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INTRODUCTION: In this work, we present a literature review about palliative care, from a perspective of the principles and values that underlie it. Palliative Care (PC) is an approach that promotes the quality of life of patients and family members, who face illnesses that threaten the continuity of life, through prevention and relief of suffering. METHODOLOGY: This is a literature review, of a narrative type, which aims to describe palliative care and its principles and values, from a theoretical point of view, through materials that have already been published on the topic in question, through analysis and interpretation of literature. The inclusion criteria were: articles in Portuguese and English; published between 2019 and 2024 and which addressed the themes proposed for this research, review-type studies made available in full. The need to expand services dedicated to palliative care is discussed. RESULT AND DISCUSSION: Palliative care requires the early identification, assessment and treatment of pain and other problems of a physical, psychosocial and spiritual nature. This work seeks to identify and address the principles and values of palliative care, contributing to the study, deepening and dissemination of this topic in academia, professionals and society in general. CONCLUSION: The propagation of the subject contributes to the debate within the scope of public health policies and assists in the process of training and training professionals to act with competence and respect for human dignity until the last moments of sick people's lives.
International Journal of Health Science, 2024
In this work, we present a literature review about palliative care, from a perspective of the principles and values that underlie it. Palliative Care (PC) is an approach that promotes the quality of life of patients and family members, who face illnesses that threaten the continuity of life, through prevention and relief of suffering. METHODOLOGY: This is a literature review, of a narrative type, which aims to describe palliative care and its principles and values, from a theoretical point of view, through materials that have already been published on the topic in question, through analysis and interpretation of literature. The inclusion criteria were: articles in Portuguese and English; published between 2019 and 2024 and which addressed the themes proposed for this research, reviewtype studies made available in full. The need to expand services dedicated to palliative care is discussed. RESULT AND DISCUSSION: Palliative care requires the early identification, assessment and treatment of pain and other problems of a physical, psychosocial and spiritual nature. This work seeks to identify and address the principles and values of palliative care, contributing to the study, deepening and dissemination of this topic in academia, professionals and society in general. CONCLUSION: The propagation of the subject contributes to the debate within the scope of public health policies and assists in the process of training and training professionals to act with competence and respect for human dignity until the last moments of sick people's lives.
The general objective of this research is to know the perception of the nursing team on palliative care in oncology in a State Public Hospital in the city of Porto Velho-Rondônia. In order to understand the perception and experience of nursing staff in palliative care to patients in a Unity Medical Clinic I, I was chosen by a descriptive research with bibliographical research and field methods with prospective approach, supported by qualitative approach and subsidized by the phenomenology of Maurice Merleau-Ponty perception. The study results show nurses that come in palliative care take care of one action based on the need to offer comfort and control the physical pain of patients in terminal stage of life, promoting humanized care that integrates not only this patient but also his family, offering support during the difficult time in which both are going through. These professionals reveal feelings of powerlessness due to the inevitable prognosis of patients in the terminal phase. However, when watching this population, these students take care to cover the practical assistance and the quest to meet basic human needs of the patient. Based on the analysis of evidence obtained in the present study, it was possible to demonstrate the relevance of the research topic and the need to expand the knowledge with respect to palliative care, so that nursing and the whole multidisciplinary team of health to enjoy this and transforming rich medium therapy. Carla Cristina dos Santos et al.
Background: An integrated care network between emergency, specialized and primary care services can prevent repeated hospitalizations and the institutionalized death of terminally ill patients in palliative care (PC). To identify the perception of professionals in a pre-hospital care (PHC) service about the outcomes of the assistance provided to patients eligible for PC. Methods: Study with a qualitative approach, of interpretative nature, based on the perspective of Ricouer's Dialectical Hermeneutics. Results: Three central themes emerged out of the professionals' speeches: (1) unpreparedness of the team, (2) decision making, and (3) dysthanasia. Conclusions: It is necessary to invest in professional training associated with PC in the home context and its peculiarities, adopt a specific policy for PC that involves all levels of care, including PHC, and adopt a unified information system, as well as more effective procedures that favor the respect for the patients' will,...
Srpski Arhiv Za Celokupno Lekarstvo, 2023
Introduction In modern global times, the answer to the question of how to live well is palliative care. It is a type of care that is dedicated to creating circumstances in which the process of dying, and death itself, becomes a dignified and acceptable moment. The palliative approach is based on empathy, understanding, on preserving the dignity of the patient, on open two-way communication, as well as on caring for the patient's family. Objective This article comprises three aims. The first aim refers to introducing our professional milieu to the basic concepts and philosophy of palliative care. The second aim points out the importance of multidisciplinary and comprehensive care (physical, psycho-social, and spiritual) in palliative care in general. The third aim is to critically consider various obstacles and resistance that exists in our environment regarding the organization of palliative care, through the prism of various models of palliative care around the world, particularly in Europe and in the regional countries. To search the literature, we used the following databases: Web of Science, PubMed, SCIndeks, Google Scholar; by the following keywords: palliative care, neonatal palliative care, nursing, palliative pain, national palliative care program. We presented the analyzed data using a descriptive method. Conclusion If the right to palliative care is seen as a special human right, it can be concluded that our country lags significantly behind developed countries in this regard. Hence, the preoccupation of the author in this paper is the theoretical foundation of palliative care, with special emphasis on the multidisciplinary team. The purpose of this paper is to point out the connection between palliative care and the phenomenon of the quality of life, as something that is extremely important not only to each individual but to the society as a whole.
1.Introduction: changes in their epidemiological and demographic profiles, due to low mortality rates from infectious diseases, studies have signaled a rapid increase in the number of elderly people in Brazil. This process can be observed in developed and developing countries, which generates socioeconomic, cultural, demographic and epidemiological transformations. Unfortunately, in developing countries, this fact leads to social inequalities that require planning and public policies that focus on the elderly and their particularities, including the proximity of death and injuries that can lead to early finitude. 2- Objective: To understand the perceptions of the nursing team in the sector of Medical Clinic in Palliative Care with elderly people in finitude of a private hospital in the city of São Paulo that serves mostly elderly people. 3- Methodology - This was field research, exploratory and descriptive with a qualitative approach, which sought to describe palliative care for the elderly in their finitude and to understand the perceptions of the nursing team in the Internal Medicine sector in palliative care for the elderly. This study was carried out in a private hospital that provides services and assistance to the predominantly elderly population with different pathologies. It had the participation of 18 professionals who provide care to the hospitalized elderly, who agreed to participate in the study by signing the Free and Informed Consent Form (TCLE) and approval of CEP CAAE: 332959914.5.0000.5494. 4. Discussion -The transcription was carried out in the speech of the subjects using the words of significance in relation to the team's perception of palliative care through charts and diagrams, and later discussed in comparison to what the literature addresses in relation to the findings, through the analysis by Laurence Bardin.5. Conclusion - Through the results of this study, it was possible to describe and understand the actions and perceptions of the nursing team in the elderly in their finitude, the results of the research showed that the nursing team is not yet prepared to act in front of the elderly in a terminal phase, i.e. facing death.
Cadernos de Saúde Pública
In 2022, an important international report was published on the “value of death” not only in the field of health, but in relation to human societies in general. This report proposed to reimagine systems related to end of life in which death is understood not only as a physiological event but also as a relational and spiritual phenomenon with a value of its own and inseparable from life. It identifies the low priority given by most governments worldwide to the issue of alleviating suffering and supporting bereavement, evidenced by the low investment in palliative care. At the same time, we are witnessing in Brazil changes that threaten the feasibility of palliative care policies in primary health care. The denial of finitude within health systems is reflected in global indicators such as the quality of death index of The Economist magazine, in which Brazil ranks 42nd, the global atlas of palliative care of the World Hospice and Palliative Care Alliance, where Brazil is in level 3b, a...
Brazilian Journal of Anesthesiology (English Edition), 2014
Background and objectives: in Brazil, palliative care (PC) is not properly structured and that reality transforms this theme in a public health problem; therefore, initiatives become relevant in this context. This paper aims to share the experience that occurred in an oncology referral hospital in the State of Maranhão and present initiatives that helped in the development of PC Service. Experience report: the hospital had an outpatient Pain and PC Service, but without specialized beds. The terminally ill patients stayed in common wards, which caused much unrest. A sensitization process was initiated in the hospital through initiatives, such as a photo contest called Flashes of Life and a ward called Room of Dreams, designed in partnership with the architecture course at the Universidade Estadual do Maranhão. The process culminated in the granting of wards to the PC and in the commitment of the Foundation, sponsor of the hospital, to run the project. Conclusion: this experience was a reproducible local initiative for the establishment of PC in a cancer hospital. Local initiatives are valuable in Brazil because they favor a significant number of patients and show its effectiveness in practice to governments and society. To structure a PC service, it is essential to establish priorities that include the assignment of drugs for management of symptoms, humanization, multidisciplinarity, sensitization and education of professionals.
Palliative care (PC) must be evaluated as a need in the public health service, due to the increase in chronic non-communicable diseases (NCDs), which have a large increase in Primary Health Care (PHC) such as hypertension, diabetes, bedridden and among others. other health conditions. Objective: to analyze the knowledge of the Basic Health Unit Teams working in PHC, each one in their respective roles and basic training in approaching patients who are elected to Palliative Care and what are their difficulties in carrying it out. Methodology: This is a bibliographic review of articles from the last 5 years, carried out searches in the databases: Scielo, MedLine, LILACS, BDENF, Bvsalud. Used Boolean operators AND, finding 43 articles in Portuguese. Results and discussion: This is a topic that we believe is opportune for better understanding of professionals in relation to their roles and reflects the need to search for knowledge about care in addition to humanized care and gain mastery over Palliative Care in the practice of PHC. Conclusion: Continuing education in PHC on Palliative Care is necessary to be effective in its performance, having proven that it is the best time for the health care network to start PC.
International Archives of Medicine, 2017
Background: Chronic non-communicable diseases (CNCD) constitute a health problem of growing magnitude in Brazil, leading concerns, to the Ministry of Health (MOH), about the care of persons with chronic conditions (due to advanced diseases), multiple harms to health, convalescents and in need of long-term care, requiring continuous assistance, physical and functional rehabilitation. However, few data exist on the size of the population potentially in need of palliative care in Brazil. Aim: this study is to estimate the size of the Brazilian population that could benefit from palliative care across 26 federated states and the Federal District. Design: this is a cross-sectional study, using national death certificate and hospital admission data. Brazilian death registration and hospital admission data from 1st of January to 31st of December 2014 were analyzed and compared with estimation methods of Rosenwax and Murtagh. Setting/participants: all adults (≥ 15 years old) who died in the...
Palliative Joint Care (PC) is a set of palpable care practices that aim to prevent patients from increasing patients with diseases or a more advanced stage according to their disease. Care is provided by a multidisciplinary team, composed of nurses, nutritionists, nutritionists, doctors, whose purpose is to relieve autonomy, making what has one and the patient possible to prepare the death in their own way. The study aims to analyze the importance through qualitative data and what are the difficulties for the implementation of palliative care in the Adult Intensive Care Unit (ICU). It consists of a literature review, through a bibliographic survey, with an exploratory and relative approach, not on the physiotherapeutic performance in palliative care within the same Intensive Care (ICU) system, and how the environment among professionals is seen and graphic care multidisciplinary teams within hospitals. Realizing the importance of palliative care for critically ill patients, endorsing the phases of the patient's importance, was possible, in addition to the importance in this process. The prioritization of the patient's well-being in an intensive environment is always the focus of the treatment from the initial point, until its delivery, always maximizing its intention, psychological and physical health in a global way, where all the professionals involved are of paramount importance. with responsibility.
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