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2022, Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research)
In today's society, advertising plays a very important role and we cannot deny that it persists in all areas of our lives. With the development of information technology and the emergence of social networks, advertising has migrated to these platforms, occupying an important segment in the diversification of methods of delivering advertising messages, but the classic methods of advertising such as outdoor advertising, TV, radio did not have suffered because of it. Although advertising has always been necessary, its importance in the Republic of Moldova has increased significantly with the transition to a market economy. Having many forms, such as political advertising, social advertising, commercial advertising, business advertising, etc., we will refer to advertising that contributes to the development of entrepreneurship, marketing of goods and raising the prestige of the manufacturer, as well as that used as kind of activity.
Revista de Marketing Online (Journal of Online …, 2008
In contextul recentei aderari a Romaniei la Uniunea Europeana turismul reprezinta una din oportunitatile reale pe care perioada imediat urmatoare o ofera tarii noastre. Or, experienta dobandita, facilitatile existente, competitivitatea preturilor, recomanda Romania ca o atractiva destinatie, dar ...
Acute appendicitis is the most frequent cause of acute abdomen. In this paper we present the management for diagnosis and treatment according to our experience in this disease. We made a exposure of the clinical forms and we proposed some algorithms for a better aproach of these cases. We performed also a review of the literature.
Anale Ştiintifice ale Academiei “Ştefan cel Mare” a Ministerului Afacerilor Interne al Republicii Moldova, 2020
Dr. Aliona BIVOL Psihologia relației dintre stilul de conducere şi tipul de temperament la managerii de nivel mediu din MAI The Psychology of the Relationship between the Style of Management
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), 2022
The digital resources are very much used in the field of public procurements in the Republic of Moldova. The main resource is the online Registry of Public Procurement MTender which allows the entire organization of the public procurement procedures online. It enhances the accessibility to the public procurements, especially for the foreign economic operators. As we it is useful for the society which is interested in monitoring public procurements. Other digital sources are the platform of the National Complaint Settlement Agency, which allows the submission of the complaints electronically, but as well organizes the online hearings. The Public Procurement Agency uses a series of digital tools among which are the Buletiul Achizitiilor Publice and the black list of economic operators. Other useful resources are electronic advanced qualified signature, the State Tax Service website with information about the companies, the websites of the national courts and of the Competition Council. All these digital resources are important for the contracting authority and other participants in public procurements. As lege ferenda, the authors propose to create a mechanism to integrate all the data from other sources to MTender which would allow a much more systematic verification of the economic operators in public procurement procedures.
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), 2023
With regard to the independence of the judiciary, the conclusion must be drawn that it represents a supreme value of any rule of law, being the one that ensures the maintenance of social balance and the supremacy of the law. Protecting the judicial system from pressure, influence or interference is the essential premise of an independent judiciary, based on the law and the social values protected by it. However, independence cannot be seen as a privilege of the judge, it is also a duty of every judge. Thus, the principle of independence of the judge can only be understood in relation to the principle of responsibility and liability of the judge, in the exercise of the function. In this communication, we will focus on the dimension related to the spirit of the position of judge, which must be worn by the person exercising this position, and the application of judges' sanctions must represent an exception and not a corrective measure, as a goal. In this way, we will elucidate the contest between the notions: "integrity and responsibility in relation to the characteristics of the position of judge.
Psihologie, 2019
În acest articol sunt prezentate rezultatele referitoare la nivelurile de manifestare a inteligenței emoționale la cadrele didactice și orientările valorice, sunt determinate relațiile statistice dintre factorii studiați.
Utilizarea adecvată a avertizării poate să contribuie în mod decisiv la evitarea sau reducerea unor consecințe majore, în cazul unor situații de criză. Lucrarea intenționează să sublinieze contribuția pe care avertizarea strategică o poate avea în dezvoltarea proactivă a procesului decizional. În cadrul acestei lucrări, este analizat modul în care problematica avertizării a fost abordată de o serie de experți în domeniu. Totodată, se remarcă faptul că acordarea unei atenții adecvate metodelor de analiză pe termen mediu și lung oferă posibilitatea unei tranziții eficiente către o abordare proactivă a avertizării, în scopul evitării surprinderii strategice, adaptării strategiilor şi menținerii competitivității în mediul operațional.
După aproape două decenii de când Zidul Berlinului sa prăbuşit, a devenit clar că falimentul experimentului comunist nu echivalează cu validarea capitalismului cunoscut în istoria de pînă acum. Din infirmarea unei ipoteze nu se poate deduce cu necesitate confirmarea ipotezei contrarii: dacă am constatat că ipoteza „A” nu este validă, asta nu ne scuteşte de verificarea ipotezei „anti-A”. Altfel spus, faptul că proiectul „Fiecăruia după necesităţi” a eşuat nu implică legitimarea proiectului „Peştele mare înghite peştele mic”.
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), 2023
The assumption from which we started this investigative approach is the fact that domestic violence implies a direct causality on juvenile delinquency. Something that at first is a barely perceptible deviant behavior, can turn into criminal behavior if certain measures are not taken in time. This fact happens because as a result of domestic abuse, the role of the family as an educational agent is diminished and in serious cases even abolished, the family becoming a harmful factor and essential cause of the distortion of the minor's personality. We propose in this approach to reveal the most important aspects of this causality and also to identify some ameliorative measures, possibly to be applied in the case of the Republic of Moldova.
Revistă de Ştiinţe Socio-Umane = Journal of Social and Human Sciences, 2021
The article addresses the issue of non-traditional lessons as an alternative to the classical ones, emphasizing, in particular, the type of lesson-trial. Initially, a definition of the lesson-trial is proposed, a series of its essential characteristics are highlighted, as well as some subtypes of it, depending on the purpose pursued by the teacher. Along the way, the stages oforganizing and carrying out a lesson-trial process (preparation, actual evaluation) are presented, there are formulated the objectives of each. The procedure for developing the lesson-trial is also described, the reference is made to the methods applied in this form of organizing students' activity (role play, debate, etc.). In conclusion, the advantages of such an alternative lesson are reviewed.
Argumentation, 2013
The urban identity depends on reshaping urban landscape following the restructuring of the city. Agreed with the trends dictated by the society transformed by the new technologies, the new identity must be linked with society, urban history, the local values and character, the specificity or potential elements. Urban image, supported by the phenomenon of appropriation by the society of the living space, becomes it's "brand", and the spatial continuity becomes an essential quality of the urban landscape, that must be understood, memorized, appropriated. In the intervention approach is necessary to understand the escape from the physical limitations of the project itself, the perception at different scales of the site, in connection with the territory that belongs to, the "read" of space as a sum of different accumulations, as identitary space belonging to the local community, a result of needs and social interactions. Building urban landscape requires a sequential approach, but not segmented, allowing urban development running parallel with the evolution of society, so the sequences can be so versatile, convertible to the new requirements arising in the ongoing process of change in traditional social structures. In the the urban interventions developed in recent decades, this has proved the main motivation of investors and the starting point of designers, achieving this by identifying, then marking or intensifying regional or local character (as a reaction to some negative consequences of globalization)-either through a process of restoration and revitalization of heritage, or by marking spaces or areas with no identity. It was intended in all cases to restore urban spatial coherence, building a "mosaic city" characterized by the sequence of places with certain meanings, related to a network perceptible at the urban landscape level.
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), 2022
În acest articol se examinează problema privind încălcările dreptului muncii în domeniul achizițiilor publice. Printre acestea se numără includerea în devize a unui cost de salariu sub nivelul minim garantat, neincluderea concediului anual de odihnă, a contribuțiilor de asigurări sociale, nerespectarea legislației muncii și a devizelor de cheltuieli la etapa de executare a contractelor. Soluția este monitorizarea mai minuțioasă a achizițiilor publice prin prisma respectării legislației muncii. Cuvinte-cheie: achiziții publice, dreptul muncii, devize, încălcări, operator economic, salariu, asigurări. This article examines the problem of violations of labor law in public procurement. These violations comprise the inclusion in the breakdown of costs of a salary cost below the guaranteed minimum level, the non-inclusion of the annual leave and social security contributions, the non-compliance with labor legislation and breakdown of costs at the stage of execution of contracts. The solution is to monitor public procurements more closely in terms of compliance with the labor law.
Recently entered into force, the administrative code was adopted with the stated purpose of unifying the regulations in the field of public administration, in order to create a normative framework, coming to the aid of individuals, public administration, but also of practitioners. In this respect, a significant part of the provisions were taken identically from the normative acts that were repealed, while there are also new provisions, some of them leaving, unfortunately, the impression of a code adopted in haste. Without claiming a thorough analysis of the entire regulation, the present study aims to address some of the challenges brought by the language used in OUG: 57/2019. Between the two extremes among which the legislator oscillates (either an incomplete or ambiguous language, or an over-regulation), the most relevant problem, in terms of the consequences that it can produce, probably consists in using already legally established notions, with a totally different meaning (such...
Eficacitatea internaţională a sentinţelor arbitrale străine a cunoscut mai multe etape de dezvoltare, acestea fiind condiţionate de evoluţia instituţiei arbitrale. In rezultatul acestei evoluţii putem identifica caractere specifice ale etapei de recunoastere si executare a sentinţelor arbitrale străine in sistemul Convenţiei dela New Yorkdin 1958. PHASES OF DEVELOPMENT OF THE INTERNATIONAL ARBITRATION INSTITUTION WITH AN IMPACT ON THE INTERNATIONAL EFFICIENCY OF THE FOREIGN ARBITRAL AWARDS The international efficiency of the foreign arbitral awards has undergone on several development phases, which was due to the evolution of the arbitral institution. In result of these evolvements can be identified diverse characteristics of the procedure related to recognition and enforcement of the foreign arbitral awards within the system of the New York Convention of 1958.
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), 2023
The COVID-19 pandemic has caused immense disruption worldwide through its devastating impact on public health, employment and livelihoods. Governments, workers and employers around the world took immediate action to address the crisis, preserve jobs and protect incomes, although these measures varied in scale and generosity. Although such measures were crucial in mitigating the crisis, all countries experienced a sharp deterioration in employment and national income, which exacerbated existing inequalities and risked long-term "scarring" effects on workers and enterprises. Following these events was the multilateral political response to intervene to address social fragility and inequality.
The analysis of wood flows is important for any evaluation of the sustainability of forest ressource utilisation. We have analysed the raw wood flows in Romania in 2017, starting from a consumption scenario based on the maximum installed processing capacity. The balance of timber resources considers the use of wood as raw material and the by-products (waste generated in processing), which can be used as inputs for later use in the wood processing or energy sector.Our results show that at a maximum processing capacity (hypothetical scenario), Romania's domestic consumption would be 46 million m3 per year, of which 49% is energy consumption, mostly in households. The maximum installed capacity of the manufacturing industry is 18.7 million m3. The difference between domestic production and apparent consumption reaches 23 million m3, a similar estimation to that provided by JRC Europe for 2015. Further research is needed to improve the proposed wood balance model using data as close...
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), 2023
In the context of current technological, social and economic changes, entities face several challenges aimed at further developing the key role of supplier of high quality products and services. These include the need to meet future consumer demands and develop production processes that increase labor productivity and reduce costs. Adequate and qualified human resources are essential to ensure quality production and implement more efficient production processes based on new technologies. As a result, the analysis of human resources is essential to achieve the economic-financial objectives of the entity and to enable the entities to face current and future challenges. The present paper provides an analysis of human resource provision through the lens of quantitative, qualitative and structural changes made within the entity. At the same time, the method of analyzing the stability of human resources through indicators of labor force fluctuation and circulation was exposed.
Studia Universitatis Moldaviae (Seria Ştiinţe Sociale), 2019
Articolul 287 din Codul de procedură penală prevede posibilitatea reluării urmăririi penale după adoptarea de către procuror a soluției de netrimitere a cauzei penale în instanţa de judecată. Scopul studiului a fost să identificăm în ce măsură evoluţia legislativă a textului respectivului articol a înlăturat controversele şi situaţiile confuze existente până la intrarea în vigoare a Legii nr.316 din 22.12.2017, care conţine ultimele modificări de până acum, operate în raport cu instituţia reluării urmăririi penale. Ar fi oare dispoziţiile actuale ale art.287 din Codul de procedură penală suficiente pentru a garanta principiul non bis in idem și, pe de altă parte, pentru a asigura o anchetă eficientă? Este raţională sau nu excluderea procurorului de caz din cercul persoanelor care pot anula o hotărâre de scoatere a persoanei de sub urmărire penală, de încetare a urmăririi penale sau de clasare a cauzei penale? Acestea sunt chestiunile care, cu siguranţă, prezintă o importanţă teoretică, dar cu un impact practic imediat. Cuvinte-cheie: non bis in idem, reluarea urmăririi penale, fapte noi, fapte recent descoperite, viciu fundamental, procuror, judecător de instrucţie. Article 287 of the Code of Criminal Procedure provides the possibility of the resumption of criminal prosecution after the adoption by the prosecutor of a decision not to send the criminal case to the court. The purpose of the study was to identify to what extent the legislative evolution of the text of the concerned article removed the confusing controversies and situations existent before the entry into force of the Law No. 316 of December 22 nd , 2017, which contains the latest modifications up to date, made in relation to the institution of criminal prosecution resumption. Would the current provisions of the art.287 of the Code of Criminal Procedure be sufficient in order to guarantee the principle of non bis in idem on the one hand and, on the other hand, ensure an effective investigation? Is it rational or not to exclude the prosecutor of the case from the circle of persons that can cancel a decision of the liberation of the person from criminal prosecution, of the termination of criminal prosecution or cessation of criminal prosecution? These are matters that certainly present a theoretical importance, but with an immediate practical impact.
CECCAR Business Review, 2021
The evaluation of an entity is used by financial market participants to establish the price which they want to pay for or to receive from the sale of a business. Nowadays, Romania has 350 listed companies and the number is increasing. The present article focuses on the market capitalization, stock evaluation methods, the phases of this evaluation, as well as its benefits and limitations. The dynamic methods of evaluation focus more on the company's future rather than its current situation. An investor is more concerned with the future and the profitability of a business than with its past and current activity. Market capitalization, often referred to as market cap, is a simple, straightforward method to calculate a company's size and value, and consequently, its potential growth rate and risk outlook.
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