally, an astonishing 42 per cent is stored in employees' heads.This paper discusses how to manage knowledge effectively. In its introduction part, it gives light on the difference between data, information and knowledge. The paper gives light on 4 C’s framework of knowledge management. It concludes with suggesting road map for managing the knowledge effectively by identifying key success factors for knowledge Management.
Series on Innovation and Knowledge Management, 2005
TULSSAA Journal, 2007
Knowledge management is a new concept in Library and Information science. Knowledge is considered as a rich asset these days. The dictionary defines knowledge as the facts, feelings or experiences known by a person or a group of people. Knowledge Management as a new branch of management for achieving breakthrough in business performance through the synergy of people, processes, and technology, its focus is on the management of change, uncertainty, and complexity. K. Navalani said "Knowledge Management caters to the critical issues of organizational adaptation, survival, and competence in face of increasingly discontinuous environmental change.... Essentially, it embodies organizational processes that seek synergistic combination of data and information processing capacity of information technologies, and the creative and innovative capacity of human beings." Information can be considered as a message. It typically has a sender and a receiver. Information is the sort of stuff that can, at least potentially, be saved onto a computer. Data is a type of information that is structured, but has not been interpreted. Knowledge might be described as information that has a use or purpose. Whereas information can be placed onto a computer, knowledge exists in the heads of people. Knowledge is information to which an intent has been attached. In the eighteenth century Dr.Samuel Johnson (1709-84) wrote 'Knowledge is of two kinds. We know a subject ourselves or we know where we can find information upon it'. In the new millennium, however, it is apparent knowledge management is emerging as a dominant force in the overall strategy of organizational management. In July 1999 Tony Blair, the British Prime Minister said, "The knowledge economy is the economy of the future". In knowledge economies, knowledge, expertise and innovation rather than land and machinery are the primary assets of an organization. Such assets must be effectively managed. Knowledge Management caters to the critical issues of organizational adaptation, survival, and competence in face of increasingly discontinuous environmental change. Essentially, it embodies organizational processes that seek synergistic combination of data and information processing capacity of information technologies, and the creative and innovative capacity of human beings. Clearly the goal of knowledge management has sustained individual and business performance through ongoing learning, unlearning, and adaptation. Technologies of computing have inherent limitations. They have difficulty in generating meaningful insights from data as they can't question or re-interpret their programmed logic and assumptions. Given inherent limitations of the technologies of computing, human users of such systems have at least an equally important role in knowledge management. Knowledge management is a part of the continuous business improvement process. It relates to the way an organization works and develops. It recognizes corporate capability and enables skills, knowledge and processes of the organization to be used effectively and creatively to improve business performance. It is more useful to consider
Current Issues in Knowledge Management
This short chapter explores other motivations for organizations to implement KM. These motivations include obsolescence/innovation (these two go together as innovation leads to obsolescence), work process evolution, and persistence of knowledge. The goal of this discussion is to provide a basis for all organizations to justify KM initiatives that are not just event-based.
Knowledge constitutes a wide and complex matter which has provided a definition for the epistemological dispute in the philosophy of the West since the times of the classical Greek era. Nonetheless, in the recent years, great interest has occurred in approaching knowledge as an important organizational resource. The increased interest in organizational knowledge and knowledge management originates from the conversion into the area of knowledge economy, in which it is perceived as the primary source of the creation of value and sustainable competitive advantage. Knowledge Management (KM) constitutes an integral part of the business world in contemporary times. This can be seen at a time of analyzing the modern literature of business, management, technology as well as organization. This worker views and interprets KM literature in enterprises. The main aim of the research is to summarize literature on the subject of Knowledge Management (KM) and to get the sense of the primary concept...
Over the last twelve months Knowledge Management (KM) has become the latest hot topic in the business world. There has been a phenomenal growth in interest and activity, as seen in many new publications, conferences, IT products, and job advertisements. Various professional groups, notably HR professionals, IT specialists, and librarians, are staking their claims, seeing KM as an opportunity to move centre stage. People often used to describe librarianship as the organization of recorded knowledge, so perhaps our time has come. KM does not seem to have been had much impact on the higher education sector so far, but there is some evidence of involvement of the Universities and Publishers undertaking research on KM initiatives; IGNOU, IIT's, IIM's, DRTC, CRRID and some other organizations are part of a Knowledge Management Consortium. Confusion arises over what KM is, and what it involves. Some people view it as just an up-market label for information management, and therefore something our profession should naturally embrace. Others see KM as a useful term to signal the more complex work involved in organizing access to networked information resources, and thus equate it with subject gateways. Cynics dismiss KM as the latest management fad-yet another effort by management consultants and IT vendors to sell their 'solutions' to desperate business people, who ought to know better. These are all fair comment up to a point, not least because there is still quite a gap between KM theory and KM practice. There are numerous definitions of KM-to be found at conferences, in print, and on the Web. The following are a representative sample, beginning with one of the most widely cited, "...a discipline that promotes an integrated approach to identifying, managing and sharing all of an enterprise's information assets. These information assets may include databases, documents, policies and procedures, as well as previously unarticulated expertise and experience resident in individual workers." (Gartner Group Inc, October 1996) "Knowledge management is the explicit and systematic management of vital knowledge and its associated processes of creating, gathering, organizing, diffusion, use and exploitation. It requires turning personal knowledge into corporate knowledge that can be widely shared throughout an organization and appropriately applied." Davenport and Prusak distinguish 'knowledge' from 'information', and information from 'data', on the basis of value-adding processes which transform raw material (for example, transaction records) into
Australian Journal of Business and Management …, 2012
Knowledge management is a process that helps organizations to find important information, select, organize and publish them; and it's a proficiency that will be necessary for actions like solving problems, dynamic learning, decision making. Knowledge management can improve a wide range of organization performance properties by enabling company to more intelligent performance, but it's not enough alone; because knowledge management to be useful needs undertaking staff to organization and their job, that accept the knowledge management process with spirit and heart and perform it (Wiig, 1999:14).
Desidoc Journal of Library Information Technology, 2003
ABSTRACT Knowledge management describes the way in which organisations are attempting to capture, enhance, and use the knowledge necessary for their survival. In this paper, the author discusses about concept of knowledge management, contribution of ...
Although much has been written on knowledge management (KM), the learning organisation and intellectual capital (IC), little, if any has been written about the relationship and correlation between KM and intellectual capital management. The challenge seems to be to provide integrated guidelines on how organisations can use both KM and IC for the formulating of a comprehensive intellectual capital management approach (CICM). The exceptional growth of information in the knowledge economy focuses attention on the importance of managing knowledge in organisations. These organisations are referred to as the so-called learning organisations. These are organisations that recognise the value of knowledge within the organisations Although there is a general consensus that the knowledge society and the knowledge economy has arrived, and that knowledge is a key business asset, organisations are still in the early stages of understanding the implications of knowledge management and intellectual capital. The rise of the “new economy” that is principally driven by information and knowledge, can be attributed to the increased prominence of intellectual capital (IC) in organisations. Intellectual capital features prominently in recent economic, managerial, technological and sociological developments in a manner previously unknown and largely unforseen. Although there are many similarities between KM and intellectual capital (IC), these concepts are not the same. KM relates to the creation of value, the gathering of ideas, the measuring of employee brainpower, and the conversion of taught knowledge into explicit knowledge that the organisation can codify and transfer. IC relates to the maximization of value. This achieved through the licensing of knowhow, patents, trademarks, and the use of intellectual capital to gain a competitive advantage. Further uses are to enter new markets, establish strategic alliances, and generate revenue. The proponents of the KM and IC approaches identify the benefits of each of these management approaches, but fail to see the connection or the interaction between KM and IC. It is possible in some industries that one approach may seem more important than the other. Nonetheless, for any organisation to succeed in the knowledge economy, it is essential to adopt both KM and IC approaches to some extent, as each deals with complementary strategic needs. What some organisations fail to see is that KM and IC are essential components for the total management of an organisation’s intellectual asset management. The question can now be asked: What can be done to ensure a successful relationship and effective correlation between knowledge management and intellectual capital in the organisation? This question will be answered with this paper.
Knowledge and Business Process Management, 2003
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