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Abstrak Stomata sebagai tempat jalur transportasi zat-zat yang dibutuhkan oleh tanaman memiliki karakteristik khusus dari segi letaknya. Jumlah stomata yang paling banyak terletak pada daun. Oleh karena itu, daun sebagi pusat fotosintesis bagi tanaman. Kegiatan praktikum stomata ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui letak stomata pada daun. Dalam metode penelitiannya, yang menjadi tolak ukur pengamatan adalah jumlah stomata yang terdapat pada daun sebelah atas dan bawah. Hasi dari praktikum ini menunjukkan bahwa jumlah stomata yag paling banyak terletak pada bagian bawah daun. Hal ini dikarenakan stomata bersifat peka terhadap sinar matahari langsung. Waktu membuka dan menutupnya stomata pun dipengaruhu oleh sinar matahari dan suhu lingkungan sekitar. Kata kunci : Stomata, daun, sinar matahari, dan suhu..
In dicots and monocots plants have stomata types were different. at this time pratikum stomata of plants which we use that Artocarpus integra, Oryza sativa, and Nymphaea sp. , The thing that we observed is that the types of stomata in plants dicots and monocots and also observe the structure of the leaf epidermis and monkotil .Stomata dikotil is a hole in the epidermis, each bounded by two guard cells. Its main function is to allow gases such as carbon dioxide, water vapor and oxygen move quickly in and out of the leaf. Stomat have 3 types namely paneropor, kriptopor and prominent. Keywords: Stomata, dicots, monocots, guard cells.
Abstrak Stomata adalah lubang-lubang kecil berbentuk lonjong yang dikelilingi oleh dua sel epidermis khusus yang disebut sel penutup (Guard Cell), dimana sel penutup tersebut adalah sel-sel epidermis yang telah mengalami kejadian perubahan bentuk. Stomata berfungsi sebagai jalan masuknya CO2 dan keluarnya O2 dari udara pada proses fotosintesis, sebagai jalan penguapan (transpirasi), dan sebagai jalan pernapasan (respirasi). Dalam praktikum ini dilakukan pengamatan pada preparat segar pada daun Oryza sativa, Ficus sp., Nymphaea sp., dan Arthocarpus integra. Praktikum dilaksanakan pada hari Kamis, 14 Maret 2017 di laboratorium pendidikan biologi Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas Tanjungpura, Pontianak. Dibuat sayatan tipis dari masing-masing daun yang telah disiapkan dan meletakkannya pada gelas objek dan menetesinya dengan air. Kemudian preparat tersebut diamati di bawah mikroskop hingga ditemukan bagian sel epidermisnya dan bentuk dan tipe stomatanya. Pada daun Oryza sativa memiliki Tipe stomata graminae. Pada daun Ficus elastica memiliki Tipe stomata kriptofor. Pada Artocarpus integra memiliki tipe stomata paneropor. Pada daun Nymphaea sp. Memiliki tipe stomata menonjol. Tipe stomata yang berbeda ini dipengaruhi oleh kondisi lingkungan, habitat tanaman tersebut dan anatomi tanaman itu sendiri. Kata kunci : Arthocarpus integra, Ficus elastica, gramineae, kriptopor, Nymphaea sp., Oryza sativa, Stomata,tipe menonjol Abstract Stomata are small holes oval surrounded by two specialized epidermal cells called cell cover (Cell Guard), which cover the cells are epidermal cells that have undergone changes in shape events. Stomata serves as the entrance of the discharge of CO2 and O2 from the air during photosynthesis, as the evaporation (transpiration), and as a way of breathing (respiration). In this lab observed on fresh preparations on the leaves of Oryza sativa, Ficus sp., Nymphaea sp., And Arthocarpus integra. Practicum held on Thursday, March 14, 2017 in the laboratory of biology education the Faculty of Education University of Tanjungpura, Pontianak. Created thin section of each leaf that has been prepared and placed on a glass object and menetesinya with water. Then the preparations were examined under a microscope to find parts epidermisnya cell and the shape and type of stomata. In Oryza sativa leaves have stomata type graminae. Ficus Elastica on the leaves have stomata type kriptofor. In Artocarpus integra have stomata types paneropor. On leaves Nymphaea sp. Stomata have type stand. These different stomata types are affected by environmental conditions, habitat plants and plant anatomy itself. Keywords: Arthocarpus integra, Ficus Elastica, Gramineae, kriptopor, Nymphaea sp., Oryza sativa, Stomata, type of stand
Ade R. Tamada, 2023
Suatu daun majemuk dapat dipandang berasal dari suatu daun tunggal, yang torehnya sedemikian dalamnya, sehingga bagian daun diantara toreh-toreh itu terpisah satu sama lain, dan masing-masing merupakan suatu helaian kecil yang tersendiri.
The purpose of this study was to describe the stomata found in pulai, mahang, saga, white meranti and ketapang plants in the green space area. This study uses a descriptive method to describe stomatal characteristics such as stomatal type, stomata size and number of stomata in perennials, mahang, saga, ketapang and white meranti. The study was conducted in two green open areas, namely the Untara Sylva Arboretum and in the public green open area. Length of stomata observation for 2 weeks. Overall the results of the observations obtained 4 (four) types of stomata that are the same in the two regions. The types of stomata are anisocytic in Pulai (Alstonia scholaris), anomosytic in mahang (Macaranga pruinosa), parasitic in saga (Adenanthera pavonina), pickled on white meranti (Shorea bracteolata), anisocytic on ketapang (Terminalia cattapa). In the Sylva Arboretum area, Untan, plant origin has a stomata number of 15 with stomata size of 14.1 μm, stomatal hole 8.03 μm and neighboring cel...
Laporan Praktikum Botani Farmasi Amylum, Stomata, Trikoma, dan Papila
Stomata is a biological components that largely determines the initial synthesis of organic compounds on physiological processes through the plant life cycle. The aim of this research was to study the different of stomata among plants C3, C4 and Crassulacean Acid Metabolism (CAM). This research was conducted at Microtechnique Laboratory of Agronomy and Horticulture Department, Agriculture Faculty, Bogor Agricultural University (IPB). The stomata preparations method by replica or mold method. The parameters that observed are number of stomata (for percentage of open and closed stomata) on the abaxial and adaxial layers of the leaves at magnification (40x10) diameter and stomatal density. The results showed that shading soybean plants had stomata density and number of opened stomata was high compared with soybean without shading C3 plants have high stomatal density and almost every plant species had opened stomata, whereas Crassulacean Acid Metabolism (CAM) plants have lower than othe...
Journal Science of Biodiversity
Jurnal Biodjati, 2016
Agrikan: Jurnal Agribisnis Perikanan, 2018