Slips, Trips, and Falls Among Home Care Aides

2018, Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine


Objective: To address the gap of knowledge about slips, trips, and falls (STFs) among home care aides (HCAs) who work in clients' homes. Methods: This mixed method study used survey and focus group data of HCAs in a Medicaid-funded homecare program. Results: STFs were common with over 12% of HCAs reporting occurrence in the previous 12 months, of whom 58% fell to the ground. Both survey and focus group data identified ice, clutter, workload, rushing and other hazards. Focus group data explained the reasons for not reporting STFs, even among those who sustained injury, and added HCAs' voices to the understanding of causes, consequences and prevention strategies for STFs. Conclusions: Empowering HCAs with knowledge, training, and involvement may transform ''near miss'' STFs into opportunities to prevent STFs among care workers and their clients.