Masa Depan Ekonomi Islam: Dari Paradigma menuju Metodologi

2013, Jurnal Ekonomi, Manajemen dan Akuntansi Islam IMANENSI Volume 1 Nomor 1 Halaman 1-74


Islamic economic research nowadays focuses on progressivity that hinges on quan- titative measurement. Positivistic-neoliberal approach does not support people- based economy. Constructive Approach on Islamic Economy is needed to direct research to inward-looking perspective rather than outward-looking perspective. Non-positivistic and Ush Fiqih in constructive mapping can be carried out through various approach. First, Tarikh or Sirah or new historical methodologies such as Genealogi. Second, social structure approach, Tafsir and Ta’wil. Third, Burhani approach or phenomenology to discover society metaphysics. Based on non-posi- tivistic and Usul Fiqih approach, a sinergy with positivistic approach is needed, namely Emancipation Sinergy.