Perioperatif Transposition of The Great Arteries

2020, JAI (Jurnal Anestesiologi Indonesia)


Transposition of the great arteries (TGA) is one of the most complicated congenital heart defects. In TGA, there is atrioventricular discordance, where pulmonary artery rises from left ventricle (LV) and aorta rises from right ventricle (RV). This discordance causes changes in blood circulation, where oxygenized blood flows to the pulmonary circulation and deoxygenized blood flows to the systemic circulation. TGA comprises of several types, each needs different approach and corrective surgery. Mainly, TGA is divided into two, congenitally-corrected TGA (cc-TGA) and dextro-TGA (d-TGA) which is further divided into two, TGA with intact ventricular septum (TGA-IVS) and TGA with ventricular septal defect (TGA-VSD). In cc-TGA, double switch procedure is needed. In d-TGA, arterial switch operation (ASO) is a procedure of choice. In TGA-IVS, the level of mixing is an important factor that needs to be maintained, while in TGA-VSD, pulmonary hypertension and heart failure happen more frequently. Anesthesia management is one of the most important factors to ensure the smoothness of corrective surgeries.