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Adult education is a process to give the adults new dimension of knowledge and skills; values and attitude in well organized way so that they become able to perform better in the society. This may goes beyond the traditional school education that is to give basic literacy to personal fulfillment. All nations require adult education for the economic development as lifelong learning is being recognized by educational institutions. In this scenario, many countries are adopting adult education and this sort of education is taking popularity due to its wide scope. This study focused on the overview of adoption and popularity of adult education. The objective of the study was to analyze that how important is the adult education for society development. Furthermore, it was studied that how much this type of education is helpful in overcoming the educational need of the nation. In this research, a documentary analysis along with some experimental execution was taken from policies, available literature, research articles and any other related information to analyze and discuss the adoption and popularity from global perspectives. The study concluded that to achieve the goal of economic growth is only possible when all masses will be engaged irrespective of gender and age. As now international educational institutions are offering continuing education, online courses, distance education, non formal education etc. In which learners and teachers are far from each other but teaching-learning process is the critical factor during the whole educational cycle, so it is recommended that for the economic development, it is dire need to focus on the access of adult education.
International Journal of Elementary Education, 2020
The overall purpose of this study is to investigate the current and desirable status of adult education curricula in elementary and post-elementary education. In this study, exploratory mixed method was used. In the quantitative section the statistical population was all professors and experts in the field of adult education in the country that 25 people were selected based on theoretical and snowball sampling method. Samples in the qualitative section included all upstream documents related to adult education curriculum and professors, curriculum experts, and adult education that ten people were selected through theoretical sampling (Theoretical) and snowball. The research tool in the qualitative section was semi-structured interview and in the quantitative section a researcher-made questionnaire (based on the qualitative section results). Quantitative data analysis was performed using descriptive and inferential statistics and qualitative data analysis using thematic analysis. The quantitative and qualitative results of the present study showed that twelve components of philosophical foundations, sociological foundations, psychological foundations, political foundations, content, goals, evaluation, teaching and learning strategies, learning time and space, teaching and learning activities, learning materials and teamworking form the cornerstone of the post-elementary curriculum. The results of this study showed that there is a significant difference between the current situation and the desirable status of adult education curricula in elementary and post-primary education.
The article presents the analysis of international tendencies of the development of continuous education system. It briefly reviews the research literature on the topic of establishment and development of continuous education worldwide and in Russia. In exploring the international experience, the authors studied the main directions of continuous adult education development in the European Union and presented the statistical data about the structure and dynamics of adult students in the European Union countries. The article also explores the problems and the perspectives of the development of the normative and legal basis of the continuous education system in the Russian Federation. It describes the specifics of professional development in people of middle and older age. In conclusion, it proposes teaching methods, which are necessary to use in the process of adult education.
The purpose of this study was to analyze the factors affecting adult education in the eastern part of Ethiopia. The study employed a survey design that involved qualitative and quantitative approaches. A stratified random sampling technique was used to select 515 male and 285 female respondents. A questionnaire and an interview for collecting information from the primary sources were designed and implemented. Data were analyzed with linear correlation and Ordinary Least Square (OLS) regression. The findings indicated that the relationship of overall adult learning achievement to assessment of learning (r = 0,29, P < 0,01), and the methods used by facilitators (r = 0,23, P < 0,01) is positive and significant. The regression model demonstrated that overall adult learning condition is significantly affected by variables such as relevance of the content, methods of teaching, assessment of learning outcome, and locality of the adult education learners.
Prof. Dr. Iwasan D Kejawa, 2018
The societal factors of Adult Education are an important area of the education system in the world. Who really are adults? Does technology provide the necessary ingredients or proper ways for education of all adults in the society? A look into what constitute the means and how adult education can be improved is explored and emphasized in this work. The justification of adults predicaments are discussed accordingly. The presumption as to who really are adults is also confirmed.
Adult and non-formal education is an integral component of poverty reduction, it has the potential of enabling creative and democratic citizenship, giving voice to women and men living in poverty as well as providing tools for improving their lives. The paper examined the concepts of adults using chronological, biological, cultural and historical parameters and as well as adult and non-formal education by different scholars. The paper also explored adult and non-formal education in the global context like the Dakar framework of action, the focus on gender equality, women and problems of HIV/AIDS pandemic and United Nations Literacy Decade amongst others. The paper went ahead and examined some international agencies in adult and non-formal education like UNICEF, UNDP, UNESCO, IZZDVV, amongst others and it is a position paper that finally suggests that developing countries should increase budgetary allocations to adult and non-formal education, there should be effective monitoring and evaluation by agencies in order to ascertain whether the objectives are achieved or not and global advocacy on support in adult and non-formal education should be ensured towards the attainment of Education For All (EFA).
A survey of Unesco National Commissions in 29 countries was condactLi to identify and compare the administrative procedures implemented in the field of adult education, as well as the legislatjve measures adopted by governments to promote adults' right to education. The survey was conducted by means of a questionnaire sent to Unesco National Cornissions, a review of legal documents, and analyses of comparative s.udies and monographs on individual countries. Results were reported in terms of the universalization of adult education, the social extension of the right to education, the right to education in all fields, the administration of tho adult education system, and adult education teachers and research. The study concluded that there is a tendency for a growing number of countries to enact laws concerning adult education. Although at one time and in some countries these provisions reflected state welfare policies, today adult education is required by law to accompany and even precede major economic and social changes. The achievement of such objectives is seen to depend on two basic hypotheses that are becoming reality: (1) the recognition of the right of all individuals, especially workers, to devote part of each day to study; and (2) the creation of an adult education system that guarantees the right of education to all, at any age, from the lowest to the highest levels. (110 references) (KC)
The aim of the study to examine the characteristics of the programs conducted by the Continuing Education Centers (CECs), to reveal whether these programs serve for equality, and to identify the institutional barriers related to the CEC programs against adult education. CECs aim to fulfill the educational needs of adults and/or sectors in different fields through the trainings they conduct. In this study, descriptive research method is adopted. The data for this study were collected by examining the 1727 adult education programs through macro analysis, and 83 adult education curricula stated on the webpages of CECs functioning in 57 universities in 2015 were subject to micro analysis. The trainings conducted by CECs were examined according to some criteria such as theme, duration, training fee, mode of instruction, and the features of target audience. Moreover, the curricula of the trainings conducted by CECs were analyzed in terms of objectives, content, teaching-learning processes, and measurement and evaluation. The most important findings of the study involved the inefficiency of the CECs in contributing to the social equality, the lack of standards in curricula and insufficient collaboration with enterprise and other institutions.
Cetta: Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan
This research looks at education in adult development and how it affects education. This study is motivated by the rapid advancement of science, technology, and communication at this time, which necessitates the development and improvement of human quality as a solution to face the current of modernization; thus, an educational process is required that can play an active role in following changes and developments that exist both now and in the future. Recognize that adulthood is a time when you have reached a mature and complete view of life, which can be achieved through consistent decision-making. However, it frequently appears when people fail to recognize the significance of adulthood and middle age. The goal of this study was to examine and analyze education during the adult development period, as well as its surprise in education. This study employs an approach approach in data processing through literature analysis, particularly literature descriptions. Helping people face li...
Elsevier eBooks, 2010
Education increasingly appears to be the natural form of learning in modern life within a contemporary Western mindset. However, learning is more than that. It is an integral aspect of human life, taking place all the time, necessarily and unnoticed. The societal functions of adult learning are accordingly multiple. The theme of this article is to look at the societal nature of adult learning and hence, the societal functions of adult education. We want to emphasize the historical dimension in the sense of linking adult education to the socioeconomic, political, and cultural context. Adult Education and Modernization We can distinguish three main types of adult education defined by their main content. These have developed as educational traditions in their own right, related to particular areas of learning. As such they have been described and critically analyzed elsewhere in the encyclopedia: Basic literacy education, such as reading and writing, with the aspect of cultural integration in the nation and state. Community and popular education. Education for work, such as continuing education and training.
The development of policies aimed at educating and developing citizens is of crucial importance as a result of the particular contemporary societal characteristics, the global demographic changes, the intense rhythm of immigration, the rapid development of technology and the increase in the unemployment rate. This research, through the analysis of the text "Third World Report on Adult Learning and Adult Education (UNESCO, GRALE III, 2016), comes to explore the key dimensions of adult education policies. The methodology used to investigate the material is the qualitative analysis and in particular the methodological tool of thematic analysis with the contribution of thematic networks. The analysis of the text shows that policies supporting adult education should be universal, holistic, inclusive and without exclusions. A second dimension concerns the need for the Member States to modernize their policies, to control and evaluate their implementation. The proportion of public funding in the field of adult education constitutes a challenge, since it remains fairly low in the government's investment priorities, which seem to give priority to other areas, such as health, infrastructure and social welfare. Moreover, it appears that all countries do not interpret international policies in the same way. Thus, policies are sometimes used as a general frame of reference and sometimes as well-established practices. These practices could be implemented by governmental organizations, research institutes, civil society organizations, trade unions and other agents. Finally, governments, in cooperation with regional and local authorities and services are called to broaden their policies and strengthen adult learning and education. Towards this direction, the development of the mobility and participation of trainees in programs such as ARION, Comenius, Grundtvig, Erasmus and Erasmus plus is absolutely of major importance (UNESCO, 2016).
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Pedagogika Społeczna, 2019
Εκπαίδευση, Δια Βίου Μάθηση, Έρευνα και Τεχνολογική Ανάπτυξη, Καινοτομία και Οικονομία
Canadian Woman Studies, 1998
Unesco Institute For Lifelong Learning, 2010
Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2014
Global Thought (ISSN: 2456-0898), 2021