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2014, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters
We propose two novel designs of compact, linear, and all-optical OR and AND logic gates based on photonic crystal architecture. The proposed devices are formed by the combination of the ring cavities and Y-shape line defect coupler placed between two waveguides. The performance of the proposed logic gates has been analyzed and investigated using finite difference time domain method. The suggested design for AND gate offers ON to OFF logic level contrast ratio of not less than 6 dB and the suggested design for OR gate offers transmitted power of not less than 0.5. On top of that, the proposed OR and AND logic gates can operate at bit rates of around 0.5 and 0.208 Tb/s, respectively. Further, the calculated fabrication tolerances of the suggested devices show that the rods radii of the ring cavities need to be controlled with no more than ±10% and ±3% fabrication errors for optical OR and AND gates, respectively. It is expected that such designs have the potential to be key components for future photonic integrated circuits due to their simplicity and small size.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2012
We have designed AND, NOT, and NOR logic gates based on photonic crystal structure employing cross-waveguide geometry with nonlinear rods using finite difference time domain (FDTD) method. The logical function is based on the frequency resonance shift of the microcavity caused by Kerr nonlinearity. The proposed devices benefit a simple and small structure, and clear operating principle.
An optimized all-optical "NAND" logic gate is studied analytically. The particular characteristic of this logic gate is that it is based on photonic crystals, it consists of a resonator coupled with two waveguides on a silicon substrate. The operating wavelength is equal to 1.55µm which represents the telecommunication wavelength, the switching power of the optical logic gate studied is 1.693 kw /µm2 its response is independent of the response of the resonator when the power intensity of the optical waves is lower than the resonance wavelength, the light will be coupled in the waveguides, in the opposite case the light propagates in the waveguide of the bus.
Optical logic gates are key elements of optical network. This paper reviews different types of All Optical logic gates, various methods and materials used for construction of logic gates using photonic crystal (PhCs), discusses their novel properties, and reports recent advances in PhC components. We present a study of various structures used for construction of optical gates and methods used for construction like finite difference time domain and beam propagation method adapted by various researchers. By analyzing these comparisons we conclude that using 2-D PhC and finite difference time domain method we can improve the performance and reduce the size of optical logic gates.
International Journal of Electronics and Telecommunications, 2021
The research carried out in the field of optics and photonics with an idea to design and develop the all optical logic devices in the fascinating material known as photonic crystals (PhCs). The structural investigation reveals that the two dimensional (2-D) PhCs is more suitable for fabrication of optoelectronic components. In this article we have designed basic logic gates in 2-D PhCs as they are the building blocks for the construction of optical devices and in these, refractive index is periodically modulated with the wavelength. The understanding of light behaviour in complex PhCs helps in creating photonic band gap (PBG) that can prevent light of certain wavelength propagating in crystal lattice structure. For the selected geometry structure, three PBG bands will exists out of which two of them are transverse electric (TE) and one is transverse magnetic (TM) mode. The PBG bands in the TE mode ranges from 0.31(a λ) to 0.46(a λ), 0.61(a λ) to 0.63(a λ) and TM mode ranges from 0.86(a λ) to 0.93(a λ). The free space wavelength of 1550 nm is set for the finite difference time domain (FDTD) simulation of the structure. The response time and computational overhead required for the proposed OR gate is 0.128ps and 4.4MB is obtained. Also we calculated the extinction ratio for AND gate and NOT gate as 6.19 dB and 10.21 dB respectively.
Background and Objectives: Recently, photonic crystals have been considered as the basic structures for the realization of various optical devices for high speed optical communication. Methods: In this research, two dimensional photonic crystals are used for designing all optical logic gates. A photonic crystal structure with a triangular lattice is proposed for making NAND, XNOR, and OR optical logic gates. Using the structure as the intended logic gate is possible without the need to change the structure through the use of the phase difference at the inputs. Line and point defects have been used to propagate light from inputs to output. The logical values "0" and "1", are defined based on the amount of transferred optical power to the output. Results: The simple structure and the use of line and point defects, instead of ring resonators, reduce the complexity of the design and its use in optical logic integrated circuits. Another advantage of proposed structure, in comparison to the previous structures is the reduction in delay time that increases its speed. The maximum delay time of the proposed optical NAND, XNOR, and OR gates is about 0.1ps. Conclusion: In this study, one structure is suggested for realizing NAND, XNOR, and OR logic gates. This structure has a small size and low delay time, and is suitable for use in optical integrated circuits.
This paper deals with the compact and high speed OR logic gate design in 2D photonic crystals with size of 77 µm 2 . To realize this, silicon rod based triangular lattice photonic crystal structure with refractive index 3.4, lattice constant 540nm and rod radius 100 nm is considered. Constructive beam interference effect plays a vital role in OR logic operation of the structure. The band analysis and the transmittance characteristics are analyzed using plane wave expansion and finite difference in time domain methods respectively. Photonic logic with high speed and compact structure offers the building block of future photonic integrated circuits.
IRJET, 2020
In this paper, an all-optical logic gates like AND, OR and XOR gates is proposed using two-dimensional photonic crystals. The structure is based on principle of beam-interference, using square lattice of plus-shaped waveguides with silicon dielectric rods in air background. The design size is as small as 13a × 13a which makes very compact and efficient, therefore proposed design is suitable for photonic integrated devices. The performance of the device is analyzed using finite-difference-time-domain (FDTD) method.
International Journal of Computer Applications, 2014
In this paper, we present the design of All-optical OR logic gate based on 2-D (two dimension) photonic crystals. To realize this, we consider the photonic crystals (PCs) with a square lattice of dielectric rods (refractive index=3.40). These rods are surrounded by air (refractive index=1).First we design the structure using the Finite Difference Time Domain (FDTD) method and in second step, we compute the band gap by plane wave expansion (PWE) method. These methods are kept to analyze the behavior of the structure. Band gap width is 0.2516 and normalized central frequency of band gap is 0.6451. Overall size of the logic gate designed is 13µm * 8µm i.e. 104 µm 2 with the lattice constant 540 nm.
Optics Express, 2011
We demonstrate an ultracompact, chip-based, all-optical exclusive-OR (XOR) logic gate via slow-light enhanced four-wave mixing (FWM) in a silicon photonic crystal waveguide (PhCWG). We achieve error-free operation (<10 −9 ) for 40 Gbit/s differential phase-shift keying (DPSK) signals with a 2.8 dB power penalty. Slowing the light to v g = c/32 enables a FWM conversion efficiency, η, of -30 dB for a 396 μm device. The nonlinear FWM process is enhanced by 20 dB compared to a relatively fast mode of v g = c/5. The XOR operation requires ≈ 41 mW, corresponding to a switching energy of 1 pJ/bit. We compare the slow-light PhCWG device performance with experimentally demonstrated XOR DPSK logic gates in other platforms and discuss scaling the device operation to higher bit-rates. The ultracompact structure suggests the potential for device integration.
In this article, photonic crystal (PhC) based all-optical logic gates, namely AND, OR and EX-OR have been explored and their characteristics are reported. Two-dimensional (2D) PhC based logic gates are proposed using a hexagonal lattice with T-shaped structure by incorporating line defects. The total size of the device is 84 µm 2 and it operates at a wavelength of 1550 nm (C band). The designed optical logic gates are investigated using 2D finite difference time domain simulators by means of the plane wave expansion method. Parameters, such as response time and contrast ratio of the designed all-optic logic gates, are analyzed. The proposed AND, OR and EX-OR logic gates offer a contrast ratio of 14.48 dB, 14.57 dB and 12.9 dB respectively with, in order, response times of 0.159 ps, 0.168 ps and 0.1672 ps. The designed logic gates work in the third optical window as they are operating at the 1550 nm wavelength. To specify the performance of the proposed logic gates, their field distribution has been determined and is exhibited. The designed logic gates are suitable for use in photonic integrated circuits, all optical computing and optical sensing applications.
Optical and Quantum Electronics, 2015
In this paper, a nonlinear photonic crystal structure is proposed in order to implement all-optical NOT and OR logic gates. The proposed structure includes combiners and limiters. The limiters are designed using ring resonator. Also, the combiners are optimized with changing the radius of rods near the crosspoint of waveguides in order to enhance the performance of structure. Nonlinear rods of proposed structure are made of silicon nanocrystal which has been used in order to create the frequency shift for different values of input power. Plane wave expansion and finite difference time domain methods have been utilized to simulate the performance of proposed logic gate. Simulation results show that the ON-OFF logic-level extinction ratio and bit rate are-18.7 dB and 333 Gbit/s, respectively.
Photonic Crystals - Introduction, Applications and Theory, 2012
All-optical NOT logic gate is a basic element in all-optical signal processing and optical telecommunication systems. This logic gate is used to increase processing speed and data transmission [1]. All-optical logic gates based on fiber have difficulty in chip scale integration, and optical logic gates based on waveguide interferometers have a complicated structural arrangement. Moreover, the performance of logic gates with a micro resonator structure and semiconductor optical amplifiers are limited to moment emission noise [2]. Photonic crystals (PC) are a new class of dielectric materials proposed by Yablonovitch and John which can be used in making photonic integration devices with dimensions equal to a wavelength [3]. Presence of photonic crystals (PC) in the design of all-optical logic gates leads to a high potential in compression and reduction of the size of ultra-fast switching devices as well as reduction in power consumption [4].Photonic crystals transmit or reflect light ...
Majlesi Journal of Electrical Engineering, 2015
We have proposed an all-optical switch for logic gates application using two-dimensional Photonic Crystal (PC) waveguide based on phase difference between incident beams that is created by point defect. A PC with triangular lattice made using Si dielectric rods in the air is used as the main structure of the device. Our proposed devices are XOR and OR logic gates. We have shown if initial phase difference between two inputs is π then they interfere destructively to realize the logical functions. This optical gate has many advantages than electrical logic gates such as low power consumption, high speed about light velocity and simple structure. This device is applicable in frequency range 0.44-0.46 (a/λ), but we use frequency a/λ=0.452 for low dispersion and set the lambda to 1.55 µm. The plane wave expansion method (PWE) is used to photonic band gap (PBG) calculation, and finite-difference time-domain method (FDTD) is used to compute the electrical field distribution in the photonic ...
Optik, 2018
In this study, all-optical logic gate with multifunctional performance have been designed in two-dimensional coupled photonic crystal waveguides (CPCWs) employing modulation of the refractive index in the coupling region. A two dimensional finite-difference time domain (2D-FDTD) was employed in our numerical simulations. It is shown that by switching the optical signal to different input waveguide ports, the proposed device can function as AND, OR, NOR and NOT gates operating at many or single wavelength. Our simulation results show that the optimized devices have very good transmission efficiencies, a broad frequency range and the contrast ratios between the output ports reveal a satisfactory level. Our results not only provide a simple on chip platform for next generation logic optical circuits, but also open up the possibility for the realization of ultrahigh speed signal processing, and future photonic crystal based all-optical integrated circuits.
Applied Optics, 2012
An optical logic NOT gate (OLNG) is presented based on photonic crystal (PhC) waveguides without nonlinear materials and optical amplifiers. Also, a way of determining the operating parameters is presented. It is demonstrated through finite-difference time-domain simulations that the structure presented can operate as an OLNG. The optimized contrast ratio, defined as the logic-"1" output power divided by the logic-"0" output power, is found to be 297.07 or 24.73 dB. The size of the OLNG can be as small as 7a × 7a, where a is the lattice constant of the PhC. Further, the OLNG presented in this paper can operate at a bit rate as high as 2.155 Tbit∕s, which is much higher than that of electronic or optical logic gates developed until now. Moreover, as it is not based on the nonlinear effect, the OLNG can operate at very low powers and a relatively large operating bandwidth. This is favorable for large-scale optical integration and for developing multiwavelength parallel-processing optical logic systems.
Background and Objectives: Universal NOR gate is one of the most important gates in digital design. The all-optical NOR gate can be designed using photonic crystals. These types of gates have a small size and can be integrated. Methods: In this paper, an optical NOR gate is designed based on 2D photonic crystals. A square lattice has been used to design this structure. This logic gate has two main inputs, a bias input and an output. Because the output of the NOR gate must be "1" for zero inputs, a bias input is required. A combination of linear and point defects has also been used to create waveguides. Results: One of the characteristics of this structure is its small size for use in optical integrated circuits. The use of a small number and simple point defects makes the design of this gate easier. The obtained delay time for this gate is 0.06ps. Due to these features, this gate can be used in high-speed optical integrated circuits. Conclusion: In this paper, an all-optical NOR logic gate is designed and simulated using photonic crystals. The use of a small number of point defects has reduced the delay time of this gate. The proposed NOR gate can be used in high-speed optical integrated circuits.
Optical and Quantum Electronics, 2023
In this paper, two dimensional photonic crystal, based eight-channel demultiplexer is proposed and designed for DWDM applications. The performance parameters of the demultiplexer such as transmission efficiency, channel spacing, spectral line width, Q factor, and crosstalk have been evaluated. The proposed demultiplexer comprises of bus waveguide, drop waveguide and parellogram resonant cavity (PRC). The bus waveguide transmits light to the PRC and exits through respective drop waveguide. The PRC consists of a parellogram resonator with a nano ring cavity that is used for dropping eight specific wavelength for ITU-T G 694.1 standard with 50 GHz channel spacing. The circular ring resonator is placed above the PRC wherein a resonant air hole (Cr) is positioned for desired channel selection. The channel selection is done by altering the radius of the air hole. In addition, a conjugate radiant neural network is implemented for optimizing the radii of resonant air holes to select the required channel wavelength. The proposed device is very compact and it could be considered for implementing the photonic integrated circuits.
Optical and Quantum Electronics, 2014
All-optical logic gate with multifunctional performance have been designed theoretically in a two-dimensional photonic crystal waveguide (PCW) structure using multimode interference principle. A two dimensional finite-difference time domain (2D-FDTD) was employed in our numerical simulations. It is shown that by switching the optical signal to different input waveguide ports, the proposed device can function as XOR, OR, NOR and NOT gates simultaneously or individually. It is also shown that by a combination of photonic band gap and total internal reflection effects in PCWs, the device can operate for both, transverse electric (TE) and transverse magnetic (TM) polarizations. Our simulation results show that the optimized devices have very good transmission efficiencies, a broad frequency range and the contrast ratio are extending to high than 21 dB for TE and 17 dB for TM polarization. The total width and length of the devise are 2.16 and 8.20 µm respectively achieving miniaturization. It is a kind of promising device for next generation logic optical circuits, ultrahigh speed signal processing, and future photonic crystal based all-optical integrated circuits. Keywords Photonic band gap (PBG) • Total internal reflection (TIR) • Finite difference time domain (FDTD) • All-optical logic gates • Multimode interference (MMI)
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