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2016, US-China education review
7 pages
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The aim of this study is to examine the perceptions of students about implementation of the certified program. In order to collect data for this study, a questionnaire which consisted of eight open-ended questions, was developed and administered to 140 students in the teacher trainee program. They were asked to write their opinions related to each question. The open-ended format of the questionnaire calls for a free response in the participants' own words. It also provides for a greater depth of response.
Australian Journal of Teacher Education, 2013
The views of the teacher trainees who have recently started the teaching profession on teacher training process are of great value because they are new graduates and they are in their first year in the profession. Since the teachers in their first year in the profession do not have any experience, they have to pursue the educational tasks based on the knowledge and skills they acquired in their faculties. The main purpose of the study is to evaluate the views of the teacher trainees on the process of teacher training in Turkey.Being qualitative in nature, the current research was a descriptive study. The study group involved 58 newly-appointed teacher trainees from different branches who began their teaching profession in Kastamonu in 2010. An "Interview Form" was used for data collection. The data collected from the participants were analysed through Nvivo 9 software package. As a result of the study, the teacher trainees indicated that they felt insufficient especially related to curriculum and content knowledge and that teaching practice and school experience courses do not adequately contribute to their profession
Australian Journal of Teacher Education, 2013
The views of the teacher trainees who have recently started the teaching profession on teacher training process are of great value because they are new graduates and they are in their first year in the profession. Since the teachers in their first year in the profession do not have any experience, they have to pursue the educational tasks based on the knowledge and skills they acquired in their faculties. The main purpose of the study is to evaluate the views of the teacher trainees on the process of teacher training in Turkey.Being qualitative in nature, the current research was a descriptive study. The study group involved 58 newly-appointed teacher trainees from different branches who began their teaching profession in Kastamonu in 2010. An "Interview Form" was used for data collection. The data collected from the participants were analysed through Nvivo 9 software package. As a result of the study, the teacher trainees indicated that they felt insufficient especially related to curriculum and content knowledge and that teaching practice and school experience courses do not adequately contribute to their profession
The purpose of this study is to evaluate past and present teacher training programs in line with ideas of experienced teachers and give suggestions about the future system. Partici-pants were 20 experienced teachers who graduated from Ordu-Perşembe Primary Teacher Training School and who have worked as teachers for at least 25 years. Qualitative re-search design was conducted and a semi-structured form including 12 questions was used. Content analysis was performed on the answers. The findings show some differences in teacher training system and teachers’ roles. Teachers were more social and prestigious in the past. However, most of them are now unwilling, distant from society and seen as official workers. The most important advantages of today’s teacher training system are technology usage and knowledge about global issues. Disadvantages are lack of practice and performance evaluation, and lack of emphasis on the affective domain of the teaching profession. It is thought that this study may provide new contributions to the construction of today’s teacher training system. Keywords: Teacher training system, experienced teacher, opinion, Turkey
Dicle Üniversitesi Ziya Gökalp Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 2016
The history of teaching profession dates back to ancient times and educating qualified teachers has always been seen as an important issue in all communities and ages. Qualified teachers have been said to affect the succes in the education systems to a great extent. Moreover, the subject of educating qualified teachers has a relation with the quality of the teacher training programs. In this context, examining the system and process of teacher education and restoration of the current system in accordance with the needs of our age can be said to have a vital importance. For these reasons, the aim of this study is to investigate the the instructors views on curriculum and student admission, training and graduation systems of the teacher training institutions in Turkey. By this way, existing problems of these institutions can be identified and some suggesstions cen be provided. With this aim, the researchers interviewed with 15 instructors working in Ziya Gökalp Education Faculty in Dicle University in the teaching and learning year of 2014-2015 and whose study field is especially on educational sciences. The descriptive analysis was used in order to analyze the data obtained from the interviews with instructors. The results of the analysis showed that the instructors are of the opinions that by taking the central exams as the only criteria for accepting students to teacher training programs and assigning system for graduate teachers are not approppriate practices and these kinds of practices negatively affect the training process of these institutions. Moreover the instructors mentioned that training the candidate teachers with certificate of "teacher profession knowledge" is scientifically and pedagojically inapproppriate and this kind of implementation negatively affect the quality of the teachers. Finally, the instructors emphasized that there is a serious deficiency of planning process in teacher training politics in Turkey and this kind of deficiency of planning negatively affect the quality of the universities and the teacher training programs.
The issue of the training and employment of qualified teachers has continued to exist for a long time as a significant problem in Turkey. Sometimes the teachers are employed according to their KPSS (Public Personnel Selection Exam) results regardless of their majors and formation records. Moreover, this test only measures the knowledge of the candidates while it cannot evaluate the qualities such as attitude, behavior, self-sacrifice and professional idealism. However, these indispensable qualities of the profession are expected to develop automatically in line with the desire "to become a teacher" at the beginning of candidate's educational life, and the candidates are supposed to internalize the requirements of the profession. All institutions of higher education in Turkey possess a specific purpose of establishment; accordingly, the purpose of establishment in the Faculties of Education is to train teachers. Nevertheless, the formation program creates a perception i...
Abstract: This study aimed to reveal prospective teachers’ opinions about the quality of education at faculties of education. The research was conducted in Buca Faculty of Education in 2011 with the participation of 147 prospective teachers in their senior year who were studying at 21 departments. Data were collected through open-ended questions. The results showed that 34% of the participants thought that the training in the faculty was not adequate for becoming a teacher and 38% of them emphasised that they did not obtain the right amount of knowledge, the positive attitudes and the skills necessary for being an effective teacher.
Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2010
In Turkey, teachers in several subject areas were trained through regular teacher education programs for years. Since the regular teacher education programs have been insufficient to meet the demands in the country, alternative routes to teacher certification have been searched to struggle against teacher shortages in many subjects. This paper introduces alternative route certified teachers (ACTs) serving at the elementary schools in Turkey. This study aims to clarify ACTs’ problems, perceptions and up to date opinions about teaching, and compare their expectations during the induction period. These aims were examined into two steps. The first study was conducted during the ACTs’ induction period in 2001, and the second one was performed in 2008. The data were collected through two question forms for the first step, and the second step of the study. Both of the instruments were generated by the researcher on the basis of the literature. The participants in the first step comprised 829, and in the second step contained 85 ACTs. The paper provides empirical insights about ACTs’ perceptions about teaching. ACTs had difficulty in planning, finding instructional materials, lecturing, developing instructional materials, carrying out group activities, dealing with students, and establishing good relations with inspectors and parents during their induction period. While more than half of the ACTs stated that they chose teaching since they felt teaching was appropriate for them in the first study, most of them indicated that they chose teaching because of unemployment in the second study. ACTs graduated from the departments of management, economics, and communication were more satisfied with teaching than the others. In addition, female ACTs were seen more satisfied with teaching than the male. Besides, Most of the ACTs’ expectations for future were not related to their career. Finally, almost all participants believe that, ACTs should not be allowed to work at schools without teaching certificate, and anyone who does not like children should not be allowed to be teacher. The lack of information about the numbers of the ACTs, who work at schools and who quitted to profession, is the main limitation of the study. Furthermore, insufficient number of the ACTs, who willing to participate in the second study, is the second limitation of the second study. The paper presents findings to the interested public about ACTs’ perceptions of teaching. ACTs’ ideas and feelings on teaching profession in their initial years (1996–1999), and today are important aspects of the study. Besides, the paper enlightens the administrators and policy makers, for the development of a powerful strategy to combat teacher shortage. The study highlights how it is crucial to pursue teacher education planning to improve quality in education.
Middle East Journal of Scientific Research
This study aimed to reveal prospective teachers’ opinions about the quality of education at faculties of education. The research was conducted in Buca Faculty of Education in 2011 with the participation of 147 prospective teachers in their senior year who were studying at 21 departments. Data were collected through open-ended questions. The results showed that 34% of the participants thought that the training in the faculty was not adequate for becoming a teacher and 38% of them emphasised that they did not obtain the right amount of knowledge, the positive attitudes and the skills necessary for being an effective teacher.
The purpose of this study is to evaluate past and present teacher training programs in line with ideas of experienced teachers and give suggestions about the future system. Participants were 20 experienced teachers who graduated from Ordu-Perşembe Primary Teacher Training School and who have worked as teachers for at least 25 years. Qualitative research design was conducted and a semi-structured form including 12 questions was used. Content analysis was performed on the answers. The findings show some differences in teacher training system and teachers' roles. Teachers were more social and prestigious in the past. However, most of them are now unwilling, distant from society and seen as official workers. The most important advantages of today's teacher training system are technology usage and knowledge about global issues. Disadvantages are lack of practice and performance evaluation, and lack of emphasis on the affective domain of the teaching profession. It is thought that this study may provide new contributions to the construction of today's teacher training system. Özet Araştırmanın amacı, deneyimli öğretmenlerin görüşleri doğrultusunda geçmişteki ve şim-diki öğretmen yetiştirme programlarını değerlendirmek ve gelecek öğretmen yetiştirme sistemine yönelik önerilerde bulunmaktır. Araştırmanın örneklemini Ordu-Perşembe İlk Öğretmen Okulu'ndan mezun olmuş ve en az 25 yıl öğretmenlik mesleğinde aktif olarak görev almış 20 öğretmen oluşturmaktadır. Nitel araştırma dizaynının kullanıldığı araştır-mada veri toplama aracı olarak 12 sorudan oluşan yarı-yapılandırılmış form kullanılmış-tır. Veriler üzerinde içerik analizi yapılmıştır. Bulgular, öğretmen yetiştirme sisteminde ve öğretmen rollerinde değişimlerin olduğunu göstermektedir. Öğretmenler geçmişte daha sosyal ve prestij sahibi görülürken yetişen yeni nesil öğretmenlerin daha az istekli, top-lumdan uzak ve normal bir memur gibi görüldükleri tespit edilmiştir. Ancak yeni nesil öğretmenler teknoloji kullanımı ve kendilerini küreselleşen dünyaya göre güncelleme konusunda daha iyi görülmüşlerdir. Günümüz öğretmen yetiştirme sisteminin en büyük avantajları teknoloji kullanımı ve evrensel bilgilerden haberdar olabilme olarak görülür-ken dezavantajı pratikten yoksun ve öğretmenlik mesleğinin duyuşsal özelliklerine vurgu yapılmadan mezun olan öğretmenlerin varlığı olarak tespit edilmiştir. Bu çalışmanın, bu-günün öğretmen yetiştirme sistemine katkılar sağlayabileceği düşünülmektedir.
Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2010
In Turkey, teachers in several subject areas were trained through regular teacher education programs for years. Since the regular teacher education programs have been insufficient to meet the demands in the country, alternative routes to teacher certification have been searched to struggle against teacher shortages in many subjects. This paper introduces alternative route certified teachers (ACTs) serving at the elementary schools in Turkey. This study aims to clarify ACTs' problems, perceptions and up to date opinions about teaching, and compare their expectations during the induction period. These aims were examined into two steps. The first study was conducted during the ACTs' induction period in 2001, and the second one was performed in 2008. The data were collected through two question forms for the first step, and the second step of the study. Both of the instruments were generated by the researcher on the basis of the literature. The participants in the first step comprised 829, and in the second step contained 85 ACTs. The paper provides empirical insights about ACTs' perceptions about teaching. ACTs had difficulty in planning, finding instructional materials, lecturing, developing instructional materials, carrying out group activities, dealing with students, and establishing good relations with inspectors and parents during their induction period. While more than half of the ACTs stated that they chose teaching since they felt teaching was appropriate for them in the first study, most of them indicated that they chose teaching because of unemployment in the second study. ACTs graduated from the departments of management, economics, and communication were more satisfied with teaching than the others. In addition, female ACTs were seen more satisfied with teaching than the male. Besides, Most of the ACTs' expectations for future were not related to their career. Finally, almost all participants believe that, ACTs should not be allowed to work at schools without teaching certificate, and anyone who does not like children should not be allowed to be teacher. The lack of information about the numbers of the ACTs, who work at schools and who quitted to profession, is the main limitation of the study. Furthermore, insufficient number of the ACTs, who willing to participate in the second study, is the second limitation of the second study. The paper presents findings to the interested public about ACTs' perceptions of teaching. ACTs' ideas and feelings on teaching profession in their initial years (1996)(1997)(1998)(1999), and today are important aspects of the study. Besides, the paper enlightens the administrators and policy makers, for the development of a powerful strategy to combat teacher shortage. The study highlights how it is crucial to pursue teacher education planning to improve quality in education
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International Journal of Educational Research Review
Biotechnology & Biotechnological Equipment, 2005
European Journal of Educational Research, 2018
Contemporary Educational Researches Journal, 2016
International Journal of Evaluation and Research in Education, 2019
European Journal of Education Studies, 2018
International Journal of Educational Development, 2010
Universal Journal of Educational Research, 2018
Journal of Teacher Education and Educators [Öğretmen Eğitimi ve Eğitimcileri Dergisi], 2014
Universal Journal of Educational Research, 2017
Journal of Literature and Art Studies, 2016
Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2013
Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2012
Journal of Higher Education and Science, 2019
Turkish Journal of Education, 2018