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2011, Medical Writing
24 pages
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Increasing organization in the field of medicine, as in every other field of human endeavor, has raised the level of contributions to medical literature. Far too often, however, physicians still prepare their contributions with a striving and agony and delay comparable to the delivery of human progeny by one untutored in the refinements of obstetrics. American physician and author Morris Fishbein (1889-1976) [1] Some of the "striving and agony and delay" described by Fishbein can be related to the technical aspects of medical writing, including the preparation of tables and figures (aka illustrations), perseverating over borrowed materials and copyright issues, and corralling herds of reference citations. In contrast to the past three chapters, which have covered the concept and prose aspects of medical writing, this chapter addresses some nuts-and-bolts issues you will face. Do not, however, think that constructing tables and figures is any less creative than composing words and sentences; in fact, developing these supplements to the text may be the most innovative part of writing your article. Other practical issues-such as copyright, permissions, and reference citations-may become important as you seek publication of your work. Tables Tables are lists of words and numbers; they do not contain artwork. If what you are presenting includes a drawing, photograph, or diagonal lines that connect data (such as an
As noted in the preface of The Complete Guide to Medical Writing, medical writing is becoming recognized as a unique skill that must be developed. It should not be assumed that a university education in a medical field creates a proficient writer. All of the section authors stress that the written word be clear, concise, and accurate, particularly when used to communicate medical information. This book presents medical writing guidance in an informal and entertaining manner, sometimes using real-world examples. Most of the 6 sections are by authors who write for British audiences. Thus, the tone of the book, recommended references, and style suggestions are most relevant to medical writers in those countries. The Complete Guide to Medical Writing covers a wide variety of topics pertinent to a medical writer. This book is written in a casual, brief, and condensed format and as such, the information is provided at a level of detail below that sought by most advanced writers. Sections ...
, except for brief excerpts in connection with reviews or scholarly analysis. Use in connection with any form of information storage and retrieval, electronic adaptation, computer software, or by similar or dissimilar methodology now known or hereafter developed is forbidden. The use in this publication of trade names, trademarks, service marks, and similar terms, even if they are not identified as such, is not to be taken as an expression of opinion as to whether or not they are subject to proprietary rights. While the advice and information in this book are believed to be true and accurate at the date of going to press, neither the authors nor the editors nor the publisher can accept any legal responsibility for any errors or omissions that may be made. The publisher makes no warranty, express or implied, with respect to the material contained herein.
Medical Writing, 2012
Using an outline to organize your writing project can help keep you on a straight path and avoid wandering into wastelands of irrelevance. There are various formatsthe classic hierarchal model, the IMRAD system used for research reports, the disease description arrangement often found in clinical reviews, and various types of lists and categories. All help you organise your data and present it in a structured, coherent manner.
on the spine of a book or in a table of contents? What, on the other hand, makes us groan, shift weight from one ischial tuberosity to the other with increasing frequency, and, against ingrained politeness, walk out while a lecturer is still on his feet flashing slides of varied hue on the screen? Why does the same subject taught by one evoke applause and by another, boos and cat calls?
The production of publications is a key component of one's career advancement in medicine. The goal of this piece is to discuss five tips to help health profession students get started in medical writing. First, students should take full advantage of the time-saving resources at the local academic biomedical library. Second, outlining a manuscript is one of the essential first steps for producing a successful, high-quality publication. Third, planning the manuscript and writing efficiently is critical since many young authors are either in medical school or residency and do not have ample time to devote to the writing process. Fourth, communicating complex concepts, thoughts, ideas, and observations in a simple way is important and helps limit redundancies, awkward passages, and improves reader comprehension. Lastly, a student can maximize their chances at publication if they are persistent in how they approach manuscript submission. The chances for successful publication of a project can be increased if young authors consider the tips supplied here.
مجلة كلية التربية الاساسية, 2022
Medical language, in fact is challenging, attractive and has obscure nature due to the scientific concepts and lexical-specific terms .This study investigates the medical register in selected internet articles from syntactic, semantic, and, the stylistic aspects. The study has proposed some hypotheses that passivation is extensively used in medical language, Having the data from the net chosen and analyzed, the study has come up with a number of conclusions ,such as passive tenses are commonly used in medical articles .The main medical words are derived from Latin and Greek words. They are also often derived from eponyms, medical language, like any other scientific language, is full of abbreviation, acronyms, complicated and obscure words.
Indian journal of orthopaedics
Effective medical writing: How to write a case report which Editors would publish C ase reports will always have an important place in medical literature. 1,2 A number of important medical conditions such as acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, adverse effects of fenfluramine and dexfenfluramine in causing primary pulmonary hypertension, parkinsonism, and Paget's disease were initially reported as case reports. 3-8 The words of William Osler, (father of modern medicine) "Always note and record the unusual…Publish it. Place it on permanent record as a short, concise note. Such communications are always of value," are still very true. 9 really about, because if it is obscure, then readers may not read it at all.
Literature and Medicine, 2006
Journal of Visual Communication in Medicine
Visual representation methods have long been used as tools to communicate information in health education settings, and their effect on improving health literacy has been investigated. The question arises: How should an illustration function in relation to the textual information it illustrates? Medical illustrations are likely to be featured in media such as brochures and textbooks. If the textual information in such materials is so complex, what function should illustrations play? We reviewed the sociological literature on illustrations to obtain findings potentially applicable to health education and the improvement of health literacy. We then evaluated these tools to determine the types of illustrations that are suitable for the information. Of the three topics for which we developed the materials-cancer, food allergies and HEV light-only for the HEV light topic were earlier findings replicated. One key factor behind this result was that the illustrations for the HEV topic underwent a more thorough deliberative process than those for the other two topics. The results of our study also highlight the importance of third-party opinion in the illustration design process.
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MedEdPublish, 2017
Acta Med Indones, 2007
Journal of the College of Basic Education, 2020
International journal of endocrinology and metabolism, 2018
Journal of Database …, 2006
Respiratory care, 2004
Journal of Vascular Access Devices, 2000
Surgery (Oxford), 2012
American journal of surgery, 2016
Indian Journal of Anaesthesia, 2016
Research & Innovation in Anesthesia, 2017
Clinical Medicine & Research, 2003
Journal of Teaching English for Specific and Academic Purposes, 2020
International Journal of the Sociology of Language, 1985
Writing for Nursing and Midwifery Students, 2011
International Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism
Current Medical Research and Opinion, 2007