Fast Numerical Algorithms for Wiener Systems Identification

2003, Analysis and Optimization of Differential Systems


A Wiener system consists of a linear dynamic block followed by a static nonlinearity. The identification of a Wiener system means finding a mathematical model using the input and output data. The approach chosen for identification uses a state space representation for the linear part and a single layer neural network to model the static nonlinearity. Fast subspace identification algorithms are used for estimating the linear part, based on the available input-output data. Using the resulted state-space model, an approximate model of the nonlinear part is found by an improved Levenberg-Marquardt (LM) algorithm. Finally, the whole model is refined using a specialized, MINPACK-like, but structure-exploiting LAPACK-based LM algorithm. The output normal form is used to parameterize the linear part. With a suitable ordering of the variables, the Jacobian matrices have a block diagonal form, with an additional block column at the right. This structure is preserved in a QR factorization with column pivoting restricted to each block column. The implementation is memory conserving and about one order of magnitude faster than standard LM algorithms or specialized LM calculations based on conjugate gradients for solving linear systems.