Absolute Versus Relational Space-Time: An Outmoded Debate?

1996, Journal of Philosophy

If two different authors use the words "red," "hard," or "disappointed," no one doubts that they mean approximately the same thing.... But in the case of words such as "place" or "space"...there exists a far-reaching uncertainty of interpretation.-Albert Einstein' T Nhere is supposed to be a problem concerning the metaphysics of space and time (or space-time), which, following Lawrence Sklar,2 goes by the name the substantivalist-relationist controversy. What is presumably at stake is whether we should be realists in some suitably robust sense about space and time (space-time), or whether no such entities exist over and above the objects and events of the material world. Insofar as this question is intended to have anything to do with physics, I shall argue that it is no longer a meaningful one. In the course of its development, physical theory simply lost touch with the categories necessary for the original formulation of the problem. One might, of course, seek judicious criteria for projecting old categories onto new terrain. Part of my project is to explain why, given the relevant historical developments, one should be skeptical that there is any such natural or preferred projection in this case. The other part is to make evident that the current controversy reduces to verbal disputes occasioned by arbitrary preference for one manner of projection over another. I. AN EINSTEIN "PUZZLE" * Work on this was supported by National Science Foundation grant # SBR-9310561. Frank D6ring was most kind to proof the translations from German. I would also like to thank Peter Achinstein and Steve Gimbel for helpful comments on an earlier draft. I am grateful to the Albert Einstein Archives at the Hebrew University ofJerusalem for granting permission to quote from the Einstein papers. ' "Forward," to Max Jammer, Concepts of Space (New York: Dover, 1993, 3rd ed.), p. xiv. 2 Space, Time, and Spacetime (Berkeley: California UP, 1974).