Waris Transgender

Jurnal Antologi Hukum

Transgender is a modern social phenomenon, transgender people whose way of behaving or looking is not by their gender role or dissatisfaction with their genitals. In Islam, transgender is called mukhannath which means to act like a woman or have many feminine and gentle qualities. The existence of the transgender phenomenon certainly impacts various aspects, one of which is regarding the concept of inheritance. Neither the Civil Code nor the Al-Qur'an and Al-Hadith explain the inheritance provisions for transgender heirs. The problem that is the focus of this research is what is the status of transgender inheritance and what is the portion of transgender inheritance according to Fiqh Mawaris and the Civil Code. This type of research includes library research which uses a comparative library approach, namely a study conducted by comparing provisions, rules, principles, or the legal system. The study results show that the concept of inheritance for transgender heirs according to t...