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Il titolo è pretenzioso; di fatto-accogliendo l'invito di M. Cristina Biella ed Enrico Giovanelli-proporrò qualche nota di commento al ricco catalogo di monumenti proposto da Il bestiario 2012.
This essay investigates the animals and plants in Piero Bigongiari's "Antimateria".
Vengono esaminate, sotto i profili del mito e della simbologia, le figure di animali fantastici o reali e di esseri mitici dalla natura mista umana ed animale
Antologia del Premio letterario del Convegno "Il Risveglio delle I-Dee", Editrice Akkuaria, 2009
The Herbaria healer worked for centuries to heal and help the poor, applying an alternative medicine based on natural remedies -plants and herbs- and a strong knowledge of the human anatomy. Her work has been considered magical and witchy, though based on generation-by-generation orally transmitted informations.
Presentó Burgstaller Chiriani un importantísimo trabajo al "Concurso, premio con medalla de oro y Diploma, Félix de Azara"en la Facultad de Bioquímica y Farmacia de la ciudad de Buenos Aires. El primero en su género en el Continente Indoamericano, "Las Tinturas", "Régimen macrobiótico". 0 Si cada vez que ladra un perro has de detenerte no llegarás nunca al final de tu camino.
Quaderni D Italianistica, 2005
Recensioni meticulously, Venetia's Futurism comes across as derivative rather than original with respect to the contributions of both Marinetti and other well-known advo- cates of the movement. Although he subscribes to the thesis that much scholarship on Futurism has been limited or unconstructive as a consequence of perceived affinities between Futurism and Fascism, Bohn does not engage in this vexing debate except periph- erally. Because such an endeavour exceeds the scope of his study, he defers to the seminal work of Giinter Berghaus {Futurism and Politics: Between Anarchist Rebellion and Fascist Reaction, 1996). Nevertheless, since each of the artists con- sidered, as well as the movement as a whole, exhibited complex and contradictory responses that were in flux throughout the Fascist ventennio, a more explicit discussion of the political repercussions inherent in these Futurist activities would certainly complement Bohn's analysis. Fhe Other Futurism, however, subordinates politics to art. This emphasis on artistic production is reflected in the volume's presentation, which has the merit of including a dozen halftones of paintings, sculptures, and poems. To these signifi- cant visual representations, Bohn adds the transcription and translation (in part or in whole) of thirty-four poems-several of which appear for the first time in English. Although the quality of the illustrations is not optimal and the texts are marred by frequent typographical errors, these materials are not ancillary, but instead comprise a significant aspect of the critical narrative. In fact, Bohn is at his most insightful when he detours from his story to examine these artistic and poet- ic texts. Whether one agrees with his rather generous aesthetic assessment remains a moot question; however, the merit of making these texts accessible is beyond debate. Precisely because Bohn is so discerning and suggestive in his textual analy- ses, one might expect more detailed and extensive readings. Instead, each text serves to illustrate a specific point after which the discussion proceeds diachroni- cally to its next encounter. Given Futurism's and Futurists' groundbreaking self-promotional strategies, which were quickly adopted by other avant-garde movements, as well as the wide- ranging cultural influences that continue to sustain interest in Futurism, the lack of English-language resources is somewhat surprising. This volume constitutes a significant contribution to Futurism's bibliography, and its clear, lucid prose makes the subject matter accessible to a broad audience. Bohn's study addresses a lacuna in scholarship by providing a historiographie introduction to Futurist activities in Venetia, which in turn opens new and suggestive avenues of research into this mul- tifaceted movement.
C’è una sottile e impalpabile tela che colle- ga il percorso dei progettisti italiani e che trova modo di manifestarsi sempre più vi- gorosamente nonostante i troppo rari (ahi- noi) progetti realizzati. Quando però ciò avviene, pare che tutte le energie teoriche e le riflessioni accumulate si concentrino in un’unica architettura che per peso specifico e per rarità è costretta ad assumersi l’one- re di raccontare ben più di ciò che sarebbe tenuta a fare. L’architettura, quella dell’in- terrogativo, diviene così architettura della risposta in un percorso ciclico per certi versi rocambolesco, ma che determina l’estremo valore critico di questi oggetti sempre più preziosi.
APhEx, 2016
This paper is built upon the theoretical framework of the Aristotelian Rhetoric and of the contemporary Deep Rhetoric. In particular, it considers the conceptual duo of logos and polis. The paper describes some epistemological, technical and anthropological features of rhetoric. Furthermore, it explains some critical issues in the contemporary debate, especially those related to the notion of fallacy. The paper specifically refers to the aim and the subject of rhetoric, on the relation between emotions and judgements and on the role of both speaker and audience. __________________ Il testo prende le mosse dal quadro concettuale della retorica aristotelica e della deep rhetoric contemporanea e tiene sullo sfondo la coppia logos-polis. A partire da tali presupposti, l'articolo descrive alcune caratteristiche epistemologiche, tecniche e antropologiche peculiari della retorica, facendo emergere i punti critici più dibattuti dalle teorie che oggi sono più significa-tive e influenti, soprattutto in relazione al tema delle fallacie argomentative. In particolare, ci si sofferma sulla finalità e l'oggetto della retorica (essa ha uno scopo pratico e non teoretico – la presa di decisione in vista di un'azione – e pertanto ha come oggetto ciò che può essere diversamente da come è), sul rapporto tra emozioni e giudizio e sul ruolo che i parlanti e gli ascoltatori svolgono nel processo persuasivo.
In Italian, a novel in the form of a collection of e-mails in which you will discover that sometimes some hoaxers are able to do anything to support their pseudoscientific hypotheses and gain followers (and money....)
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Retorica quotidiana e galatei (Trappole per topoi 2023)
Kaiak. A Philosophical Journey, n. 8, 2021
L'insediamento romano della Tesa di Mirandola (MO). Ricognizioni e scavi (1930-2011), 2012
Revue Critique de Philologie Romane, 2017
AAVV, Poetica & Cristianesimo, EDUSC, Roma 2005, pp.87-108., 2005
Foran di Landri. Il Landri svelato: ricerche e approfondimenti su una grotta tra storia e folklore, 2019
Bollettino dell’Opera del Vocabolario Italiano, 12 (2007), pp. 265-353, 2007