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2014, arXiv (Cornell University)
In this paper we study a model structure on a category of schemes with a group action and the resulting unstable and stable equivariant motivic homotopy theories. The new model structure introduced here samples a comparison to the one by Voevodsky and Hu-Kriz-Ormsby. We show that it allows to detect equivariant motivic weak equivalences on fixed points and how this property leads to a topologically convenient behavior of stable equivalences. We also prove a negative result concerning descent for equivariant algebraic K-theory. I want to thank my advisor Oliver Röndigs for the great support in that time.
We introduce in this work the notion of the category of pure E-Motives, where E is a motivic strict ring spectrum and construct twisted E-cohomology by using six functors formalism of J. Ayoub. In particular, we construct the category of pure Chow-Witt motives CHW (k) Q over a field k and show that this category admits a fully faithful embedding into the geometric stable A 1-derived category D A 1 ,gm (k) Q .
The purpose of this work is to study the notion of bivariant theory introduced by Fulton and MacPherson in the context of motivic stable homotopy theory, and more generally in the broader framework of the Grothendieck six functors formalism. We introduce several kinds of bivariant theories associated with a suitable ring spectrum, and we construct a system of orientations (called fundamental classes) for global complete intersection morphisms between arbitrary schemes. These fundamental classes satisfy all the expected properties from classical intersection theory and lead to Gysin morphisms, Riemann-Roch formulas as well asduality statements, valid for general schemes, including singular ones and without need of a base field. Applications are numerous, ranging from classical theories (Betti homology) to generalized theories (algebraic K-theory, algebraic cobordism) and more abstractly to \'etale sheaves (torsion and $l$-adic) and mixed motives.
Motivic Homotopy Theory is oft thought of as the homotopy theory of schemes, or in particular as a means of enriching the study of algebraic varieties in unstable and (especially) stable homotopy theory. Introduced by Morel and Voevodsky in the late 1990’s in pursuit of geometric applications such as proofs of the Milnor and Bloch-Kato conjectures, this framework has indeed proven to be hugely successful in answering scheme-theoretic questions. The goal of this paper, however, is to ask about more topological phenomena. To do this, we first introduce the fundamentals of motivic homotopy theory, constructing and examining the stable motivic homotopy category which is the general object of study. We then interrogate the analogy between motivic spaces and topological spaces by examining the class of cellular motivic spaces, the appropriate motivic analog of CW-complexes. We ask, in line with the classical scenario, whether all motivic spaces are “weak equivalent” to a cell complex. A n...
The aim of this paper is to extend the definition of motivic homotopy theory from schemes to a large class of algebraic stacks and establish a six functor formalism. The class of algebraic stacks that we consider includes many interesting examples: quasi-separated algebraic spaces, local quotient stacks and moduli stacks of vector bundles. We use the language of ∞-categories developed by Lurie. Morever, we use the so-called ’enhanced operation map’ due to Liu and Zheng to extend the six functor formalism from schemes to our class of algebraic stacks. We also prove that six functors satisfy properties like homotopy invariance, localization and purity.
Applied Categorical Structures, 2020
We investigate several interrelated foundational questions pertaining to the study of motivic dga's of Dan-Cohen-Schlank [8] and Iwanari [13]. In particular, we note that morphisms of motivic dga's can reasonably be thought of as a nonabelian analog of motivic cohomology. Just as abelian motivic cohomology is a homotopy group of a spectrum coming from K-theory, the space of morphisms of motivic dga's is a certain limit of such spectra; we give an explicit formula for this limita possible first step towards explicit computations or dimension bounds. We also consider commutative comonoids in Chow motives, which we call "motivic Chow coalgebras". We discuss the relationship between motivic Chow coalgebras and motivic dga's of smooth proper schemes. As a small first application of our results, we show that among schemes which are finite étale over a number field, morphisms of associated motivic dga's are no different than morphisms of schemes. This may be regarded as a small consequence of a plausible generalization of Kim's relative unipotent section conjecture, hence as an ounce of evidence for the latter.
In this paper we define an E1-structure, i.e. a coherently homotopy associative and commutative product on chain complexes defining (integral and mod-l) motivic cohomology as well as mod -letale cohomology. We also discuss several applications.
We investigate several interrelated foundational questions pertaining to Guzman's theory of motivic dga's. In particular, we note that motivic dga's give rise to a natural notion of "nonabelian motivic homology". Just as abelian motivic homology is a homotopy group of a spectrum coming from K-theory, nonabelian motivic homology is a homotopy group of a certain limit of such spectra; we give an explicit formula for this limit --- a necessary first step (we believe) towards any explicit computations or dimension bounds. We also consider commutative comonoids in Chow motives, which we call "motivic Chow coalgebras". We discuss the relationship between motivic Chow coalgebras and motivic dga's of smooth proper schemes. As an application of our foundational results, we prove that among schemes which are finite \'etale over a number field, morphisms of associated motivic dga's are no different than morphisms of schemes. This may be regarded as a...
Algebraic & Geometric Topology, 2018
We investigate certain adjunctions in derived categories of equivariant spectra, including a right adjoint to fixed points, a right adjoint to pullback by an isometry of universes, and a chain of two right adjoints to geometric fixed points. This leads to a variety of interesting other adjunctions, including a chain of 6 (sometimes 7) adjoints involving the restriction functor to a subgroup of a finite group on equivariant spectra indexed over the trivial universe.
Equivariant homotopy methods developed over the last 20 years lead to recent breakthroughs in the Borel isomorphism conjectures for Loday assembly maps in K-and L-theories. An important consequence of these algebraic conjectures is the topological rigidity of compact aspherical manifolds. Our goal is to strip the basic idea to the core and follow the evolution over time in order to explain the advantages of the flexible state that exists today. We end with an outline of the proof of the Borel conjecture in algebraic K-theory for groups of finite asymptotic dimension. Contents 1. Introduction 1 2. Bounded K-theory and the Loday assembly map 2.1. Homotopy fixed point method 2.2. The Loday assembly map 2.3. Geometric applications of the assembly map 2.4. Topological rigidity of aspherical manifolds 2.5. Bounded K-theory and its application 2.6. Example: free abelian groups 3. Applications of continuous control at infinity 3.1. Continuous control in good compactifications 3.2. Continuous control with large actions at infinity 4. Surjectivity of the K-theoretic assembly map 4.1. Preparation for the argument 4.2. The beginning of the argument 21 4.3. Fibrewise bounded G-theory 4.4. The end of the argument 4.5. Coarse coherence of fundamental groups 5. Comparison with the Farrell-Jones conjecture 31 References
arXiv (Cornell University), 2023
We analyze stabilization with respect to P 1 in the Morel-Voevodsky unstable motivic homotopy theory. We introduce a refined notion of cellularity in various motivic homotopy categories taking into account both the simplicial and Tate circles. Under suitable cellularity hypotheses, we refine the Whitehead theorem by showing that a map of nilpotent motivic spaces can be seen to be an equivalence if it so after taking (Voevodsky) motives. We then establish a version of the Freudenthal suspension theorem for P 1-suspension, again under suitable cellularity hypotheses. As applications, we resolve Murthy's conjecture on splitting of corank 1 vector bundles on smooth affine algebras over algebraically closed fields having characteristic 0 and compute new unstable motivic homotopy of motivic spheres.
This paper initiates the incorporation of factorization algebra techniques to study motivic homotopy theory. We define a version of the Ran space of an algebraic variety and prove that it is contractible in the unstable motivic homotopy category. To do so, we prove that its A 1-homotopy sheaves vanish, the most difficult being the sheaf of A 1-connected components where we use an interpretation of this sheaf, available in the setting of infinite fields and a Riemann-Roch argument.
In this paper, we initiate a study of motivic homotopy theory at infinity. We use the six functor formalism to give an intrinsic definition of the stable motivic homotopy type at infinity of an algebraic variety. Our main computational tools include cdh-descent for normal crossing divisors, Euler classes, Gysin maps, and homotopy purity. Under l-adic realization, the motive at infinity recovers a formula for vanishing cycles due to Rapoport-Zink; similar results hold for Steenbrink’s limiting Hodge structures and Wildeshaus’ boundary motives. Under the topological Betti realization, the stable motivic homotopy type at infinity of an algebraic variety recovers the singular complex at infinity of the corresponding analytic space. We coin the notion of homotopically smooth morphisms with respect to a motivic ∞-category and use it to show a generalization to virtual vector bundles of Morel-Voevodsky’s purity theorem, which yields an escalated form of Atiyah duality with compact support....
arXiv: Algebraic Geometry, 2017
We propose a motivic generalization of rational homotopy types. The algebraic invariants we study are defined as algebra objects in the category of mixed motives. This invariant plays a role of Sullivan's polynomial de Rham algebras. Another main notion is that of cotangent motives. Our main objective is to investigate the topological realization of these invariants and study their structures. Applying these machineries and the Tannakian theory, we construct actions of a derived motivic Galois group on rational homotopy types. Thanks to this, we deduce actions of the motivic Galois group of pro-unipotent completions of homotopy groups.
Preprint. Available at math. uiuc. edu/K- …, 2000
Journal de l’École polytechnique — Mathématiques, 2021
Cet article est mis à disposition selon les termes de la licence LICENCE INTERNATIONALE D'ATTRIBUTION CREATIVE COMMONS BY 4.0.
Journal of the European Mathematical Society, 2021
We develop the theory of fundamental classes in the setting of motivic homotopy theory. Using this we construct, for any motivic spectrum, an associated twisted bivariant theory, extending the formalism of Fulton and MacPherson. We import the tools of Fulton's intersection theory into this setting: (refined) Gysin maps, specialization maps, and formulas for excess of intersection, selfintersections, and blow-ups. We also develop a theory of Euler classes of vector bundles in this setting. For the Milnor-Witt spectrum recently constructed by Déglise-Fasel, we get a bivariant theory extending the Chow-Witt groups of Barge-Morel, in the same way the higher Chow groups extend the classical Chow groups. As another application we prove a motivic Gauss-Bonnet formula, computing Euler characteristics in the motivic homotopy category.
Advances in Mathematics, 2017
Let G be a finite group and let F be a family of subgroups of G. We introduce a class of G-equivariant spectra that we call F-nilpotent. This definition fits into the general theory of torsion, complete, and nilpotent objects in a symmetric monoidal stable ∞-category, with which we begin. We then develop some of the basic properties of F-nilpotent G-spectra, which are explored further in the sequel to this paper. In the rest of the paper, we prove several general structure theorems for ∞-categories of module spectra over objects such as equivariant real and complex K-theory and Borel-equivariant M U. Using these structure theorems and a technique with the flag variety dating back to Quillen, we then show that large classes of equivariant cohomology theories for which a type of complex-orientability holds are nilpotent for the family of abelian subgroups. In particular, we prove that equivariant real and complex K-theory, as well as the Borel-equivariant versions of complex-oriented theories, have this property.
Annales scientifiques de l'Ecole normale …, 2002
The purpose of this paper is to establish in Theorem 13.13 a spectral sequence from the motivic cohomology of a smooth variety X over a field F to the algebraic K-theory of X:
Advances in Mathematics, 2017
The aim of this work is to construct certain homotopy tstructures on various categories of motivic homotopy theory, extending works of Voevodsky, Morel, Déglise and Ayoub. We prove these t-structures possess many good properties, some analogous to those of the perverse t-structure of Beilinson, Bernstein and Deligne. We compute the homology of certain motives, notably in the case of relative curves. We also show that the hearts of these t-structures provide convenient extensions of the theory of homotopy invariant sheaves with transfers, extending some of the main results of Voevodsky. These t-structures are closely related to Gersten weight structures as defined by Bondarko.
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