The Structure of Criminal Liability: Complicity

1996, Israel Law Review


The notion of “wrongdoing” is not recognized by the Draft Code. Nor does it classify the criminal law defences as either justification or excuse. Rather, the Draft Code distinguishes between “an offence” and “an act”. The term “offence” is used to cover cases where theactus reusis committed with the mental state required by the definition of the offence, by an offender who is criminally liable. An offender who has a defence, even a personal one, such as insanity, mistake, or duress, commits “an act”. The term “act” is used to indicate that defences negate the criminal nature of the act.I have elsewhere elaborated on the question whether or not a criminal code which aims to reform the criminal law should distinguish between justification and excuse. There I have both discussed and evaluated,inter alia, the proposals of the Draft Code in this context. Therefore, I shall not elaborate on this subject any further. I shall rather focus on the law of complicity and shall discuss three mai...