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Malone reviews B. F. Skinner's last book
Physics in Perspective, 2012
We reconstruct Frédéric Joliot and Irène Curie's discovery of artificial radioactivity in January 1934 based in part on documents preserved in the Joliot-Curie Archives in Paris, France. We argue that their discovery followed from the convergence of two parallel lines of research, on the neutron and on the positron, that were focused on a well-defined experimental problem, the nuclear transmutation of aluminum and other light elements. We suggest that a key role was played by a suggestion that Francis Perrin made at the seventh Solvay Conference at the end of October 1933, that the alpha-particle bombardment of aluminum produces an intermediate unstable isotope of phosphorus, which then decays by positron emission. We also suggest that a further idea that Perrin published in December 1933, and the pioneering theory of beta decay that Enrico Fermi also first published in December 1933, established a new theoretical framework that stimulated Joliot to resume the researches that he and Curie had interrupted after the Solvay Conference, now for the first time using a Geiger-Müller counter to detect the positrons emitted when he bombarded aluminum with polonium alpha particles.
Instrumentation Between Science, State and Industry, B. Joerges, T. Shinn, 2001
Hadronic Journal. Issue No. 5. Vol. 35. Oct. 2012. pp. 527-556., 2012
Kantor's 1962 interferometer result supporting the emission theory of light was tested by Babcock and Bergman (B&B) in 1964, but with rotating glass plates placed in a vacuum. The result was different and consistent with Einstein's Special Theory of Relativity (STR). Two "not fully understood" anomalies remained; A 0.02 fringe shift was still found (Kantor found 2.9), and the kinetic fringe shift with rotating plates was far smaller than the shift with the plates static. The results falsified the theory that light passing out of the glass continued at c+v in the lab frame, but the anomalies were not resolved. We review these alongside related and poorly understood effects including kinetic reverse refraction and non-linear optics. We also consider advances in science and astrophysics and find and describe a theoretical resolution. We find that Kantor's finding may also be 'apparent' without violating the postulates of the STR or invoking an absolute 'ether' frame. Relationships between Maxwell's near field transition zone, photo-ionization, non-linear optics and the surface electro/magneto-optic Kerr effects emerge, building an ontological construction which we describe and quantify. Proper Time is found as required for Proper speed. A relativistic theoretical model is built from a diffractive mechanism, as used by the US Naval Observatory for accuracy in the AA2010 aberration declination model, but now with a "consistent relativistic theory" to support it. We show how the inconsistency between Michelson's 1924 experiment supporting ether and his famous null result may arise from systemic errors of symmetry in 1924. The quantum mechanisms of Raman (and coherent forward) scattering, optical axis rotation and CMB frames last scattered are shown to directly derive the STR postulates. Some further experiments are suggested.
Revista Brasileira de Terapia Comportamental e Cognitiva
Skinner publicou sistematicamente desde 1930 até sua morte em 1990. Diferentes autores em distintos contextos compilaram sua produção e publicaram listas de referências. A partir de um conjunto destes trabalhos que listaram as publicações de Skinner e de outras informações assistemáticas de seu trabalho, construiu-se a lista aqui apresentada. Nela estão listados artigos, livros, resenhas, resumos, cartas a editor e entrevistas e estão indicadas as fontes (listas já publicadas) que também indicam a referência. Estão listadas também republicações, especialmente em português. A lista de publicações apresentada traz as referências de 295 itens publicados, dos quais 269 foram diretamente verificados.
The science-industry nexus: history, policy, …, 2004
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Perspectives in Ethology, 1997
Reviews of Modern Physics, 1998
Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 1954
Centaurus, 1986
Journal of Applied Physics
Annals of Science, 2009
Archive for history of exact sciences, 2004
Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 1984
International Journal of Radiation Biology, 2013
American Journal of Physics, 1999