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2020, HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe)
In this paper, we introduce a new time series model having a stochastic exponential tail. This model is constructed based on the Normal Tempered Stable distribution with a time-varying parameter. The model captures the stochastic exponential tail, which generates the volatility smile effect and volatility term structure in option pricing. Moreover, the model describes the time-varying volatility of volatility. We empirically show the stochastic skewness and stochastic kurtosis by applying the model to analyze S\&P 500 index return data. We present the Monte-Carlo simulation technique for the parameter calibration of the model for the S\&P 500 option prices. We can see that the stochastic exponential tail makes the model better to analyze the market option prices by the calibration.
Journal of Banking & Finance, 2008
Asset management and pricing models require the proper modeling of the return distribution of financial assets. While the return distribution used in the traditional theories of asset pricing and portfolio selection is the normal distribution, numerous studies that have investigated the empirical behavior of asset returns in financial markets throughout the world reject the hypothesis that asset return distributions are normally distribution. Alternative models for describing return distributions have been proposed since the 1960s, with the strongest empirical and theoretical support being provided for the family of stable distributions (with the normal distribution being a special case of this distribution). Since the turn of the century, specific forms of the stable distribution have been proposed and tested that better fit the observed behavior of historical return distributions. More specifically, subclasses of the tempered stable distribution have been proposed. In this paper, we propose one such subclass of the tempered stable distribution which we refer to as the "KR distribution". We empirically test this distribution as well as two other recently proposed subclasses of the tempered stable distribution: the Carr-Geman-Madan-Yor (CGMY) distribution and the modified tempered stable (MTS) distribution. The advantage of the KR distribution over the other two distributions is that it has more flexible tail parameters. For these three subclasses of the tempered stable distribution, which are infinitely divisible and have exponential moments for some neighborhood of zero, we generate the exponential Lévy market models induced from them. We then construct a new GARCH model with the infinitely divisible distributed innovation and three subclasses of that GARCH model that incorporates three observed properties of asset returns: volatility clustering, fat tails, and skewness. We formulate the algorithm to find the risk-neutral return processes for those GARCH models using the "change of measure" for the tempered stable distributions. To compare the performance of those exponential Lévy models and the GARCH models, we report the results of the parameters estimated for the S&P 500 index and investigate the out-of-sample forecasting performance for those GARCH models for the S&P 500 option prices.
Probability and …, 2009
We introduce a new variant of the tempered stable distribution, named the modified tempered stable (MTS) distribution and we develop a GARCH option pricing model with MTS innovations. This model allows the description of some stylized empirical facts observed in financial markets, such as volatility clustering, skewness, and heavy tails of stock returns. To demonstrate the advantages of the MTS-GARCH model, we present the results of the parameter estimation.
Contributions to Economics, 2008
In this paper, we will discuss a parametric approach to risk-neutral density extraction from option prices based on the knowledge of the estimated historical density. A flexible distribution is needed in order to find an equivalent change of measure and, at the same time, take into account the historical estimates. To this end, we introduce a new tempered stable distribution we refer to as the KR distribution.
Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, 2012
A characteristic function-based method is proposed to estimate the time-changed Lévy models, which take into account both stochastic volatility and infinite-activity jumps. The method facilitates computation and overcomes problems related to the discretization error and to the non-tractable probability density. Estimation results and option pricing performance indicate that the infiniteactivity model performs better than the finite-activity one. By introducing a jump component in the volatility process, a double-jump model is also investigated.
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 2003
In a seminal paper in 1973, Black and Scholes argued how expected distributions of stock prices can be used to price options. Their model assumed a directed random motion for the returns and consequently a lognormal distribution of asset prices after a finite time. We point out two problems with their formulation. First, we show that the option valuation is not uniquely determined; in particular ,strategies based on the delta-hedge and CAPM (the Capital Asset Pricing Model) are shown to provide different valuations of an option. Second, asset returns are known not to be Gaussian distributed. Empirically, distributions of returns are seen to be much better approximated by an exponential distribution. This exponential distribution of asset prices can be used to develop a new pricing model for options that is shown to provide valuations that agree very well with those used by traders. We show how the Fokker-Planck formulation of fluctuations (i.e., the dynamics of the distribution) can be modified to provide an exponential distribution for returns. We also show how a singular volatility can be used to go smoothly from exponential to Gaussian returns and thereby illustrate why exponential returns cannot be reached perturbatively starting from Gaussian ones, and explain how the theory of 'stochastic volatility' can be obtained from our model by making a bad approximation. Finally, we show how to calculate put and call prices for a stretched exponential density.
Econometric Reviews, 1998
In this paper we analyze asset returns models with diffusion part and jumps in returns with stochastic volatility either from diffusion or pure jump part. We consider different specifications for the pure jump part including compound Poisson, Variance Gamma and Levy α-stable jumps. Monte Carlo Markov chain algorithm is constructed to estimate models with latent Variance Gamma and Levy α−stable jumps. Our construction corrects for separability problems in the state space of the MCMC for Levy α−stable jumps. We apply our model specifications for analysis of S&P500 daily returns. We find, that models with infinite activity jumps and stochastic volatility from diffusion perform well in capturing S&P500 returns characteristics. Models with stochastic volatility from jumps cannot represent excess kurtosis and tails of returns distributions. One-day and one-week ahead prediction and VaR performance characterizing conditional returns distribution rejects Variance Gamma jumps in favor of Levy α−stable jumps in returns.
This paper addresses alternative option pricing models and their estimation. The stock price dynamics is modeled by taking into account both stochastic volatility and jumps. Jumps are mimiced by the tempered stable process and stochastic volatility is introduced by time changing the stochastic process. We propose a characteristic function based iterative estimation method, which overcomes the problem of nontractable probability density functions of our models and eases computational difficulty related to other methods. The estimation results and option pricing performance indicate that the infinite activity stochastic volatility model is more preferrable than the finite activity model. We also make an extension to investigate double-jump model by introducing jumps in the variance rate process.
We revisit the problem of pricing options with historical volatility estimators. We do this in the context of a generalized GARCH model with multiple time scales and asymmetry. It is argued that the reason for the observed volatility risk premium is tail risk aversion. We parametrize such risk aversion in terms of three coefficients: convexity, skew and kurtosis risk premium. We propose that option prices under the real-world measure are not martingales, but that their drift is governed by such tail risk premia. We then derive a fair-pricing equation for options and show that the solutions can be written in terms of a stochastic volatility model in continuous time and under a martingale probability measure. This gives a precise connection between the pricing and real-world probability measures, which cannot be obtained using Girsanov Theorem. We find that the convexity risk premium, not only shifts the overall implied volatility level, but also changes its term structure. Moreover, the skew risk premium makes the skewness of the volatility smile steeper than a pure historical estimate. We derive analytical formulas for certain implied moments using the Bergomi-Guyon expansion. This allows for very fast calibrations of the models. We show examples of a particular model which can reproduce the observed SPX volatility surface using very few parameters.
Applied Financial Economics, 2013
In this paper, we introduce two new six-parameter processes based on time-changing tempered stable distributions and develop an option pricing model based on these processes. This model provides a good fit to observed option prices. To demonstrate the advantages of the new processes, we conduct two empirical studies to compare their performance to other processes that have been used in the literature.
We introduce a new variant of the tempered stable distribu- tion, named the modified tempered stable (MTS) distribution and we de- velop a GARCH option pricing model with MTS innovations. This model allows the description of some stylized empirical facts observed in financial markets, such as volatility clustering, skewness, and heavy tails of stock returns. To demonstrate the advantages of the MTS-GARCH model, we present the results of the parameter estimation. 2000 AMS Mathematics Subject Classification: 60E07, 91B84.
RePEc: Research Papers in Economics, 2012
In this paper we will introduce a hybrid option pricing model that combines the classical tempered stable model and regime switching by a hidden Markov chain. This model allows the description of some stylized phenomena about asset return distributions that are well documented in financial markets such as time-varying volatility, skewness, and heavy tails. We will derive the option pricing formula under the this model by means of Fourier transform method. In order to demonstrate the superior accuracy and the capacity of capturing dynamics using the proposed model, we will empirically test the model using call option prices where the underlying is the S&P 500 Index.
New developments in financial modelling, 2000
We first introduce a new variant of the tempered stable distribution, named the modified tempered stable(MTS) distribution and we use it to develop the GARCH option pricing model with MTS innovations. This model allows one to describe some stylized phenomena observed in financial markets such as volatility clustering, skewness, and heavy tails of the return distribution.
The Journal of Finance, 2003
We document for the first time a striking regularity in the U.S. equity index options market. We empirically observe that when implied volatilities are graphed against a standard measure of moneyness, the implied volatility smirk does not flatten out as maturity increases. This behavior contrasts sharply with that observed in currency options and also contradicts a prediction of virtually all existing stationary option pricing models. These models all imply that the volatility smirk should flatten out as maturity increases, due to the onset of the central limit theorem. This implication holds for all models with or without jumps and stochastic volatility, so long as the model has finite skewness and kurtosis of returns and a stationary volatility process. To capture the actual behavior of the index volatility smirk across maturities, we develop a parsimonious model which has infinite skewness and kurtosis of returns, but has finite moments of all orders for stock prices themselves. We calibrate our model and demonstrate its superior empirical performance against several alternatives.
Review of Finance, 1998
A three parameter stochastic process, termed the variance gamma process, that generalizes Brownian motion is developed as a model for the dynamics of log stock prices. The process is obtained by evaluating Brownian motion with drift at a random time given by a gamma process. The two additional parameters are the drift of the Brownian motion and the volatility of the time change. These additional parameters provide control over the skewness and kurtosis of the return distribution. Closed forms are obtained for the return density and the prices of European options. The statistical and risk neutral densities are estimated for data on the S&P500 Index and the prices of options on this Index. It is observed that the statistical density is symmetric with some kurtosis, while the risk neutral density is negatively skewed with a larger kurtosis. The additional parameters also correct for pricing biases of the Black Scholes model that is a parametric special case of the option pricing model developed here.
Abacus, 1995
The Lognormal price model is generalized to the class of Log-Stable Processes, a family which possesses self-similarity properties usually only associated with the Lognormal, but which, more generally, can model negatively skewed distributions of return. This generalization appears to explain several discrepancies between the Black-Scholes Model and observed market phenomena, such as the variation of implied volatility of option price with exercise price and term to expiry, and the nonzero probability of bankruptcy or 'crash'. It will be argued that the class of maximally negatively skewed Stable distributions (a class which, paradoxically, contains the normal) may be utilized to produce models which imply these phenomena naturally.
We propose a class of discrete-time stochastic volatility models that, in a parsimonious way, captures the time-varying higher moments observed in financial series. We build this class of models in order to reach two desirable results. Firstly, we have a recursive procedure for the characteristic function of the log price at maturity that allows a semianalytical formula for option prices as in Heston and Nandi [2000]. Secondly, we try to reproduce some features of the Vix Index. We derive a simple formula for the Vix index and use it for option pricing purposes.
We flrst introduce a new variant of the tempered stable distribution, named the modifled tempered stable(MTS) distribution and we use it to develop the GARCH option pricing model with MTS innovations. This model allows one to describe some stylized phenomena observed in flnan- cial markets such as volatility clustering, skewness, and heavy tails of the return distribution.
Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, 2018
In this paper, we propose a new generalized alpha-skew-T (GAST) distribution for generalized autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity (GARCH) models in modelling daily Value-at-Risk (VaR). Some mathematical properties of the proposed distribution are derived including density function, moments and stochastic representation. The maximum likelihood estimation method is discussed to estimate parameters via a simulation study. Then, the real data application on S&P-500 index is performed to investigate the performance of GARCH models specified under GAST innovation distribution with respect to normal, Student's-t and Skew-T models in terms of the VaR accuracy. Backtesting methodology is used to compare the out-ofsample performance of the VaR models. The results show that GARCH models with GAST innovation distribution outperforms among others and generates the most conservative VaR forecasts for all confidence levels and for both long and short positions.
SSRN Electronic Journal, 2000
We propose a class of discrete-time stochastic volatility models that, in a parsimonious way, captures the time-varying higher moments observed in financial series. We build this class of models in order to reach two desirable results. Firstly, we have a recursive procedure for the characteristic function of the log price at maturity that allows a semianalytical formula for option prices as in Heston and Nandi [2000]. Secondly, we try to reproduce some features of the Vix Index. We derive a simple formula for the Vix index and use it for option pricing purposes.
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