Biology Education


2. Theoretical background and key objectives The contemporary society lives a crisis related with several problems where we can highlighted the pollution problems and the resources over exploration, as the Brundtland Report refers “ … the sustainable development answer to the present needs without compromising the possibility of the next generations… ” (Mckeown et al, 2002). Environmental Education has been seen as a basic tool to contribute to the change of values, attitudes and behaviours. The interactions between scientific knowledge (K), values (V) and social practices (P) (model KVP by Clément, 2006) is important in the didactic transposition and a useful tool to understand what is related to science and to values in a scientific presentation such as in textbooks. In this work it was intended to analyse the didactical transposition in Environmental Education and Sustainable Development. More specifically, our key objectives can be formulated in the following research question: ...