Eco-efficiency analysis by basf: the method

2002, International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment


and research. Predictable analysis times and costs are essential factors for the efficient use and efficacy of this method. It is based on assessing environmental behavior, environmental impact, possible impacts on human health and ecosystems, and on the costs of products and processes from the cradle to the grave. The term eco-efficiency was evidently given currency by Stephan Schmidheiny and coworkers [1]. Eco-efficiency was then defined as a management philosophy by the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) in 1993 following the 1992 Rio summit. Business was to be encouraged to become more competitive and innovative, while at the same time exercising greater responsibility for the environment [2]. Eco-efficiency has been variously defined and analytically implemented by several workers. In most cases, eco-efficiency is taken to mean the ecological optimization of overall systems while not disregarding economic factors [3]. Eco-efficiency expresses the ratio of economic creation to ecological destruction [4]. However, the improvement of purely ecological factors, for example better utilization of resources through more efficient processes, is also frequently referred to as increased eco-efficiency [5]. This paper discusses the methodology of eco-efficiency analysis by BASF and illustrates the specific procedure using the eco-efficiency analysis of Indigo as an example [6].