Norms of Cultivation

2015, Contemporary Aesthetics, Volume 13 (2015)


The author identifies a new group of aesthetic norms, which he calls norms of cultivation. Judgments of taste are often accompanied by forecasts, in other words, expectations about future aesthetic satisfaction. When we find something beautiful, we expect to find it beautiful in the future. Forecasting is at play in all sorts of aesthetically motivated behavior. Yet psychologists have observed the unreliability of forecasts. As a result of forecasting error, what we take as our taste can be an unreliable guide in our aesthetic lives. Compensating for the unreliability of taste are norms of cultivation, implicit rules for engaging objects such as avoiding over exposure to favored objects or exposure under unfavorable conditions. Norms of cultivation help to regularize aesthetic experience, mitigating unreliability in forecasts, and fostering the ongoing stability and coherence of taste.