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The Jones polynomial of an alternating link is known to have no gap of length greater than 1. This result extends to quasi-alternating links as well. Our purpose is to study the structure, in particular the number of gaps, of the Jones polynomial of an arbitrary link with the ultimate aim of characterizing Laurent polynomials which arise as the Jones polynomial of a link.
Topology and its Applications
We prove that twisting any quasi-alternating link L with no gaps in its Jones polynomial V L (t) at the crossing where it is quasi-alternating produces a link L * with no gaps in its Jones polynomial V L * (t). This leads us to conjecture that the Jones polynomial of any prime quasi-alternating link, other than (2, n)-torus links, has no gaps. This would give a new property of quasi-alternating links and a simple obstruction criterion for a link to be quasi-alternating. We prove that the conjecture holds for quasi-alternating Montesinos links as well as quasi-alternating links with braid index 3.
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 2004
In this paper, we define a family of links which are similar to but more complex than pretzel links. We compute the exact expressions of the Jones polynomials for this family of links. Motivated by the connection with the Potts model in statistical mechanics, we investigate accumulation points of zeros of the Jones polynomials for some subfamilies.
Cornell University - arXiv, 2022
We prove that there are only finitely many values of the Jones polynomial of quasi-alternating links of a given determinant. Consequently, we prove that there are only finitely many quasi-alternating links of a given Jones polynomial iff there are only finitely many quasi-alternating links of a given determinant.
This article contains general formulas for the Tutte and Jones polynomials of families of knots and links given in Conway notation and the corresponding plots of zeroes for the Jones polynomials.
Algebraic & Geometric Topology, 2006
We show that if {L n } is any infinite sequence of links with twist number τ (L n ) and with cyclotomic Jones polynomials of increasing span, then lim sup τ (L n ) = ∞. This implies that any infinite sequence of prime alternating links with cyclotomic Jones polynomials must have unbounded hyperbolic volume. The main tool is the multivariable twist-bracket polynomial, which generalizes the Kauffman bracket to link diagrams with open twist sites.
This article contains general formulas for Tutte and Jones polynomial for families of knots and links given in Conway notation. * The Conway notation is called unreduced if in symbols of polyhedral links elementary tangles 1 in single vertices are not omitted.
International Mathematical Forum, 2008
Garoufalidis conjectured a relation between the boundary slopes of a knot and its colored Jones polynomials. According to the conjecture, certain boundary slopes are detected by the sequence of degrees of the colored Jones polynomials. We verify this conjecture for adequate knots, a class that vastly generalizes that of alternating knots.
The Jones polynomial of an alternating link is a certain specializa- tion of the Tutte polynomial of the (planar) checkerboard graph associated to an alternating projection of the link. The Bollob as{Riordan{Tutte polynomial gener- alizes the Tutte plolynomial of planar graphs to graphs that are embedded in closed surfaces of higher genus (i.e. dessins d'enfant). In this paper we show
The Mathematics of Knots, 2011
In this paper we represent the classical braids in the classical and the adelic Yokonuma-Hecke algebras. More precisely, we define the completion of the framed braid group and we introduce the adelic Yokonuma-Hecke algebras, in analogy to the notions of p-adic framed braids and p-adic Yokonuma-Hecke algebras introduced in [3, 4]. We further construct an adelic Markov trace, analogous to a p-adic Markov trace constructed in [4]. Using the traces in [2] and the adelic Markov trace we define topological invariants of classical knots and links, upon imposing some condition (in analogy to the invariants of framed links defined in [4]). These invariants are related to a cubic skein relation coming from the Yokonuma-Hecke algebra.
Kodai Mathematical Journal, 2016
We give an explicit formula for the Jones polynomial of any rational link in terms of the denominators of the canonical continued fraction of the slope of the given rational link.
Journal of Mathematical Chemistry, 2011
In this paper, we first recall some known architectures of polyhedral links . Motivated by these architectures we introduce the notions of polyhedral links based on edge covering, vertex covering, and mixed edge and vertex covering, which include all polyhedral links in as special cases. The analysis of chirality of polyhedral links is very important in stereochemistry and the Jones polynomial is powerful in differentiating the chirality . Then we give a detailed account of a result on the computation of the Jones polynomial of polyhedral links based on edge covering developed by the present authors in and, at the same time, by using this method we obtain some new computational results on polyhedral links of rational type and uniform polyhedral links with small edge covering units. These new computational results are helpful to judge the chirality of of polyhedral links based on edge covering. Finally, we give some remarks and pose some problems for further study. We introduce the notions of polyhedral links based on edge covering, vertex covering, and mixed edge and vertex covering. These new architectures include polyhedral links in [10-16] as special cases. We hope that these new architectures will become the potential synthetical objects of chemists and biologists. Then we review a general method on the computation of the Jones polynomial of polyhedral links based on the edge covering developed by the present authors in , at the same time, by using this method to obtain some new computational results on polyhedral links of rational type and uniform polyhedral links with small edge covering units. These new computational results are helpful to judge the chirality of polyhedral links based on edge covering. Finally, we give some remarks and pose some open problems for further study.
Topology, 2003
For each k ¿ 2, we exhibit inÿnite families of prime k-component links with Jones polynomial equal to that of the k-component unlink. ?
Commentarii Mathematici Helvetici, 1986
This paper will be an exposition of the Kauffman bracket polynomial model of the Jones polynomial, tangle methods for computing the Jones polynomial, and the use of these methods to produce non-trivial links that cannot be detected by the Jones polynomial.
This article contains general formulas for Tutte and Jones polynomials for families of knots and links given in Conway notation and "portraits of families"plots of zeroes of their corresponding Jones polynomials.
A short proof is given, using linear skein theory, of the theorem of V.F.R. Jones that the one variable "Jones" polynomial associated to an oriented link is independent of the choice of strand orientations, up to a multiple of the variable.
12 It is a well known result that the Jones polynomial of a non-split alternating link 13 is alternating. We find the right generalization of this result to the case of non-split 14 alternating tangles. More specifically: the Jones polynomial of tangles is valued in a 15 certain skein module; we describe an alternating condition on elements of this skein 16 module, show that it is satisfied by the Jones invariant of the single crossing tangles () 17 and (), and prove that it is preserved by appropriately " alternating " planar algebra 18 compositions. Hence, this condition is satisfied by the Jones polynomial of all alternating 19 tangles. Finally, in the case of 0-tangles, that is links, our condition is equivalent to simple
We give a congruence relating a one variable specialization of the two variable Kauffman polynomial of any periodic link to that of its mirror image. Consequently, we obtain a new and simple criterion for periodicity of links.
Journal of Knot Theory and Its Ramifications
We present a new 2-variable generalization of the Jones polynomial that can be defined through the skein relation of the Jones polynomial. The well-definedness of this invariant is proved both algebraically and diagrammatically as well as via a closed combinatorial formula. This new invariant is able to distinguish more pairs of nonisotopic links than the original Jones polynomial, such as the Thistlethwaite link from the unlink with two components.
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