
This project opens a new hope to the physically challenged people. Freedom of mobility is the dream for every patient especially in the case of people suffering from cases such as quadriplegics and multiple sclerosis .Although many types of mobility equipments are available for these type of patient there is no independent means of mobility device for these patients since they cannot drive a joystick or manual wheelchair. In order to aid these types of patients we are developing voice operated wheelchair. The movement of the wheelchair is controlled by the voice of the user. This wheelchair can be driven to the preferred direction with minimum effort.The user requires only less training to use this wheelchair. Technically this wheelchair is integrated with a voice recognition module to identify the voice, a microcontroller which can be programmed other supporting hardware components and a motor driver L293D.The proposed microcontroller based voice operated wheelchair would bring more convenience for the disabled people. Two DC motors can be driven simultaneously, both in forward and reverse direction with the help of L293Dmotor driver. Here we can control the motors to move right, left, forward, reverse, free runs and stop or break.To provide tilt operation for this wheelchair we use selective movement of a single motor based on the diameter and speed of the wheel. Also can calculate how much movement is required to tilt the wheelchair at a desired angle.