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2018, International Journal of Mathematics Trends and Technology
This paper deals with the study of the model based on FAHP with Z-number and the evaluation of the alternatives with respect to each criterion and is described using z number where the Z-number contains both uncertain variable and its reliability (i.e) the two components constitutes the triangular fuzzy number. In this paper a classical triangular fuzzy number has been transformed into a crisp value and a decision analysis has been proposed using AHP. Finally a practical example with risk assessment factor has been analysed and evaluated using this technique.
Multiple Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) problems always involve uncertainty and vague values since human judgments are highly subjective. Fuzzy concept has been applied extensively in MCDM to cater for the vagueness involved. However, the reliability of information given by fuzzy numbers is questionable. Hence, Z-number was introduced to enhance the reliability of fuzzy numbers. Usage of Z-number is very limited due to its newly introduced concept. Thus, the effect of R (reliability component) on solving MCDM problems has not been thoroughly explored and clearly explained. This is due to several available techniques on how R (reliability component) could be integrated into A (restriction component). The main objective of this study is to analyze the impact of introducing the concept of reliability of Znumber into a hybrid Analytic Hierarchy Process-Fuzzy Data Envelopment Analysis (AHP-FDEA) for risk assessment purposes. The Z-number extension to MCDM problem has been implemented to...
Environmental Energy and Economic Research, 2021
Risk assessment has an essential role in managing different risks and their effects. A failure mode and effects analysis (FMEA), as one of the most famous risk assessment tools, has frequently been used in a wide range of industries and organizations. In this study, a new fuzzy analytic hierarchy process (AHP)-based FMEA model is introduced for evaluating the risks of various failure modes more precisely. In this model, fuzzy weighted aggregated risk priority numbers (FWARPNs) are taken into consideration instead of risk priority numbers (RPNs) for the failure modes. Moreover, considering that an economic criterion is added to the three main risk factors, the FWARPNs are calculated by utilizing four risk factors of occurrence (O), severity (S), detection (D), and cost (C). The new criterion (C) denotes the required cost for eliminating the effects of failure occurred. Also, the weights of these four risk factors are computed by an extended fuzzy AHP method. For enhancing the efficiency of the proposed model, a novel fuzzy numbers ranking method is also applied in both suggested fuzzy FMEA and AHP methods. This new ranking method is based on creating different horizontal α-cuts in fuzzy numbers. Finally, to indicate the practicability and effectiveness of the proposed model, Kerman Ghete Gostar Casting Plant is considered as a case study in which the risks of toxic gas release are assessed by the suggested fuzzy FMEA model. The obtained results show that the proposed model is a practicable and advantageous risk assessment method in the real world.
Iranian Journal of Fuzzy Systems, 2015
Ranking fuzzy numbers plays a main role in many applied models in real world and in particular decision-making procedures. In many proposed methods by other researchers may exist some shortcoming. The most com- monly used approaches for ranking fuzzy numbers is based on defuzzication method. Many ranking fuzzy numbers cannot discriminate between two sym- metric fuzzy numbers with identical core. In 2009, Abbasbandy and Hajjari proposed an approach for ranking normal trapezoidal fuzzy numbers, which computed the magnitude of fuzzy numbers namely \Mag" method. Then Ha- jjari extended it for non-normal trapezoidal fuzzy numbers and also for all generalized fuzzy numbers. However, these methods have the weakness that we mentioned above. Moreover, the result is not consistent with human intu- ition in this case. Therefore, we are going to present a new method to overcome the mentioned weakness. In order to overcome the shortcoming, a new magni- tude approach for ranking trapezoidal ...
Scientific Reports, 2023
Due to the increasing complexity of decision problems, many managers employ multiple experts to reach a good decision in a group decision making. Now, if there is ambiguity in the evaluation of experts, the use of fuzzy numbers can be useful for each expert. In these situations, the use of hesitant fuzzy numbers (HFNs) which consists of several fuzzy numbers with special conditions can be suggested. HFNs are as an extension of the fuzzy numbers to take a better determining the membership functions of the parameters by several experts. Because of simple and fast calculations, in this paper, we use triangular HFNs in the pairwise comparison matrix of analytic hierarchy process by opinions of a group of decision makers in a hesitant fuzzy environment. We define consistency of the hesitant fuzzy pairwise comparison matrix and use the arithmetic operations on the HFNs and a new method of comparing HFNs to get the hesitant fuzzy performance score. By using score function to hesitant fuzzy score we can get a final score for alternatives. Finally, a practical example is provided to show the the effectiveness of this study. The obtained results from this paper show that new method can get a better answer by keeping the experts' opinions in the process of solving the problem. It is difficult for an expert to be able to consider all aspects of a decision-making problem. Therefore, group decision-making would often be preferred and would generate more benefits than individual decision-making. The relationships among the decision makers are important factors that affect on group decision-making process 1 . Also, if they are like-minded, they are aligned in choosing their opinions, but they may have hesitance in choosing the membership function as a fuzzy number in different forms. In most research articles on group decisionmaking, the opinions of different decision makers are aggregated, which causes the loss of some information. In such a situation, using a new approach can be useful. In this article, we try to solve this problem by considering the extension of fuzzy numbers and using the existing arithmetic operations on them. In the theory of decision making, the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) is a structured technique for organizing and analyzing complex decisions. It was developed by Saaty 2 , which the experts usually provide crisp values for decisions over paired comparisons of alternatives with respect to a criterion. If the experts are uncertain on the decisions, this uncertainty can be measured by intervals 3 . In uncertain situations, the decisions can also be represented by fuzzy values. As a popular methodology for confronting with uncertainty, the fuzzy logic combined with AHP, more commonly known as fuzzy AHP (FAHP), has found more applications in recent years 4 . Laarhoven and Pedrycz 5 presented a fuzzy version of AHP method. Buckley used fuzzy priorities of comparison ratios in place of exact ratios 6 . Chang introduced a new approach for FAHP with using triangular fuzzy numbers in pairwise comparison scale 7 . Cheng presented a new approach for evaluating naval tactical missile systems depending by the FAHP 8 . Chan and Kumar used fuzzy extended AHP-based approach to global supplier development considering risk factors. Huang et al. presented a FAHP method and utilize crisp judgment matrix to evaluate subjective expert judgments made by the technical committee of the Industrial Technology Development Program in Taiwan 9 . Tang provided an efficient budget allocation method using FAHP for businesses 10 . Das et al. focused on performance evaluation and ranking of seven Indian institute of technology in respect to stakeholders' preference using an integrated model consisting of FAHP and compressed proportional assessment methods 11 . Deng applied a FAHP approach for tackling qualitative multi criteria analysis problems 12 . Cheng et al. considered attack helicopters based on linguistic variables by a FAHP method 13 . Leung and Cao proposed a fuzzy consistency of a tolerance deviation in the FAHP method 14 . Karczmarek et al. developed FAHP in a graphical approach.
Civil Engineering and Architecture, 2020
Risk in the construction industry is an important factor which must be considered in every decision. To ensure the smooth operation of any project, construction risk factors need to be investigated and assessed. For this reason, the evaluation of the risk factor is determined using expert opinion. Four main risk categories are used in this study, namely risk on project management, engineering risk, implementation risk, and supplier risk. The purpose of this study is to implement a fuzzy analytical hierarchy process (fuzzy AHP), a method that has been receiving increased interest in decision making situations to determine the relative importance of the criteria used for the decision when calibrating the end of each risk factor stage. A paired comparison was employed for subjective judgment made by experts in order to compute the priority weight vector for each risk item. Results show that the risk on supplier carries the highest weight (0.91), followed by the risk of accidents on site (0.58) and less motivation among the project management team (0.55). The final relative weight at the last level of the hierarchy gives a signal to the decision maker of organization of all the possible impacts of the risks revealed. Hence, the application of fuzzy AHP in ranking risk factors has demonstrated better results and more flexibility in human decision making.
Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 2006
Environmental risk management is an integral part of risk analyses. The selection of different mitigating or preventive alternatives often involve competing and conflicting criteria, which requires sophisticated multi-criteria decision-making (MCDM) methods. Analytic hierarchy process (AHP) is one of the most commonly used MCDM methods, which integrates subjective and personal preferences in performing analyses. AHP works on a premise that decision-making of complex problems can be handled by structuring the complex problem into a simple and comprehensible hierarchical structure. However, AHP involves human subjectivity, which introduces vagueness type uncertainty and necessitates the use of decision-making under uncertainty. In this paper, vagueness type uncertainty is considered using fuzzy-based techniques. The traditional AHP is modified to fuzzy AHP using fuzzy arithmetic operations. The concept of risk attitude and associated confidence of a decision maker on the estimates of pairwise comparisons are also discussed. The methodology of the proposed technique is built on a hypothetical example and its efficacy is demonstrated through an application dealing with the selection of drilling fluid/mud for offshore oil and gas operations.
Risk assessment is an important and popular aid in decision making process. Risk assessment is generally performed using models and model is a function of some parameters. Sometimes model parameters are tainted with uncertainty due to lack of knowledge, imprecision, vagueness, small sample sizes etc. To represent this type of uncertainty generally triangular fuzzy numbers or trapezoidal fuzzy numbers are used. In this paper, we use Gaussian and Cauchy fuzzy numbers to represent uncertainty. Fusion of Gaussian and Cauchy fuzzy number is discussed and then human health risk assessment is carried out in this setting.
Risk assessment is a popular and important tool in decision making process. Risk assessment is generally performed using models and model is a function of some parameters which are usually affected by uncertainty. Here, we consider that model parameters are affected by epistemic uncertainty. To represent epistemic uncertainty in general triangular fuzzy number or trapezoidal fuzzy numbers are used. In this paper, we study Gaussian fuzzy number to represent epistemic type uncertainty and try to fuse with triangular fuzzy numbers and also risk assessment is carried out under fuzzy environment.
Multi-criteria decision-making (MCDM) plays a vibrant role in decision-making, and the characteristic object method (COMET) acts as a powerful tool for decision-making of complex problems. COMET technique allows using both symmetrical and asymmetrical triangular fuzzy numbers. The COMET technique is immune to the pivotal challenge of rank reversal paradox and is proficient at handling vagueness and hesitancy. Classical COMET is not designed for handling uncertainty data when the expert has a problem with the identification of the membership function. In this paper, symmetrical and asymmetrical normalized interval-valued triangular fuzzy numbers (NIVTFNs) are used for decision-making as the solution of the identified challenge. A new MCDM method based on the COMET method is developed by using the concept of NIVTFNs. A simple problem of MCDM in the form of an illustrative example is given to demonstrate the calculation procedure and accuracy of the proposed approach. Furthermore, we c...
Decision Making: Applications in Management and Engineering, 2020
In the paper is presented a model for selecting a location for a brigade command post during combat operations. Considering that this is a very complex model, which can be approached from several aspects, this paper is limited only to the criteria related to the construction or arrangement of the command post, respectively, the engineering aspect. The selection process is conducted using hybrid FUCOM–Z-number–MABAC model. The FUCOM method is used to define the weight coefficients of criteria based on which the selection is made. The MABAC method, modified by applying Z-number, is used to rank alternatives. The end results indicate that the application of Z-number in decision making includes broader set of uncertainties than standard fuzzy numbers, which is very important for deciding in combat situations.
Application of Decision Science in Business and Management [Working Title]
Multi-criteria decision-making (MCDM) is a crucial process in many business and management applications. The final decision is based upon the relative weights to the decision-making team. The analytic hierarchy process (AHP) has found to be one of the most successful approaches for evaluations of the weights and the importance of the criteria. However, most of the evaluated values are not so precise due to the fuzziness of the evaluating environment. This chapter surveys essentially the basic analytic hierarchy process and the fuzzy analytic hierarchy process (FAHP). It depicts through an example the steps for using the original analytic hierarchy process for two levels of criteria. Then, it uses the same example to explain the fuzzy approach in the evaluation. Finally, it compares both approaches.
Journal of Food Quality, 2018
Fuzzy logic systems based on If-en rules are widely used for modelling of the systems characterizing imprecise and uncertain information. ese systems are basically based on type-1 fuzzy sets and allow handling the uncertain and imprecise information to some degree in the developed models. Zadeh extended the concept of fuzzy sets and proposed Z-number characterized by two components, constraint and reliability parameters, which are an ordered pair of fuzzy numbers. Here, the rst component is used to represent uncertain information, and the second component is used to evaluate the reliability or the con dence in truth. Znumber is an e ective approach to solving uncertain problems. In this paper, Z-number-based fuzzy system is proposed for estimation of food security risk level. To construct fuzzy If-en rules, the basic parameters cereal yield, cereal production, and economic growth a ecting food security are selected, and the relationship between these input parameters and risk level are determined through If-en fuzzy rules. e fuzzy interpolative reasoning is proposed for construction of inference mechanism of a Z-number-based fuzzy system. e designed system is tested using Turkey cereal data for assessing food security risk level and prediction periods of the food supply.
Applied Mathematical Sciences, 2013
In this paper, we present a new method for ranking generalized trapezoidal fuzzy numbers (GTrFNs) based on Ochiai index and Hurwicz criterion. The proposed ranking method considers all types of decision makers' perspective such as optimistic, neutral and pessimistic which is crucial in solving decision-making problems. The proposed method can discriminate the ranking result of GTrFNs having the same mode and symmetric spread. Two observations obtained from the proposed method are presented. Some numerical examples are also presented to illustrate the advantageous of the proposed method. Based on the proposed fuzzy ranking method, a fuzzy risk analysis (FRA) algorithm is presented to deal with FRA problems. The proposed method provides a useful way with strong discrimination ability in handling FRA problems.
Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 2021
Reliability measures are very significant aspects of the system's performance analysis. But reliability measures can not analyzed easily due to vagueness, impression in data and approximate modeling, etc. This paper concerns about the errors of a complex structure. The work reported in this research paper evaluated the ranking of failure rates using multi-criteria decision-making technique (MCDMT) and analyzes the fuzzy reliability. Fuzzy AHP is an effective MCDM technique that allows ambiguity in reliability engineering. At the end, obtained results have been shown by the graphs.
Computers, Materials & Continua
Efficient decision-making remains an open challenge in the research community, and many researchers are working to improve accuracy through the use of various computational techniques. In this case, the fuzzification and defuzzification processes can be very useful. Defuzzification is an effective process to get a single number from the output of a fuzzy set. Considering defuzzification as a center point of this research paper, to analyze and understand the effect of different types of vehicles according to their performance. In this paper, the multi-criteria decision-making (MCDM) process under uncertainty and defuzzification is discussed by using the center of the area (COA) or centroid method. Further, to find the best solution, Hurwicz criteria are used on the defuzzified data. A new decision-making technique is proposed using Hurwicz criteria for triangular and trapezoidal fuzzy numbers. The proposed technique considers all types of decision makers' perspectives such as optimistic, neutral, and pessimistic which is crucial in solving decisionmaking problems. A simple case study is used to demonstrate and discuss the Centroid Method and Hurwicz Criteria for measuring risk attitudes among 4596 CMC, 2022, vol.73, no.3 decision-makers. The significance of the proposed defuzzification method is demonstrated by comparing it to previous defuzzification procedures with its application.
Research Square, 2022
Ayyildiz et al. (Environmental Science and Pollution Research (2021), 1-13) pointed out that it is important to identify and minimize the critical risks in the transportation of hazardous material. For the same, Ayyildiz et al. proposed an effective integrated decision8 making methodology by combining the Modified Delphi Method (MDM) and Pythagorean fuzzy analytic hierarchy process (PF-AHP). In this integrated methodology, PF-AHP method is utilized to obtain weights of main and sub-risk factors in order to rank these factors. In Step 5 of PF-AHP method an interval valued Pythagorean fuzzy pairwise comparison matrix is transformed into a crisp matrix and then crisp AHP is applied to obtain the normalized weights from the transformed crisp matrix. It is quite evident that the crisp AHP is used only for crisp pairwise comparison matrix. However, after a deep study, it is observed that the transformed crisp matrix, obtained on applying the steps of Ayyildiz et al. methodology, violates the reciprocal propriety of pairwise comparison matrix. Therefore, to apply crisp AHP on the transformed crisp matrix is mathematically incorrect and will lead to problematic decision-making approach. Hence, may result in a heavy loss in any value-added model such as hazardous material transportation problems. Therefore, the Ayyildiz et al. methodology is not valid in its present form and cannot be used to find the solution of such type of real-life problem. Keeping the same in mind, the focus of this discussion is to make the researchers aware about these mathematical incorrect assumptions and the necessary modification is suggested.
… Research and Essays, 2012
There are two mainstreams in the use of the analytic network process (ANP) and analytic hierarchy process (AHP). One is the standard applications of crisp distributive and ideal mode versions. The other is characterised by fuzzification of the AHP/ANP methodology and by attempts to tackle better inherently uncertain and imprecise decision processes with quantitative and qualitative data. This paper presents modification of the AHP/ANP method, in which fuzzy numbers have been used for determining weight values of criteria and alternatives.Unlike the papers describing the procedure of fuzzification of the AHP/ANP method, the method described here takes into account the level of uncertainty of the decision maker. After application of the AHP/ANP method in this way, the values of the functions criteria for each considered alternative are obtained. Certain values of the level of certainty are corresponding to the obtained values of the functions criteria. It is possible to generate various sets of the values of criterion functions. Since large number of experts often participate in decision making, the model deals with possibility of synthesis of the optimality of criterion values in case of group decision making. The proposed methodology has been used for the assessment of management plans in West Serbia.
Decision Science Letters, 2015
In the present paper, a novel intuitionistic fuzzy Multiple Attribute Decision Making (MADM) is proposed for modelling and solving analytical hierarchy process (AHP) problems with small amount of relationship among various criteria. Assigning a membership degree, fuzzy sets can model some uncertainty to the decision space. Intuitionistic fuzzy sets model the uncertainty more accurately associated with both membership and non-membership degree. Based on advantages of Intuitionistic fuzzy sets, this paper first uses IF-AHP to evaluate the weighting for each criterion and then develops an intuitionistic fuzzy DEMATEL method to establish contextual relationships among those criteria. Finally, an integrated IF-DEMATEL-AHP method is proposed and used for a case study for selecting managers in the automobile industry in Iran.
Mathematics and Statistics, 2022
A picture fuzzy set is a more powerful tool to deal with uncertainties in the given information as compared to fuzzy set and intuitionistic fuzzy set and has energetic applications in decision-making. The aim of this study is to develop a new possibility measure for ranking picture fuzzy numbers and then some of its basic properties are proved. The proposed method provides the same ranking order as the score function in the literature. Moreover, the new possibility measure can provide additional information for the relative comparison of the picture fuzzy numbers. A picture fuzzy multi attribute decision-making problem is solved based on the possibility matrix generated by the proposed method after being aggregated using picture fuzzy Einstein weighted averaging aggregation operator. To verify the importance of the proposed method, an picture fuzzy multi attribute decisionmaking strategy is presented along with an application for selecting suitable alternative. The superiority of the proposed method and limitations of the existing methods are discussed with the help of a comparative study. Finally, a numerical example and comparative analysis are provided to illustrate the practicality and feasibility of the proposed method.
A state-of the-art survey & testbed of Fuzzy AHP (FAHP) applications
As a practical popular methodology for dealing with fuzziness and uncertainty in Multiple Criteria Decision-Making (MCDM), Fuzzy AHP (FAHP) has been applied to a wide range of applications. As of the time of writing there is no state of the art survey of FAHP, we carry out a literature review of 190 application papers (i.e., applied research papers), published between 2004 and 2016, by classifying them on the basis of the area of application, the identified theme, the year of publication, and so forth. The identified themes and application areas have been chosen based upon the latest state-of-the-art survey of AHP conducted by [Vaidya, O., & Kumar, S. (2006). Analytic hierarchy process: An overview of applications. European Journal of operational research, 169(1), 1–29.]. To help readers extract quick and meaningful information, the reviewed papers are summarized in various tabular formats and charts. Unlike previous literature surveys , results and findings are made available through an online (and free) testbed, which can serve as a ready reference for those who wish to apply, modify or extend FAHP in various applications areas. This online testbed makes also available one or more fuzzy pairwise comparison matrices (FPCMs) from all the reviewed papers (255 matrices in total). In terms of results and findings, this survey shows that: (i) FAHP is used primarily in the Manufacturing, Industry and Government sectors; (ii) Asia is the torchbearer in this field, where FAHP is mostly applied in the theme areas of Selection and Evaluation; (iii) a significant amount of research papers (43% of the reviewed literature) combine FAHP with other tools, particularly with TOPSIS, QFD and ANP (AHP's variant); (iv) Chang's extent analysis method, which is used for FPCMs'weight derivation in FAHP, is still the most popular method in spite of a number of criticisms in recent years (considered in 57% of the reviewed literature).
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