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2000, Science
Published in Science 288, 475 (2000).
Nature Materials, 2013
The diverse phenomena associated with the two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG) that occurs at oxide interfaces include, among others, exceptional carrier mobilities, magnetism and superconductivity. Although these have mostly been the focus of interest for potential future applications, they also offer an opportunity for studying more fundamental quantum many-body effects. Here, we examine the magnetic-field-driven quantum phase transition that occurs in electrostatically gated superconducting LaTiO 3 /SrTiO 3 interfaces. Through a finite-size scaling analysis, we show that it belongs to the (2 + 1)D XY model universality class. The system can be described as a disordered array of superconducting puddles coupled by a 2DEG and, depending on its conductance, the observed critical behaviour is single (corresponding to the long-range phase coherence in the whole array) or double (one related to local phase coherence, the other one to the array). A phase diagram illustrating the dependence of the critical field on the 2DEG conductance is constructed, and shown to agree with theoretical proposals. Moreover, by retrieving the coherence-length critical exponent ν, we show that the quantum critical behaviour can be clean or dirty according to the Harris criterion, depending on whether the phase-coherence length is smaller or larger than the size of the puddles.
Physical Review B, 2004
We present the critical theory of a number of zero temperature phase transitions of quantum antiferromagnets and interacting boson systems in two dimensions. The most important example is the transition of the S = 1/2 square lattice antiferromagnet between the Néel state (which breaks spin rotation invariance) and the paramagnetic valence bond solid (which preserves spin rotation invariance but breaks lattice symmetries). We show that these two states are separated by a secondorder quantum phase transition. This conflicts with Landau-Ginzburg-Wilson theory, which predicts that such states with distinct broken symmetries are generically separated either by a first-order transition, or by a phase with co-existing orders. The critical theory of the second-order transition is not expressed in terms of the order parameters characterizing either state, but involves fractionalized degrees of freedom and an emergent, topological, global conservation law. A closely related theory describes the superfluid-insulator transition of bosons at half-filling on a square lattice, in which the insulator has a bond density wave order. Similar considerations are shown to apply to transitions of antiferromagnets between the valence bond solid and the Z2 spin liquid: the critical theory has deconfined excitations interacting with an emergent U(1) gauge force. We comment on the broader implications of our results for the study of quantum criticality in correlated electron systems.
physica status solidi (b), 2010
Physical Review B, 2006
The exotic nature of many strongly correlated materials at reasonably high temperatures-for instance, cuprate superconductors in their normal state-has led to the suggestion that such behavior occurs within a quantum-critical region where the physics is controlled by the influence of a phase transition down at zero temperature. Such a scenario can be thought of as a bottom-up approach, with the zero-temperature mechanisms finding a way to manifest critical behavior at high temperatures. Here we propose an alternative, top-down, mechanism by which strong kinematic constraints that can only be broken at extremely high temperatures are responsible for critical behavior at intermediate but still high temperatures. This critical behavior may extend all the way down to zero temperature, but this outcome is not one of necessity, and the system may order at low temperatures. We provide explicit examples of such high-temperature criticality when additional strong interactions are introduced in quantum Heisenberg, transverse-field Ising, and some bosonic lattice models.
arXiv (Cornell University), 2015
Increasing the spin imbalance in superconductors can spatially modulate the gap by forming Cooper pairs with finite momentum. For large imbalances compared to the Fermi energy, the inhomogeneous FFLO superconductor ultimately becomes a normal metal. There is mounting experimental evidence for this scenario in 2D organic superconductors in large in-plane magnetic fields; this is complemented by ongoing efforts to realize this scenario in coupled tubes of atomic Fermi gases with spin imbalance. Yet, a theory for the phase transition from a metal to an FFLO superconductor has not been developed so far and the universality class has remained unknown. Here we propose and analyze a spin imbalance driven quantum critical point between a 2D metal and an FFLO phase in anisotropic electron systems. We derive the effective action for electrons and bosonic FFLO pairs at this quantum phase transition. Using this action, we predict non-Fermi liquid behavior and the absence of quasi-particles at a discrete set of hot spots on the Fermi surfaces. This results in strange power-laws in thermodynamics and response functions, which are testable with existing experimental setups on 2D organic superconductors and may also serve as signatures of the elusive FFLO phase itself. The proposed universality class is distinct from previously known quantum critical metals and, because its critical fluctuations appear already in the pairing channel, a promising candidate for naked metallic quantum criticality over extended temperature ranges.
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 2009
In multi-band superconductors as inter-metallic systems and heavy fermions, external pressure can reduce the critical temperature and eventually destroy superconductivity driving these systems to the normal state. In many cases this transition is continuous and is associated with a superconducting quantum critical point (SQCP). In this work we study a two-band superconductor in the presence of hybridization V. This one-body mixing term is due to the overlap of the different wavefunctions. It can be tuned by external pressure and turns out as an important control parameter to study the phase diagram and the nature of the phase transitions. We use a BCS approximation and include both inter and intra-band attractive interactions. For negligible inter-band interactions, as hybridization (pressure) increases we find a SQCP separating a superconductor from a normal state at a critical value of the hybridization Vc. We obtain the behavior of the electronic specific heat close to the SQCP and the shape of the critical line as V approaches Vc.
Physical Review B, 2016
All superconductors known so far exhibit pairing of electrons into a state with vanishing total momentum. In the presence of a finite difference in the population of electrons with opposite spin it is possible, however, that pairs with finite momentum condense in the ground state. The associated periodic modulation of the superconducting order parameter has not been observed to date; but there is indirect experimental evidence for such an exotic type of pairing in 2D organic superconductors. Here, we show that the normal state above a 2D superconductor with finite momentum pairs exhibits a new strange metal phase at low temperatures. It has no proper electronic quasiparticles over parts of the Fermi surface and leads to anomalies both in thermodynamics and response functions. In particular, the specific heat and NMR-relaxation rate exhibit nontrivial power laws at low temperature, consistent with experimental data on 2D organic superconductors.
Physica C: Superconductivity, 1997
The presence of a charge-driven quantum critical point near optimal doping in the superconducting cuprates is shown to account for the non-Fermi liquid normal state properties, d-wave superconductivity, strong doping dependence of the superconducting critical temperature
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2010
Quantum criticality arises when a macroscopic phase of matter undergoes a continuous transformation at zero temperature. While the collective fluctuations at quantum-critical points are being increasingly recognized as playing an important role in a wide range of quantum materials, the nature of the underlying quantum-critical excitations remains poorly understood. Here we report in-depth measurements of the Hall effect in the heavy-fermion metal YbRh 2 Si 2 , a prototypical system for quantum criticality. We isolate a rapid crossover of the isothermal Hall coefficient clearly connected to the quantum-critical point from a smooth background contribution; the latter exists away from the quantum-critical point and is detectable through our studies only over a wide range of magnetic field. Importantly, the width of the critical crossover is proportional to temperature, which violates the predictions of conventional theory and is instead consistent with an energy over temperature, E∕T , scaling of the quantum-critical single-electron fluctuation spectrum. Our results provide evidence that the quantum-dynamical scaling and a critical Kondo breakdown simultaneously operate in the same material. Correspondingly, we infer that macroscopic scale-invariant fluctuations emerge from the microscopic manybody excitations associated with a collapsing Fermi-surface. This insight is expected to be relevant to the unconventional finitetemperature behavior in a broad range of strongly correlated quantum systems.
Physical Review B, 2012
We use the renormalization group method to study normal state properties of quasi-onedimensional superconductors nearby a spin-density-wave instability. On the basis of one-loop scattering amplitudes for the quasi-one-dimensional electron gas, the integration of the renormalization group equations for the two-loop single particle Matsubara self-energy leads to a nonFermi-liquid temperature downturn of the momentum-resolved quasi-particle weight over most part of the Fermi surface. The amplitude of the downturn correlates with the entire instability line for superconductivity, defining an extended quantum critical region of the phase diagram as a function of nesting deviations of the Fermi surface. One also extracts the downward renormalization of interchain hopping amplitudes at arbitrary low temperature in the normal phase. By means of analytical continuation of the Matsubara self-energy, one-particle spectral functions are obtained with respect to both energy and temperature and their anomalous features analyzed in connection with the sequence of instability lines of the phase diagram. The quasi-particle scattering rate is found to develop an unusual temperature dependence, which is best described by the superimposition of a linear and quadratic T dependences. The nonFermi-liquid linear-T component correlates with the temperature scale Tc of the superconducting instability over an extended range of nesting deviations, whereas its anisotropy along the Fermi surface is predicted to parallel the momentum profile of a d-wave pairing gap on the Fermi surface. We examine the implications of our results for low dimensional unconventional superconductors, in particular the Bechgaard salts series of quasi-one-dimensional organic conductors, but also the pnictide and cuprate superconductors where several common features are observed.
Physical Review B, 2007
A microscopic analysis of the superconducting quantum critical point realized via a pair-breaking quantum phase transition is presented. Finite temperature crossovers are derived for the electrical conductivity, which is a key probe of superconducting fluctuations. By using the diagrammatic formalism for disordered systems, we are able to incorporate the interplay between fluctuating Cooper pairs and electrons, that is outside the scope of a time-dependent Ginzburg Landau or effective bosonic action formalism. It is essential to go beyond the standard approximation in order to capture the zero temperature correction which results purely from the (dynamic) quantum fluctuations and dictates the behavior of the conductivity in an entire low temperature quantum regime. All dynamic contributions are of the same order and conspire to add up to a negative total, thereby inhibiting the conductivity as a result of superconducting fluctuations. On the contrary, the classical and the intermediate regimes are dominated by the positive bosonic channel. Our theory is applicable in one, two and three dimensions and is relevant for experiments on superconducting nanowires, doubly-connected cylinders, thin films and bulk in the presence of magnetic impurities, magnetic field or other pair-breakers. A window of non-monotonic behavior is predicted to exist as either the temperature or the pair-breaking parameter is swept.
Physical Review B, 2015
We study the 𝐶𝑟 !!! 𝑅𝑒 ! phase diagram finding that its phase transition temperature towards an antiferromagnetic order 𝑇 ! follows a quantum 𝑥 ! -𝑥 /𝑥 ! ! law, with 𝜓 = 1/2, from the quantum critical point (QCP) at 𝑥 ! = 0.25 up to 𝑇 ! ≈ 600𝐾. We compare this system to others in order to understand why this elemental material is affected by the QCP up to such unusually high temperatures. We determine a general criterion for the crossover, as function of an external parameter such as concentration, from the region controlled solely by thermal fluctuations to that where quantum effects become observable. The properties of materials with low coherence lengths will thus be altered far away from the QCP.
Physical Review Letters, 2012
Science, 2004
The theory of second order phase transitions is one of the foundations of modern statistical mechanics and condensed matter theory. A central concept is the observable `order parameter', whose non-zero average value characterizes one or more phases and usually breaks a symmetry of the Hamiltonian. At large distances and long times, fluctuations of the order parameter(s) are described by a continuum field theory, and these dominate the physics near such phase transitions. In this paper we show that near second order quantum phase transitions, subtle quantum interference effects can invalidate this paradigm. We present a theory of quantum critical points in a variety of experimentally relevant two-dimensional antiferromagnets. The critical points separate phases characterized by conventional `confining' order parameters. Nevertheless, the critical theory contains a new emergent gauge field, and `deconfined' degrees of freedom associated with fractionalization of the order parameters. We suggest that this new paradigm for quantum criticality may be the key to resolving a number of experimental puzzles in correlated electron systems.
Physical Review B, 2009
The electrical transport and thermoelectric properties of K x Sr 1-x Fe 2 As 2 are investigated for 0 Յ x Յ 1. The resistivity ͑T͒ shows a crossover from Fermi-liquid-like temperature dependence at small x to linear ϳ T dependence at x c Ӎ 0.4. With further increasing of x, ͑T͒ becomes nonlinear again. The thermoelectric power S͑T͒ exhibits a similar crossover with increasing x with a logarithmic T dependence, S / T ϳ ln͑T͒, near the critical doping x c . These results provide evidence for a quantum critical behavior due to the coupling of low-energy conduction electrons to two-dimensional spin fluctuations.
Superconductivity in strongly correlated systems is a remarkable phenomenon that attracts a huge interest. The study of this problem is relevant for materials as the high Tc oxides, pnictides and heavy fermions. In this work we study a realistic model that includes the relevant physics of superconductivity in the presence of strong Coulomb correlations. We consider a two-band model, since most of these correlated systems have electrons from at least two different atomic orbitals coexisting at their Fermi surface. The Coulomb repulsion is taken into account through a local repulsive interaction. Pairing is considered among quasi- particles in neighbouring sites and we allow for different symmetries of the order parameter. In order to deal with the strong local correlations, we use the well known slave boson approach that has proved very successful for this problem. Here we are interested in obtaining the zero temperature properties of the model, specifically its phase diagram and the existence and nature of superconducting quantum critical points. We show that these can arise by increasing the mixing between the two bands. Since this can be controlled by external pressure or doping, our results have a direct relation with experiments. We show that the superconductor-to-normal transition can be either to a metal, a correlated metal or to an insulator. Also we compare the relative stability of s and d-wave paired states for different regions of parameter space and investigate the BCS- BEC crossover in the two-band lattice model as function of the strength of the pairing interaction.
Physical Review B, 2012
In multi-band systems, electrons from different orbitals coexist at the Fermi surface. An attractive interaction among these quasi-particles gives rise to inter-band or hybrid pairs which eventually condense in a superconducting state. These quasi-particles have a natural mismatch of their Fermi wave-vectors, δkF , which depends on the strength of the hybridization between their orbitals. The existence of this natural scale suggests the possibility of inhomogeneous superconducting ground states in these systems, even in the absence of an applied magnetic field. Furthermore, since hybridization V depends on pressure, this provides an external parameter to control the wave-vectors mismatch at the Fermi surface. In this work, we study the phase diagram of a two-dimensional, twoband metal with inter-band pairing. We show that as the mismatch between the Fermi wave-vectors of the two hybrid bands is reduced, the system presents a normal-to-inhomogeneous superconductor quantum phase transition at a critical value of the hybridization Vc = ∆0. The superconducting ground state for V < Vc is characterized by a wave-vector with magnitude |qc| = qc = 2∆0/v f . Here ∆0 is the superconducting gap in the homogeneous state andv f the average Fermi velocity. We discuss the nature of the quantum critical point (QCP) at Vc and obtain the associated quantum critical exponents.
The heavy fermion system CeNi9Ge4 exhibits a paramagnetic ground state with remarkable features such as: a record value of the electronic specific heat coefficient in systems with a paramagnetic ground state, γ = C/T 5.5 J/mol K 2 at 80 mK, a temperature-dependent Sommerfeld-Wilson ratio, R = χ/γ, below 1 K and an approximate single ion scaling of the 4f-magnetic specific heat and susceptibility. These features are related to a rather small Kondo energy scale of a few Kelvin in combination with a quasi-quartet crystal field ground state. Tuning the system towards long range magnetic order is accomplished by replacing a few at.% of Ni by Cu or Co. Specific heat, susceptibility and resistivity studies reveal TN ∼ 0.2 K for CeNi8CuGe4 and TN ∼ 1 K for CeNi8CoGe4. To gain insight whether the transition from the paramagnetic NFL state to the magnetically ordered ground state is connected with a heavy fermion quantum critical point we performed specific heat and ac susceptibility studies and utilized the µSR technique and quasi-elastic neutron scattering. 1
New Journal of Physics, 2011
Critical behavior developed near a quantum phase transition, interesting in its own right, offers exciting opportunities to explore the universality of stronglycorrelated systems near the ground state. Cold atoms in optical lattices, in particular, represent a paradigmatic system, for which the quantum phase transition between the superfluid and Mott insulator states can be externally induced by tuning the microscopic parameters. In this paper, we describe our approach to study quantum criticality of cesium atoms in a two-dimensional lattice based on in situ density measurements. Our research agenda involves testing critical scaling of thermodynamic observables and extracting transport properties in the quantum critical regime. We present and discuss experimental progress on both fronts. In particular, the thermodynamic measurement suggests that the equation of state near the critical point follows the predicted scaling law at low temperatures.
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