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The process of teaching is a continuous learning journey, even with years of experience in teaching English as a foreign language, it is difficult to determine how to be an effective teacher. Different learners and teachers have also different views on what constitutes a "good English language teacher”. The aims of this study are to investigate and identify the qualities and characteristics that make an English teacher competent, as perceived by learners, particularly in the post COVID-19 and to gain insights into how learners' preferences may have evolved or changed due to the challenges and experiences faced during the pandemic, and how these factors influence their evaluation of effective English teachers. The participants in this study are students enrolled in the English Department of FKIP Lambung Mangkurat University Banjarmasin, spanning one batch which is 2020 with total 49 respondent students as participants. Data was collected at the sixth semester using a quantit...
International Journal of Language Education
Teaching is a lifelong learning process and even if a teacher may have years of experience in teaching English as a foreign language, one might not know whether he/she has become a good teacher or not. The perceptions about a "good" English language teacher have been varied among the language learners and the teachers themselves. However, it is important to find out what kind of a "good" English language teacher based on learners' perceptions in order to discover what they believe and what they expect from their English teachers when they are learning the language. This present study aims at investigating and describing the qualities or the characteristics of a good English teacher based on the learners perceptions. The population for this study are the students of English Department of FKIP LambungMangkurat University Banjarmasin in three batches (batch 2015, 2016, and 2017), and when the time data collected they were at the sixth, the fourth and the second semester. The questionnaire given is in the form of close-ended questions and analysed quantitatively. The findings of this study are expected to help teachers to reflect or evaluate themselves and refresh their teaching practice when necessary, as well as for their own improvement and further professional development.
Journal of Social Transformation and Regional Development, 2020
This study presents English teachers' professional, personality, social, leadership, and classroom interaction attributes which senior high school and university students expect from their English teachers. By knowing those attributes, English teachers are expected to be able to help their students attain better English language proficiency. For the investigation, five sets of questions were distributed in order to find out the respondents’ favourite English teachers attributes. The respondents consisted of senior students of three high schools and undergraduates of three universities who had high, mediocre and low English language proficiency. The results show that the students' levels of education and English language proficiency influence the students' perceptions on their English teachers' attributes. This study suggests that English teachers recognize the attributes that their students highly expect from them. It is suggested that English teacher training instit...
Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris undiksha
This study aimed to analyze EFL students' perceptions of the characteristics of the English language teachers and find out whether there is any difference in the student perceptions of the characteristics of effective English teachers based on gender. This study is quantitative. The research design used in this study is the descriptive and comparative research design. The descriptive design was used because the purpose is to examine and describe the students' perceptions of the characteristics of effective English language teachers. The questionnaires also consist of the respondents' profiles such as gender and 24 modified items of questions regarding students' perceptions of the characteristics of effective English teachers. This study involved 120 respondents from grade 11 of science, social, and Language class. The results of this study showed that students' perceptions of the characteristics of effective English teachers were found to be high involvement sin...
One of the requirements standards of being a professional teacher in Indonesia is having four teacher competences; pedagogical, personality, social and professional competences. Yet, the empirical data show that Indonesian education quality and teacher competence are still below the standards, including English teacher. This concern leads curiosity about pre-service teachers' awareness of this situation. Therefore, this study was aimed to discover EFL pre-service teachers' perception on the criteria of an ideal English teacher within the framework of the four teachers' standard competences, the most important competence and their consideration in choosing it. By using explanatory sequential mixed method, 100 EFL pre-service teachers were involved. The data were gathered through a questionnaire, then followed up by an interview to some participants. As the result, a divergence finding was found. Personality competence obtained the highest mean score on the criteria of an ideal English teacher while pedagogical competence was opted as the most important competence. Further, an interview was done to reveal considerations contributing to the divergence finding. The interviewees agreed with the criteria constructing the personality competence as teachers are role model who must set good example for their students. However, teaching is teachers' main task where they need to deliver their knowledge to students in order to achieve the learning goals through pedagogical competence. This study concludes that not only pedagogical competence that mater in teaching, but teachers' personality is also crucial.
Abstract This empirical study is an attempt to investigate the perceptions of Saudi EFL learners related to personality and ability characteristics of an ideal English language teacher and it raised a number of pedagogical implications which are of interest for administrators and teacher trainers in general and EFL faculty teaching in Saudi Arabia in particular. In general the participants of this study assigned higher values to a vast majority of both the aspects: personality and ability characteristics whereas very few characteristics were allocated lower values. It is reported that Saudi EFL learners represented by the participants of this study prefer those English language teachers who are expert in their field, are well-organised, explain according to the level of the learners, answer learners’ questions correctly, are clear in instructions, clarify assessment procedures, provide them with sufficient examples, help learners to become life-like learners, exploits necessary teaching aids and use multiple pedagogical techniques. The teachers who spend class time in lecturing, give frequent quizzes are not favoured by the participants. The perceptions of the participants related to the personality characteristics revealed that the teachers who involve students in academic matters, treat all students equally, explain properly, make learning fun and are available after classes to guide students are liked more. Rather it is also found out that Saudi university students consider their teachers as role model for them and prefer the ones who are professionally committed. Other preferred qualities include the ability to be flexible, understand the students and ensure students’ active participation. Thus it transpires that those English language teachers are considered ideal who have the capacity to motivate their students to exploit their latent potential to achieve enhanced learning possibilities. Keywords: ability, personality, characteristics, ideal teacher
Literature review indicates that an effective and good teacher has an important role in students' performances and their success. Pivotal roles of teachers may affect students’ attitudes and motivations to language learning. Improving the field of foreign language teaching and learning without improving the qualities of EFL teachers seems impossible. This attempt, at first hand, requires recognizing and identifying the qualities of effective EFL teachers. The purpose of this study was to characterize and investigate qualities of an effective English language teacher (EELT) as perceived by Iranian English language learners. A questionnaire which was based on four categories including English proficiency, pedagogical knowledge, organization and communication skills, and socio-affective skills was administered to 60 foreign language learners at Azad University of Tabriz. The collected data were statistically analyzed. The results showed that students expect a good English teacher t...
Investigating perceptions of an effective university English as a foreign language (EFL) teacher has been an ongoing topic in the last few years. However, those studies have focused only on teachers’ perceptions, not students’ perceptions, from the Latin American context and mainly based on Likert scales questionnaires. This study aims to determine university students’ perceptions of what they distinguish as effective EFL university teachers. Based on the CEMEDEPU questionnaire, a new instrument called Effective EFL University Teacher (EEFLUT) of 71 items was created and applied to students from an Ecuadorian public university (N=716). A Confirmatory Factor Analysis was conducted using AMOS 21 software to evaluate three models. The third model was chosen as the most accurate amid its great performance. This model has three main dimensions (Personal Qualities, Teaching-Learning Methodology, and Assessment Methodology). The reliability of the instrument was evaluated with the KR-20, which showed that two out of three dimensions presented high reliability of >.900. The findings demonstrate that the students value Personal Qualities (PQ) as the most relevant feature of an effective EFL university teacher above the Teaching-Learning Methodology and Assessment Methodology. These results reflect the importance of the participants attribute to the teacher’s personal qualities as one of the components of their satisfaction in learning language.
This study investigated how Thai university students in one Thai university context identified the characteristics of a good university English as a foreign language (EFL) teacher. To collect data, a questionnaire was employed with 403 students [175 English major students and 228 non-English major students at Albus University (pseudonym) in order to perceive the characteristics of an effective EFL teacher. The returned questionnaire allowed a researcher to list the top 5 effective EFL teacher characteristics of each group of participants. English major students listed (1) explaining clearly, (2) knowing the subject well, (3) entertaining, (4) motivate students to learn language, and (5) having good teaching methods as the characteristics of an effective EFL teacher. According to non-English major students’ responses, they were the same to some extent, i.e. explaining clearly, entertaining, and having good teaching methods. Also there were some different characteristics to some exten...
This study reports on the perceptions of a group of Turkish English as a Foreign Language (EFL) students on the attributes of effective language teachers. Data for this study were collected from 140 preparatory year EFL undergraduate students at Western Languages and Literature Department at Karadeniz Technical University. The students were given a questionnaire which included five categories of attributes that define effective language teachers: Rapport, Delivery, Fairness, Knowledge and Credibility, and Organization and Preparation. The results showed that the students placed the highest importance on Knowledge and Credibility attribute which included a good knowledge of English and being qualified for English teaching. They also rated highly rapport attributes such as care, friendliness, and patience and delivery attributes such as providing clear explanations and good examples. Fairness and lesson preparation were also considered important attributes. This research has implicati...
Globalization and the demands of the neoliberal market regime have continued to place a premium on practical English-language skills for the success of the Korean economy. In a time when client-oriented service is emphasized there has been a relative lack of research into the preferences of Korean students as to what individual traits they prefer and find important in an English teacher. Korean university students from three universities were surveyed (n=654) as to their preference for fifteen traits and a profile emerged of the ideal English teacher characteristics. The characteristics rated as most important were, in order, teaching skill, personality, education, and teaching experience. The first-and third-most demanded traits on a survey of Korean job postings for English teachers, nationality and gender, were rated along with race and ethnicity as unimportant. Preference for teachers who speak Korean decreased with age and with TOEIC score. Further work should consider teacher traits in the light of teacher effectiveness and performance, as well as whether hiring criteria should be revised to reflect student preferences better.
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Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra
Studies in English Language and Education, 2022
Journal of Applied Linguistics, 2015
Porta Linguarum, 2013
Porta Linguarum, 2013
The Qualitative Report, 2020
TEFLIN Journal - A publication on the teaching and learning of English, 2015
English Language Teaching, 2014
ELT Worldwide: Journal of English Language Teaching