Psychodrama Practice in Clinical Social Work with Individuals

2021, Psychodrama in Counselling, Coaching and Education


This chapter is devoted to the clinical practice of psychodrama in individual sessions. Fundamental differences between psychodrama in groups and oneto-one contexts are discussed including the use of auxiliary roles, the therapeutic relationship, and modifications for basic psychodrama interventions. An overview of the use of the empty chair, objects, and/or the therapist as an auxiliary ego is included. The limitations and strengths of using psychodrama in individual sessions are discussed. Multiple psychodrama scenes (strengths-based, intrapsychic, and interpersonal) are depicted from a social work practice example with clinical processing. Keywords Individual psychodrama • One-to-one psychodrama • Empty chair • Psychodrama a deux • Bi-personal psychodrama • Monodrama This chapter will outline the use of psychodrama in individual psychotherapy and clinical social work settings. The processes described below will be focused on psychotherapy, but are also applicable in individual supervision, coaching, and consulting sessions. Psychodrama with individuals, sometimes called bi-personal psychodrama, monodrama, one-to-one psychodrama, or psychodrama a deux, has both its limitations and its benefits when compared group psychodrama in groups. Some find Moreno's methods to be more easily integrated by practitioners in individual settings than group settings. There are uniquely different clinical concerns with the process of psychodrama work with individuals as opposed to group work. Considerations for individual psychodrama work, including the therapeutic relationship, doubling, mirroring, role reversal, and auxiliary roles will be explored. And finally, a psychodrama case will be presented with multiple psychodrama sessions to depict the unique aspects of psychodrama in individual sessions. 17.1 Providing Context for Psychodrama in Individual Sessions The use psychodrama in individual sessions is based on the same foundational philosophy and interventions outlined throughout this book. Nearly all of Moreno's