Gödel space from wrapped M2-branes

2010, Journal of High Energy Physics


We show that M-theory admits a supersymmetric compactification to the Gödel universe of the form Gödel 3 ×S 2 ×CY 3. We interpret this geometry as coming from the backreaction of M2-branes wrapping the S 2 in an AdS 3 ×S 2 ×CY 3 flux compactification. In the black hole deconstruction proposal similar states give rise to the entropy of a D4-D0 black hole. The system is effectively described by a three-dimensional theory consisting of an axion-dilaton coupled to gravity with a negative cosmological constant. Other embeddings of the three-dimensional theory imply similar supersymmetric Gödel compactifications of type IIA/IIB string theory and F-theory.