Advances in Critical Diversities Book Series


Advances in Critical Diversities provides an exciting new publishing space to critically consider practices, meanings and understandings of ‘diversity’, inequality & identity across time and place. In considering ‘critical diversities’, this series explores the relationship between old-new equality regimes and continued societal inequalities, exploring ambivalence, change and resistance as negotiated, lived-in and differently inhabited in and through policies, everyday practices and across diverse spaces. With a strongly interdisciplinary and international focus, the series offers a place where current international considerations of ‘diversity’ – incl. class, race, gender, sexuality – are placed within different changing legal landscapes, institutional spaces, (post)welfare regimes and everyday realities. In operating a critical approach to ‘diversities’, as they become pluralised in policy yet diversified and divided in ordinary realities, the series recognises the importance of probing beyond the boundaries of specific territorial-legislative domains in order to develop a more international, intersectional focus. The book series will have a particular focus on developing an extended conceptualization of diversity and division which incorporates dimensions of political, social, economic, and cultural, as well as the bodily and intimate, to consider how diversity is lived-in, inhabited, mobilised and refused. It is these ‘critical diversities’ which this series will uniquely foreground across disciplinary contexts. Already it has an impressive line-up with Sexuality, citizenship and belonging: transnational, national and intersectional perspectives (by Francesca Stella et al., University of Glasgow), an edited collection from the Weeks Centre's One Year After the Riots conference, one from the BSA combined study group event provisionally titled Critical Consumption, Diverse Economies and a co-authored monograph Purchasing Diversity, Exchanging Difference, to be published in 2014. Email [email protected] or [email protected] Updates at: