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2013, Cultural-Historical Psychology
2 pages
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This special issue explores the cultural formation of children and kindergarten teachers within social and cultural activities, emphasizing the role of artifacts in education. It investigates conditions influencing kindergarten practices through a cultural-historical lens and highlights the importance of children's agency and cultural identity. Contributions from international researchers provide insights into the dynamics of kindergarten as multifaceted environments for learning and identity shaping.
Journal of Nursing Ufpe Online, 2015
Objective: reporting the educational work conducted from workshops about family risk detected in a community. Method: a descriptive study of type experience report, based on the assumptions of Ergology, held in 2012 with 46 families of elementary school children. The research project was by the Research Ethics Committee, under Opinion n. 245/2010. Results: the group relationship enabled the account of conflict and stigmatizing situations and the perception of interference of mood disorders and behavior on family life. There was awareness of acquisition of healthy habits, child care and family-school approach. Conclusion: reflections on the practice emerged, helping to integrating family and school. Descriptors: Child Health; Family; Health Education; Health Care; Nursing. RESUMO Objetivo: relatar o trabalho educativo realizado a partir de oficinas sobre o risco familiar detectado em uma comunidade. Método: estudo descritivo, tipo relato de experiência, fundamentado nos pressupostos da Ergologia, realizado em 2012 com 46 famílias de crianças do ensino fundamental. O projeto de pesquisa foi conduzido pelo Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa, conforme Parecer n. 245/2010. Resultados: o relacionamento grupal possibilitou o relato de situações conflituosas e estigmatizadoras, e a percepção da interferência dos transtornos do humor e do comportamento sobre a vida familiar. Houve sensibilização para aquisição de hábitos saudáveis, cuidado à criança e aproximação família-escola. Conclusão: emergiram reflexões sobre a práxis, contribuindo para a integração família e escola. Descritores: Saúde da Criança; Família; Educação em Saúde; Atenção à Saúde; Enfermagem. RESUMEN Objetivo: informe de la labor educativa de talleres acerca del riesgo familiar detectado en una comunidad. Método: un estudio descriptivo del tipo informe de experiencia, basado en los supuestos de la Ergología, celebrado en 2012 con 46 familias de niños de la escuela primaria. El proyecto de investigación fue aprobado por el Comité de Ética en la Investigación, bajo la Opinión n. 245/2010. Resultados: la relación de grupo habilitado la cuenta de las situaciones conflictivas y estigmatizadoras y la percepción de la interferencia de los trastornos del estado de ánimo y el comportamiento en la vida familiar. Hay una conciencia de la adquisición de hábitos saludables, el cuidado de niños y de aproximación familia-escuela. Conclusión: emergieron reflexiones sobre la práctica, ayudando a integrar la familia y la escuela. Descriptores: Salud
Online Submission, 2008
Within the context of research called "Changing the culture of educational institutions-a way to qualitative changes in preschool education'', implemented within a three year period and, because of the needs of this work, this paper reports the results of the research performed in the first year. The work was carried out with emphases on preschool teachers' training for the process of research and improvement of their own practice by creating a stimulating environment of an educational institution which is attended by children ranging from one to six/seven years of age (preschool period). This practice should be in accordance with children's nature and should change continuously, being in coordination with children's needs, environment and education. We hold that there is no theory that identifies only the needs to be learned and then applies that in practice, but rather, that a stimulating environment is also being created and built jointly by doing and participating in continuous research of educational practice. The emphasis is on shared direct research, its discussion, continuous changing of one's own environment and providing children with more freedom, games and learning, which constitutes qualitative living.
In a cultural historical perspective school practice should be oriented to work with theoretical concepts in each subject matter. Although this statement should be discussed from the point of view of its philosophical foundations in this paper we are going to discuss, mainly, its methodological possibilities in an educational research focused on the subject matter analysis process. What are the possibilities of working with the germ-cell, the movement of subject matter? For discussing these questions, we are going to present a particular process of subject matter analysis held in the area of Physical Education. Through the explanation of the conceptual relations that organize this area, we present some methodological considerations for working with the process of analysis of theoretical concepts in educational research.
The pedagogical research constitutes a critical, dynamic, intentional, active process oriented towards the investigation of the educaional reality under all its aspects. The present paper brings in the forefront the effort of pedagogy to crystalize its own methodology of research in its demarche of affirmation and consolidation of its scientifical status. The complexity and the high number of inter-depedent variables present in the study of the human condition foiled the effort to apply a model of scientific research underlain on the method of natural sciences in the field of social-human sciences. In this context, the pedagogy was bound to shade its methods of research in order to surprise as truthful as possible the complexity and diversity of the educational processes. Thus, besides the empirical-experimental method , the pedagogy was enriched with new methods of research such as the hermeneutic method, the historical method, the rhetorical method, the descriptive method, the...
This study aimed at investigating the views of kindergarten and first-grade teachers on school readiness. The study group of this study consisted of kindergarten (n=16) and first-grade teachers (n=16) working in public and private kindergartens and primary schools affiliated with the Ministry of National Education in Istanbul, Turkey. The phenomenology model, one of the qualitative research designs, was adopted in this study. The “SemiStructured Teacher Interview Form” prepared by Erkan was used to determine the opinions of teachers on school readiness. The data obtained from the study were analyzed by using the content analysis technique. In addition to this, the opinions of kindergarten and first-grade teachers on school readiness were included with direct quotations. As a result of this study, it was determined that kindergarten and first-grade teachers had similar and different opinions on school readiness. Recommendations were provided in line with the findings obtained.
A revised version of a paper originally prepared as a Keynote in the 2011 Summer Institute in Qualitative Research (SIQR) symposium at Manchester Metropolitan University, this is a further account in a series of papers engaging with practice theory and philosophy, largely in the context of professional education. The focus here is on research as practice, and the question of writing as itself a form of research practice – writing as research. A particular concern is with the concept of ‘emergent methodologies’ – those methodologies that cannot be determined in advance, as in more conventional approaches. A practice-theoretical challenge is thereby presented to the notion of methodology itself, with regard to educational research and cultural inquiry
Croatian Journal of Education - Hrvatski časopis za odgoj i obrazovanje, 2018
In ontogenetic development, the child is a unique and specific being. In addition to his/her personal biography, s/he is also defined by general social visions and values. Significant in this regard are Vygotsky's (1996) attempts to confirm the thesis on the close relationship between the cultural and historical context in which children live with someone, between the child and childhood, his/her activities, or the pace and the quality of progress. New social studies of childhood (be they from a historical or social perspective) and the prevailing concept of childhood show that children's lives are shaped by the social and cultural expectations of adults. The image of childhood should not be dismissed as a critical period which represents narrow "windows" of time in which a specific part of the body is most sensitive to the absence of stimuli (deprivation) or the impact of the environment (enriched environment). The paper will examine some of the contradictions and unacceptable tendencies that occur in the interpretation and implementation of a modern paradigm of early and preschool education, and education in the area of educational practice. In particular, the analysis will relate to the position of teachers in the process of children's activities from the perspective of their teaching and development. The evaluation of teachers' specific positioning within dynamic practical areas is a reflection of their current personal and professional competencies, as well as their overall professional habitus.
Culture studies become more popular at the current stage of development of science. The object of some researchers is theoretical development of problematics of culture; the others intend to deal with applied investigations of new spheres of human life. But in spite of the very essence of investigations on culture (theoretical or empirical) and its object, selection of methodological principles remains one of the most important problems for every concrete program of research on culture. A brief historical survey of the problem of selection of methodological principles for research on culture, carried out in the article, allowed us to draw a conclusion that the program of contemporary culture studies is based on the principle of necessity for direct observation of various forms of social correlations; and a concrete program of scientific investigations on culture is stipulated by selection of methodology for study of social interrelations. On the one hand, selection of the basic form of social interrelations depends on subjective intentions of a researcher carrying out his investigations on culture; on the other hand, selection determines concrete objects and methods of culture studies based on direct observation of people’s social life. Consideration of the genesis of the West-European and American investigations on culture on the base of studying of K.H. Marx’s, I.A.М.F.X. Comte’s, B.K. Malinowski’s, A.R. Radcliff-Braun’s, and L. A. White’s conceptions allowed us to examine the process of formation of methodology of culture studies. Its starting point was K.H. Marx’s discovery of economic relations as the only possible foundation of social relations, according to his conception. There appeared a fork in the further development of methodology: one of its branches still remains determined by economy and the other is a progressive alternative of formation of methodology of culture studies initiated by I.A.M.F.X. Comte, who had turned metaphysical speculations to positive scientific control over social processes. B.K. Malinowski kept on with that vector of development; the step he made towards formation of methodology of culture studies is a turn from speculative theorizing to study of social reality in field condition. A.R. Radcliff-Braun confirmed the ethodological thesis on division of approaches of research on culture into speculative, or ethnologic, and functional, or socio-anthropological, ones. According to A.R. Radcliff-Braun, socio-anthropological method is of more importance, for it allows us to deduce general functional principles of existence of culture on the base of the phenomena of social life directly observed. L.A. White’s desert is synthesis of historical and functional methods carried out and enriched, each taken separately.
There are many ways to frame research, and there is a plethora of ways that researchers have theorised and discussed their study designs. In this methodology chapter, we present an overview of researching in early childhood education from a cultural-historical perspective. We specifically discuss aspects of a cultural- historical methodology which are related to play and development in early child-hood settings. In this chapter we examine three key points. First we discuss what new perspectives the cultural-historical methodology can bring to the field of early childhood education research. Second, we show what a cultural-historical method-ology will allow researchers to do. Finally, we (1) theorise a set of cultural- historical principles drawn directly from Vygotsky’s legacy but in the context of contempo-rary research practices in early childhood education; (2) conceptualise digital tools dialectically, as both a research tool for capturing observations of practices and as a cultural tool for the development of young children, where microgenetic changes are made visible and (3) discuss the doubleness of the researcher, as a participant in the research site and as a researcher collecting data. Through the lens of cultural- historical theory, we examine the contemporary challenges and conceptualisations of researching in early childhood education contexts.
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Quality of Education: Global Development Goals and Local Strategies, Violeta Orlović Lovren, Jan Peeters, & Nataša Matović (Eds.), 2019
Journal of Educational Cultural and Psychological Studies, 2011
Przegląd Badań Edukacyjnych, 2021
Nordic Journal of Working Life Studies, 2015
Editor-in-Chief, 2010
Social Pathology and Prevention, 2017
Educação & Realidade
International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences