Efl Students’ Preferences of a Good English Teachers



The process of teaching is a continuous learning journey, even with years of experience in teaching English as a foreign language, it is difficult to determine how to be an effective teacher. Different learners and teachers have also different views on what constitutes a "good English language teacher”. The aims of this study are to investigate and identify the qualities and characteristics that make an English teacher competent, as perceived by learners, particularly in the post COVID-19 and to gain insights into how learners' preferences may have evolved or changed due to the challenges and experiences faced during the pandemic, and how these factors influence their evaluation of effective English teachers. The participants in this study are students enrolled in the English Department of FKIP Lambung Mangkurat University Banjarmasin, spanning one batch which is 2020 with total 49 respondent students as participants. Data was collected at the sixth semester using a quantit...