Essentials of Psychodrama Practice

2021, Psychodrama in Counselling, Coaching and Education

The essentials of psychodrama practice are covered in depth within this chapter. Fourteen core psychodrama interventions or techniques are described with corresponding depictions of their use within psychodrama group sessions. The psychodrama techniques of doubling, mirroring, and role reversal are presented with their relationship to Moreno's developmental theory. Considerations for the application of psychodrama interventions on teletherapy is also provided. Various types of psychodrama scenes are described with reference to the Psychodramatic Spiral and the Hollander Curve. The processes of closure, de-roling, and sharing at the end of a psychodrama enactment are outlined. Keywords Psychodrama • Doubling • Mirroring • Role reversal • Empty chair Psychodrama is an experiential approach that moves the group process beyond words and into action. A psychodrama is only as good as its warm-up. While many are interested in facilitating or experiencing psychodrama, it would be a mistake to attempt an enactment without any warm-up. After adequate warm-up, the director facilitates the protagonist and topic selection before moving into the psychodrama enactment. The protagonist is interviewed, a scene is set on the stage, roles are identified, and group members are chosen by the protagonist to play the roles needed. The director skillfully facilitates the psychodrama using role reversal, doubling, mirroring, and other interventions as needed to move toward the clinical contract or goal of the psychodrama. Once achieved, a final scene or action is initiated for closure of the drama, followed by each role player de-roling, and returning to their chair in the circle. The final phase of a psychodrama is sharing-where participants are invited to share how they are connected with the roles and themes from the psychodrama by sharing their own feelings, thoughts, and experiences. This chapter will outline the basic techniques and interventions of psychodrama, different types of psychodrama scenes, the importance of closure and de-roling, and the sharing phase of the group process. In this chapter, considerations for utilizing psychodrama interventions through teletherapy will also be presented.