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2022, Regional Formation and Development Studies
8 pages
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The aim of the study is to demonstrate the role of art and artists in the promotion of regional tourism in the post-pandemic period. The Covid-19 pandemic and the war in Ukraine have suspended or severely restricted tourism worldwide. The negative effects of the pandemic are particularly visible in the regional economy. Despite financial support from states and international organisations, including the European Union (the EU Reconstruction Fund), many regions which lived off tourism until now are struggling with great economic difficulties. The aim of the study is to show the possibility of using art and artists as tools for the promotion and economic development of the local community. These activities may increase interest among potential tourists and investors. The analysis of the possibility for using the new method of local promotion with the use of artists is enriched with reference to the effects of the local economic recovery programme implemented in 2015 and 2016 by the Otwock district. The research hypothesis is the statement that today it is necessary to search for new and unconventional means of promoting countries and regions The result of the analysis is to show possible forms of using art and artists for local promotion in the post-pandemic period.
Creativity Studies, 2015
The paper discusses a model of creative tourism, which can be used for revital- isation of public spaces. The model is discussed on the basis of the concept of active participation and creative workshops. The creative process of cultural production and active learning about the destination should engage tourists as well as residents. As a result, generated unique travel experiences, developed skills or produced long-lasting objects would contribute to the revival of a site. In creative tourism, a city and its atmosphere, community arts initiatives and other local creative activities are seen as objects of tourism. By defining the role of a tourist as an active participant in cultural processes, the model of creative tourism encourages to use such formats as creative workshops for travelling experts in the process of revitalisation of public spaces. Santrauka Straipsnyje kūrybinio turizmo modelis, nukreiptas į viešųjų erdvių gaivinimą, yra aptariamas remiantis aktyvaus dalyvavimo ir ...
Tourism Facing a Pandemic: From Crisis to Recovery , 2020
This collection of papers has been written by the international team of scholars teaching at the Master Course in Planning and Management of Tourism Systems of the University of Bergamo, while the Covid-19 emergency was spreading in all parts of the World and especially in the territory of Bergamo. The main aim of the work is to face the topic of Tourism in the case of exogenous shocks, like the Covid-19 pandemic, reflecting on their impacts on territories, communities and heritage both during and after the crisis. The papers adopt different disciplinary approaches and methods, trying to give a multi-focused gaze to the complexity of a global phenomenon and to possible forms of recovery. Raffaella Pulejo's papers (pp.243-250), focuses on some contemporary art practices which are based on local ground and reshape the notion of space, time and social interaction. Against the background of big international events, typical in the contemporary art system and now forbidden, artists' works might suggest new paths in the tourism domain.
The development of creative tourism in small towns in rural areas has been the subject of growing interest and research from different perspectives. As part of the national CREATOUR project, which took place in Portugal over about four years, various organisations with relevant activity in the cultural aspect of creative tourism were analysed, constituting a successful reference at a national and international level. However, since mid-2020, the health crisis owing to the pandemic made it necessary to reflect and work under new circumstances for tourism, in contexts not previously planned for, and at the same time as continuing to champion sustainable development. It is in this context that the present study emerges, the aim of which is to identify organizations’ strategies for adaptation within the scope of creative tourism activities in a pandemic situation. This empirical approach is anchored in the case study of the activities of the ‘Saídas de Mestre’ project based on intangibl...
70th ESD Conference Proceedings, 2021
During the crisis caused by the COVID 19 virus, tourism as the fastest growing industry had the biggest losses. With a proactive approach, on the first day of easing measures 15.6.2020. Međimurje County, its tourist board, launched a media campaign to reduce losses in tourism. On the example of the promotional campaign of the Tourist Board of Međimurje County "Međimurje gives more" the paper discusses digital campaign as a tool for promoting destinations in times of crisis caused by the COVID 19 virus. The paper analyses a media campaign that was primarily aimed to potential domestic tourists. The achievements of the digital campaign were also analyzed using the case study method. Hypothesis H1 is set: a well-designed and well-run digital campaign can contribute to an increase in the number of arrivals and overnight stays regardless of the crisis caused by the COVID 19 virus. The aim of this paper is to research whether, regardless of the corona crisis, a digital campaign can affect the positive results in tourism.
Creative tourism is a new form of tourism which has the potential change existing models of tourism development and to make a contribution to diversifying and innovating the tourist experience. By doing so, creative tourism can help to stimulate local economic, social and cultural development. This paper examines the background and development of the creative tourism concept, showing how the production and consumption of experiences has shifted from cultural tourism to creative tourism. In conclusion, a number of different models of creative tourism development are presented, illustrating how the concept has been implemented in different ways around the world.
Art tourism is a bona fide segment of the tourism industry. A country like Malaysia is strongly identified by their cultural identity through their people, heritage, architecture and arts. Visitors to Malaysia can indulge in arts or arts-based tourism experiences such as theatre, dance, music, literature, cinema, visual arts and crafts, design and architecture, public art, photography and digital media. Keen in developing the tourism further with more diversification of current tourism product, the Ministry of Tourism Malaysia in recent years promoted the Art Tourism through Malaysia Contemporary Art Tourism Festival (MCAT). The MCAT sees coordinated effort by art galleries and artists nationwide in promoting the Art sector and the significant increase of their participation for the year 2011 shows a positive growth in Malaysia's Art Tourism. This paper sets to determine the current art tourism status in Malaysia and explore the direction of this niche with particular reference of Sabah, one of the key cities in the BIMP-EAGA region. The methodology of this study is exploratory with interview as the main data collection method and supplemented by secondary data. Respondent validation is used to triangulate the data to increase validity. The findings of the study suggested that the identity of Malaysian Art is still vague and created divisions among the art community and there is a need for greater effort in commercialising this sector in order to promote the art tourism. The contemporary art should be expanded to more type of art and promoted together for dynamic development, hence sustaining the art tourism in Malaysia.
This paper examines the similarities and differences of the cultural tourism development in Slavonija and Baranja (Croatia) and Vojvodina (Serbia). The two regions share similar cultural heritage, whereas now they are on similar paths of development directed towards postindustrial economy and creative industries. The aim of the study was to determine the strategies of cultural tourism in both regions, the extent to which the cultural tourism is integrated into the tourism offer of the regions, the type of culture, cultural heritage and cultural/civilizational identity that is promoted for tourism purposes, and to explore whether inauthentic/simulational or authentic tourism is being promoted. A mixed method content analysis was conducted on a sample of tourism websites (N=107) of two distinct tourist stakeholders in both regions, with the appropriate checks of research validity and reliability. The results show differences between the two regions with regard to the cultural tourism strategies, wherein Slavonia and Baranja opts for traditions/ethnic cultural tourism, while Vojvodina follows a more diversified strategy, both in cultural tourism and in tourism in general. Notwithstanding the fact that both regions emphasise their locality uniqueness to a same degree, Vojvodina is much more involved into projecting representations of authenticity and difference from everyday/mass/artifical that can be experienced when visiting Vojvodina. It seems that Slavonia and Baranja focus on tourists that seek peace and relaxation, with ensuing shallow cultural experiences (casual and incidental cultural tourists), while Vojvodina aims more for tourists who seek and/or find deeper and more elaborated cultural experiences (purposeful cultural tourists).The authors bring the paper to a close by delineating practical and theoretical importance of the study and prospects for the future research.
The purpose – The purpose of this paper is to provide an in-depth understanding of the role that the Creative Industries Cluster of Vojvodina (CICV) plays or could play in tourism development of Vojvodina, the northern Serbian Province. CICV is a unique NGO, umbrella organisation that has a role of a consulting agency in the creative industires sector. It is also the public-privatepeople partnership (4P) of creative industries stakeholders. Methodology – This paper presents an examination and in-depth analysis of the role and potentials that CICV has on tourism development of Vojvodina. Authors will explore the influence of creative industries on direct and indirect tourism development. Findings – The findings will shed light on the complexity of tourism development in the time of austerity in Vojvodina today, exploring how creative industries influence or could influence tourism development in this particular region and its cities. This study enhances the understanding of how creat...
Rezumat: Acest articol examinează turismul şi renaşterea culturală. Schimbarea culturală este o preocupare curentă în studiile turistice. Societăţile gazdă remodelează frecvent cultura lor după crearea unei destinaţii turistice. Dar, asta nu înseamna neapărat o aculturare a procesului, din moment ce, de fapt, are loc o muncă pragmatică de producţie culturală ca răspuns la cererile turistice, care oferă solide alternative economice şi de existenţă. Schimbarea culturală a fost o preocupare permenentă în turism, realizând studii în acest domeniu de cercetare, mai ales privind modificările societăţilor gazdă supuse acestu proces. Dar aceasta nu presupune că fenomenul este analizat exclusiv şi se află în centrul atenţiei paradigmei aculturale, deoarece cercetătorii adesea descoperă noi elemente culturale cu caracter tradiţional pentru populaţia gazdă, în încercarea de a crea noi spaţii de adresare în lume. În fapt, se aplica în diverse situaţii sociale unde actori locali caută să prezinte anumite stiluri de viaţă culturală şi trăsături în scopul de a atrage atenţia asupra apartenenţei lor etnice, regionale, naţionale sau a trăsăturilor specifice. Prin urmare, având acest obiect de studiu nu se mai pune accentul pe pierderea treptata a substanţei culturale locale (sau etnice), ci mai degraba pe generarea de fluxuri turistice, care pot duce la schimbarea deliberată a diferitelor aspecte culturale de către populaţia gazdă. Pe baza acestor premise, acest articol realizează o anchetă privind procesul de schimbare culturală, folosindu-se perspectiva istorică şi cuprinde o analiză a strategiilor de mobilizare culturală, activată de subiecte sociale care sunt elemente componente ale pieţei turistice locale.
In the municipality of Ruma twenty five events take place per year. Most of these events have local or regional character. The event "Christmas Street" is the youngest event which is being organized in Ruma, the first time was held in late 2011. The subject of this paper is to study this event that complements the existing tourism offer of Ruma as potential tourist destination of Vojvodina. The aim of this paper is to highlight the importance of this event in the cultural enrichment of Ruma and its surroundings as well as the development of event tourism and positive presentation of the Municipality of Ruma. The significance of local events for enrichment of cultural-tourism offer will be presented as Case study of " Christmas street " in the city of Ruma.
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Informacijos mokslai
Journal of Tourism Futures, 2020
Ekonomiczne Problemy Turystyki, 2019
Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Brasov Series V Economic Sciences
International Journal of Business & Technology, 2016
Tourist Studies, 2019
Journal of Business on Hospitality and Tourism
Ekonomiczne Problemy Turystyki
Mondes du tourisme
International Journal of Social Sciences, 2022
International Journal of Event and Festival Management, 2019
Reviving tourism, in the post-pandemic era, 2022