Maria, un dato fondamentale per il “pensare” cristiano e francescano


The article intends to give a panoramic view of the recent history of mariology in gen-eral and of the marian roots of Franciscan theology. Vatican II has been, in fact, a deci-sive turning-point for the renewal of studies on the mystery of the Virgin, offering new methodological guidelines in order that it may depart from manualistic confinement and enter as an interdiscipline within the one knowledge of Catholic theology. The history of mariology has also put into light the important contribution made by the "Franciscan mariological school", which enhanced and defended the two last marian dogmas: the Immaculate Conception and the Assumption. This study proposes to demonstrate that the Franciscan Order, from the very origins of its foundation, has adopted even in our times a mariological trend, which, apart from being a fundamental part of the charism of St Francis, has also conditioned the theological process of the Church and, for this rea-son, has every right to be considered even now a living science and worthy to be stud-ied.