A Língua Na Fronteira: Entre a Língua Materna e a Nacional



This article aims to reflect on the processes of subjectivation and objectivation through discursive practices of high school students in the border region, Cáceres, Brazil-San Matias, Bolivia, of the State School 12 de Outubro, regarding the Portuguese Language. For this, we take the studies of Discourse Analysis of enunciative basis, proposed by Maingueneau (2008), we mobilize concepts like interdiscourse, discursive space, as well as the concepts of mother language and national language of Maria Onice Payer (2006) and the transnational language of Zoopi Fontana (2001). In this theoretical way, we take as a landmark the process of globalization in Latin America, specifically, the Southern Common Market-MERCOSUL (1991) event that affects the subject / language relationship at the frontier, producing effects mainly in the Portuguese language, instituting it, permeated by the political, as a capitalization language.