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2017, Jurnal bioconcetta
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Natural Science: Journal of Science and Technology, 2019
Labobo isle is one of the satellite isle located around the mainland of Sulawesi Island. This study aims to determine the species composition of freshwater shrimp in the Batambean Stream located on Labobo Island, Banggai Laut, Central Sulawesi, Indonesia. A purposive sampling method based on the habitat of freshwater shrimps was applied to collect the shrimps. Measurement of abiotic environmental factors is carried out before samples collection. Furthermore, freshwater shrimp are collected using tray net and hand net. Collected specimens were preserved in alcohol 96%. The specimen wasidentified at the Laboratory of Animal Biosystematics and Evolution, Department of Biology, Faculty of Sciences, Tadulako University. The composition of freshwater shrimp species in the Batambean Stream consists of four species, namely Macrobrachium equidens, M. australe, and M. latidactylus and Caridina gracilipes. The first three species belong to the family Palaemonidae while the latter species is a ...
BIOMA: Jurnal Biologi dan Pembelajarannya
Udang merupakan salah satu kajian dalam zoologi invertebra yang memiliki karakteristik yang khas yaitu memiliki rostrum. Keberadaan udang bermanfaat dalam perekonomian masyarakat, salah satu wilayah yang dapat ditemukan udang merupakan Sungai Beringin Kencana. Sungai Beringin Kencana merupakan salah satu anak sungai barito yang memiliki ciri khas sungai pasang surut. Sungai merupakan salah satu jenis media hidup bagi organisme yang ada di perairan. Sungai merupakan bagian permukaan bumi tempat air mengalir yang letaknya lebih rendah dari tanah di sekitarnya dan menjadi tempat mengalirnya air tawar dari bagian hulu ke bagian hilir menuju ke laut, danau, rawa, atau sungai yang lain. Sungai juga merupakan sumber air permukaan yang memberikan manfaat kepada kehidupan manusia. Kalimantan Selatan merupakan daerah yang memiliki banyak sungai, hal ini membuktikan bahwa sungai di daerah ini cukup banyak sehingga dapat dipastikan kehidupan masyarakat sangat dekat dengan kehidupan sungai. Berd...
Biogenesis: Jurnal Ilmiah Biologi
Macrobrachium is one of prawn genera which has largest species number in family Palaemonidae, with some species of this genus being important commodity in aquaculture. Morphological characters for identification of this genus depend on environmental condition, growth phase, sex, and social dominance. This makes morphological identification on this genus quite difficult and tricky. Alternative approaches are required for better methods of Macrobrachium identification. DNA barcoding using 16S mitochondrial rRNA appears to be one promising method for Macrobrachium identification. This research aims to identify Macrobrachium from Tegenungan Waterfall using morphological and molecular analysis. Samples were taken from 4 sampling sites beneath the waterfall. All specimens were identified using several morphological identification methods. Specimen CR 07a and CR 10 were identified using molecular method. The molecular analysis utilized 16Sar (5'-CGCCTGTTTATCAAAAACAT-3') as forward primer and 16Sbr (5'-CCGGTCTGAACTCAGAT-CACGT-3') as reverse primer. From 11 specimens, 10 were identified as Macrobrachium. Specimen CR 07a was identified morphologically as M. horstii. According to BLAST analysis, specimen CR 10 was recognized as M. horstii with similarity up to 99% to GenBank specimens (JF310718.1 dan FM986616.1). Specimen CR 07a only reach 97% similarity to both GenBank specimens. Genetic distance analysis between specimen CR 07a and CR 10 assumed high genetic diversity, or even cryptic species indication in M. horstii population of Tegenungan Waterfall.
UIN Walisongo Semarang , 2023
The objectives of this research include identifying the diversity of freshwater fish species. This research uses the literature method or literature review. Literature review is a comprehensive overview of the research that the number of freshwater fish species in Indonesia is approximately 1300 species. Literature studies can be obtained from various sources including journals, books, documentation, the internet and libraries. The literature study method is a series of activities related to library data collection methods, reading, and recording, and processing writing materials. The literature research method is related to the topic or variable of writing. There have been many studies conducted in Indonesia, but there is still little information related to freshwater fish diversity. This method focuses on the results of writing related to the topic or variable of writing. Based on research on the identification and diversity of fish species conducted in eight freshwater river locations, 33 fish species from 14 families were obtained. Generally, tropical Asian freshwater fish are dominated by the cyprinidae family. There are 33 species of fish from 14 families in freshwater rivers in Sunda exposure waters. 2 species of fish are threatened with extinction. The cyprinidae family is the most species found. Analysis of fish potential shows that there are 12 species of fish that have consumption potential, 11 species of fish that are endangered.
Deforestation will affect changes in the condition of the waters of the protected and secondary forest watersheds that can affect in it biota. Fish have limited ability to choose areas that are safe for their lives, especially the environment that is very supportive for the availability of food sources. The fish population in the Dong Sandar River and Rempangi as well as the diversity of fish species in both rivers is unknown. The problem of this research is how the diversity of fish species in the Dong Sandar River and Rempangi River, Sungai Laur District, Ketapang. Research on the diversity of freshwater fish species in the Dong River between the protection of protected forests and the Rempangi River in the secondary forest of Sungai Laur Subdistrict, Ketapang District, West Kalimantan consisting of 20 stations each of which there are 10 observation stations conducted on May 1-21, 2018. The selection of observation stations is selected (purposive sampling) which is based on consideration of the conditions and conditions of the aquatic environment. The results of the research were 884 individuals from 50 species of 18 families with the use of scattered, pukat, seluak, bubu, temilar, sauk , and ambe exploration tools. The most types of fish obtained on the Dong Sandar River and Rempangi River consist of the Cyprinidae family (20 species), Bagridae family (7 species), Siluridae family (4 species). The diversity of fish species in the Dong Sandar River and Rempangi River in Ketapang Regency is relatively moderate (H '<3) with a diversity index (H') of 2.94, if H '<1 means low diversity, if 1 <H' <3 means moderate diversity and if H '> 3 means high species diversity. The dominant index (C) on the Dong Sandar River is 0.09 while in the Rempangi River 0.11, the range of dominant index values is 0-1 if the value C = 0 means that there are no types of fish dominating and if C = 1 means there are other types of fish dominating. The highest evenness index (E) is found in the Rempangi River of 0.77 and in the Dong Sandar River 0.76, it can be seen the range of evenness of species index 0-1 if the value E = 0 means low type evenness, and if the value E = 1 means evenness is relatively evenly. The species richness index (R) of the Dong Sandar River has abundant types of fish with a value of 7.26 while in the Rempangi River only 4.40. Evenness on both rivers is 57.53%.
Sulawesi is one of the four Greater Sunda Islands characterized by rivers and lakes habitats of freshwater shrimps and prawns with a high degree of endemism. The freshwater shrimp and prawns diversity in the Batusuya river of Donggala is less studied compared to the ancient lakes in the Central Sulawesi area. This study aimed to determine the diversity of freshwater shrimp and prawns of the Batusuya river. The sample was collected in November 2016 using tray net. The study site divided into three sampling stations based on the type of habitat. Nine species of freshwater shrimps and prawns were found, i.e., Macrobrachium australe , M. esculentum , M. horstii , M. lar , M. placidulum , Caridina brevicarpalis , C. gracilipes , C. weberi , and Atyopsis spinipes . Six species were found in all localities including Macrobrachium australe , M. esculentum , M. horstii , M. lar , C. brevicarpalis , and C. gracilipes , while M. placidulum , C. weberi , and A. spinipes were not found in all st...
Natural Science: Journal of Science and Technology, 2017
Sulawesi is one of the four Greater Sunda Islands characterized by rivers and lakes habitats of freshwater shrimps and prawns with a high degree of endemism. The freshwater shrimp and prawns diversity in the Batusuya river of Donggala is less studied compared to the ancient lakes in the Central Sulawesi area. This study aimed to determine the diversity of freshwater shrimp and prawns of the Batusuya river. The sample was collected in November 2016 using tray net. The study site divided into three sampling stations based on the type of habitat. Nine species of freshwater shrimps and prawns were found, i.e.,
Jurnal Ilmu Hayat
Perairan rawa gambut Kalimantan merupakan salah satu habitat bagi keragaman ikan air tawar, dimana keragaman ikan air tawar ini saat ini mengalami berbagai ancaman kepunahan yang disebabkan oleh penyakit dan patogen, polusi perairan, perubahan suhu dan iklim, laju deforestasi, dan degradasi habitat. Inventarisasi dan pengenalan jenis merupakan langkah awal dalam melestarikan keragaman jenis ikan air tawar. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menginventarisasi jenis ikan air tawar yang terdapat di kawasan Universitas Palangka Raya. Penelitian dilakukan selama 1 Februari-30 April 2021 pada tiga titik pengamatan di Kawasan Sungai Universitas Palangka Raya dengan menggunakan metode penangkapan secara langsung pada lokasi pengamatan. Hasil pengamatan menunjukkan 2574 individu yang terdiri dari 8 famili, 11 genus, dan 15 spesies. Kelimpahan jenis ikan air tawar ditunjukkan pada jenis Pectenocypris korthausae dengan 1114 individu. Kata kunci : ikan air tawar; inventarisasi; Kalimantan; rawa gambut; Universitas Palangka Raya.
Produksi padi sawah dan padi ladang di Sulawesi Utara naik dari 549.058 ton pada tahun 2009 menjadi 584.031 ton pada tahun 2010 dan rata-rata produksi per hektar juga naik dari 4.8 ton/ha pada tahun 2009 menjadi 4.87 ton/ha pada tahun 2010, meskipun data menunjukkan adanya peningkatan produksi tetapi produktifitas padi masih rendah yaitu 4.87 ton/Ha dibanding produktifitas padi secara nasional 4.98 ton/ha. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui potensi beberapa varietas unggul baru (VUB) yang diharapkan dapat memberikan peningkatan produksi padi sawah di Sulawesi Utara. Penelitian dilaksanakan disentra produksi padi kabupaten Minahasa Selatan yaitu desa Popontolen, berlangsung dari bulan Agustus hingga November 2012. Penelitian dilaksanakan dengan menggunakan Rancangan Acak Kelompok terdiri dari 7 perlakuan (VUB) yaitu Varietas Inpari 15, Inpari 16, Inpari 18, Inpari 19, Inpago Inpago 4, Inpago 5, Inpago 8 dan 3 Ulangan sehingga terdapat 21 petak percobaan. Petak percobaan ditempatkan ditengah-tengah hamparan sekitar 500 ha. Luas petak percobaan adalah 10 m x 10 m. Variabel yang diamati adalah Tinggi tanaman (cm), jumlah anakan produktif, panjang malai (cm), jumlah biji per malai, persentase gabah hampa (%), berat 1000 biji (gram), dan produksi. Semua variabel tersebut diamati pada rumpun tanaman yang sama yang diambil 10 rumpun per petak. Jumlah anakan produktifdiamati pada umur 45 hari dengan menghitung jumlah anakan produktif, diamati 10 rumpun pada setiap plot. Panjang malai diamati pada saat panen dengan mengukur dari pangkal malai yang berisi gabah sampai ujung malai. Jumlah biji per malai dihitung secara keseluruhan kemudian dipisahkan yang hampa seterusnya ditentukan persentase gabah hampa, Berat 1000 biji diukur dengan mengambil secara acak 1000 biji lalu ditimbang. Kemudian tingkat produksi diambil dengan mengubin setiap petak dengan luas 2,5 m x 2,5 meter lalu dikonversi ke hektar. Hasil menunjukkan Inpari 19 memberikan hasil tertinggi pada parameter Tinggi tanaman (118,33 cm), jumlah anakan (19,67), panjang malai (28,35 cm), jumlah bulir (276,33 buah) dan produksi (8 ton/ha). Untuk parameter bulir hampa inpari 15 memperlihatkan bulir hampa paling rendah yaitu 7,58 % dan pada parameter berat 1000 biji varietas Inpari 18 memperlihatkan berat biji paling tinggi yaitu 33 gr.
Natural Science: Journal of Science and Technology, 2018
Sistem Danau Poso terletak di Pulau Sulawesi, Indonesia yang memiliki kekayaan berbagai spesies endemik, termasuk udang air tawar genus Caridina. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi dan mendeskripsi udang air tawar dari Sungai Pomua Palandu, Poso, Sulawesi, Indonesia. Sampling dilakukan pada beberapa titik yang tersebar pada bagian hulu hingga hilir sungai menggunakan metode purposive sampling . Spesimen yang diperoleh diawetkan dalam botol yang telah diisi alkohol 96% dan disimpan sebagai koleksi laboratorium. Pengamatan morfologi dan identifikasi spesimen dilakukan di Laboratorium Biodiversitas, Jurusan Biologi FMIPA Universitas Tadulako. Dari hasil penelitian diperoleh satu spesies udang air tawar genus Caridina yaitu Caridina cf. sarasinorum yang secara morfologi mirip dengan Caridina sarasinorum yang dideskripsikan kembali oleh von Rintelen dan Cai (2007)
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PROSIDING SENANTIAS: Seminar Nasional Hasil Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat, 2021
JFMR-Journal of Fisheries and Marine Research, 2021
Journal of Scientech Research and Development
Jurnal Kebijakan Perikanan Indonesia, 2017
Jurnal Kebijakan Sosial Ekonomi Kelautan dan Perikanan, 2021
Biota: Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu-Ilmu Hayati, 2020
Biota: Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu-Ilmu Hayati, 2020
Jurnal Penyuluhan Perikanan dan Kelautan, 2013
Jurnal Hutan Lestari: Jurnal Penelitian Kehutanan, 2022
Jurnal Hutan Tropis, 2017
BAWAL Widya Riset Perikanan Tangkap, 2018