Callisto spectrum measurements in Badary (Russian Federation)



During a measurement campaign in winter 2006 spectrum measurements were done at difierent loca- tions in India and Sibiria. This report describes the results of Badary solar radio telescope (SSRT) site in Sibiria (Russian Federation). Measurements were done with a broadband logarithmic periodic antenna of the site con- nected to a Callisto spectrometer designed and built by ETH Zurich (Benz, 2004). This measurement campaign shall be the technical basis to decide how to continue concerning spectroscopic measurements below 1GHz with existing antennas and/or new ones. The results are presented, compared with Switzerland and discussed in form of digitally zoomed spectrums in the most interesting radio astronomy frequency ranges. In terms of electromag- netic interference Badary is much better than Switzerland and thus ideal for low frequency solar radio astronomy observations (spectroscopy).