Rationalization in Australian Vocational Education and Training

2020, International Journal of Vocational Education and Training Research

This paper aims to examine qualification rationalization processes in Vocational Education and Training internationally to establish lessons learned such that they can be applied to the Australian system. Current interest in rationalization in Australia is being driven by research undertaken by the Department of Education, Skills and Employment, and promoted by the Australian Prime Minister, Scott Morrison.. They suggest that the current system is difficult to understand and use, and outline that the system would benefit from a reduction in the number of qualifications currently on offer. Zero or minimal uptake is the most commonly documented approach to qualification rationalization internationally and is most effective when paired with a process of stakeholder consultation and engagement. Effective consultation should be inclusive of training providers, enterprises, social partners, employment services, public authorities and research organisations to ensure qualifications on offer meet industry and social needs. Care should be taken to ensure rationalization does not deplete flexibility in the system that has intentionally been embedded to allow qualifications to match workplace requirements. The benefits in ensuring units of competency and qualifications are promptly updated and adapted to emerging needs rather than rationalized are noted. The 'updating' approach could be paired with an education program for users of the system and a program of stakeholder marketing to ensure that the system is fully understood by all those who use it.