Writing for the Sciences


The Writing Center intends this handout to help those writing scientific papers: 1) recognize the conventions that shape scientific writing style 2) understand why these conventions exist Once you comprehend the nature of a community of writers, you also begin to appreciate that stylistic conventions are not merely arbitrary "rules" designed to complicate our lives. Instead of just laying out a lot of dos and don'ts, this handout will try to explain the rationale behind the writing decisions you'll be facing. What is scientific writing? When do people write in the sciences? What different types of writing exist in the sciences? Who reads this writing? Why? What identifies a piece of writing as scientific? Such questions help to complicate the general idea of scientific writing, and complication is (believe it or not) helpful here. Depending on your background, you may associate scientific writing strictly with the lab report. Introduction, materials and methods, results, discussion-all that jazz. This description of scientific writing is, however, extremely limited. Sure, the lab report forms the basis for most professional scientific communication; it's the customary way for a group of researchers to share their findings with others in the field. Yet other, very distinct opportunities for writing do exist: Los Medanos College Center for Academic Support Fall 2011 • the grant proposal, which justifies the value of a prospective or ongoing research project.