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Shape Arrays allow propagating arrays of shapes that adapt the number of elements to the surrounding geometry with a single placement propagation. The choice between scaling or repeating shapes to fill the bounding box of a placement can be specified separately for the width and height dimensions. To implement shape arrays, we specify a minimum spacing between shapes and find the maximum number of shapes that can be placed along the width and height dimensions while respecting this minimum spacing. The spacing is then adjusted so that there is no space before the first and after the last shape in both dimensions.
ACM Transactions on Graphics, 2015
We present a method to learn and propagate shape placements in 2D polygonal scenes from a few examples provided by a user. The placement of a shape is modeled as an oriented bounding box. Simple geometric relationships between this bounding box and nearby scene polygons define a feature set for the placement. The feature sets of all example placements are then used to learn a probabilistic model over all possible placements and scenes. With this model, we can generate a new set of placements with similar geometric relationships in any given scene. We introduce extensions that enable propagation and generation of shapes in 3D scenes, as well as the application of a learned modeling session to large scenes without additional user interaction. These concepts allow us to generate complex scenes with thousands of objects with relatively little user interaction.
Remote Sensing, 2015
In the context of computer-aided design, computer graphics and geometry processing, the idea of generative modeling is to allow the generation of highly complex objects based on a set of formal construction rules. Using these construction rules, a shape is described by a sequence of processing steps, rather than just by the result of all applied operations: shape design becomes rule design. Due to its very general nature, this approach can be applied to any domain and to any shape representation that provides a set of generating functions. The aim of this survey is to give an overview of the concepts and techniques of procedural and generative modeling, as well as their applications with a special focus on archeology and architecture.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2008
In this paper we design tile self-assembly systems which assemble arbitrarily close approximations to target squares with arbitrarily high probability. This is in contrast to previous work which has only considered deterministic assemblies of a single shape. Our technique takes advantage of the ability to assign tile concentrations to each tile type of a self-assembly system. Such an assignment yields a probability distribution over the set of possible assembled shapes. We show that by considering the assembly of close approximations to target shapes with high probability, as opposed to exact deterministic assembly, we are able to achieve significant reductions in tile complexity. In fact, we restrict ourselves to constant sized tile systems, encoding all information about the target shape into the tile concentration assignment. In practice, this offers a potentially useful tradeoff, as large libraries of particles may be infeasible or require substantial effort to create, while the replication of existing particles to adjust relative concentration may be much easier. To illustrate our technique we focus on the assembly of n × n squares, a special case class of shapes whose study has proven fruitful in the development of new self-assembly systems.
2009 50th Annual IEEE Symposium on Foundations of …, 2009
In this paper we will present a state of the art of the descriptive and generative models for shape. We will present several different approaches for the manipulation of shape in computational systems: numerical models, graph models, descriptive models. This investigation will lead to a discussion regarding the use of these models for supporting the generation of shapes in the early phases of the design process.
Shape placing problems on 2d plane, also known as nesting geometrical problems, consist in managing shape co-arrangement, so all shapes are placed in a given way (e.g. they use minimal area). In the paper, an application of quantization to digitize all shapes is proposed, what allows performing arrangement with using algorithm based on digital structures. When nesting operation is finished, dequantization procedure can be run to return shapes to their original form. The properties of the proposed algorithm are evaluated on the basis of computer simulation.
ACM Transactions on Graphics, 2020
Manually authoring 3D shapes is difficult and time consuming; generative models of 3D shapes offer compelling alternatives. Procedural representations are one such possibility: they offer high-quality and editable results but are difficult to author and often produce outputs with limited diversity. On the other extreme are deep generative models: given enough data, they can learn to generate any class of shape but their outputs have artifacts and the representation is not editable. In this paper, we take a step towards achieving the best of both worlds for novel 3D shape synthesis. First, we propose ShapeAssembly, a domain-specific "assembly-language" for 3D shape structures. ShapeAssembly programs construct shape structures by declaring cuboid part proxies and attaching them to one another, in a hierarchical and symmetrical fashion. ShapeAssembly functions are parameterized with continuous free variables, so that one program structure is able to capture a family of relate...
Cultural DNA 2019: Computational Studies on the Cultural Variation and Heredity, 2019
A brief survey of the expressive power of Shape Machine, a new shape grammar interpreter, is presented. The work is presented in two parts: A brief presentation of a series of shape computations that have been routinely used as benchmarks for the design tasks a shape grammar interpreter should be able to accomplish; and a brief exploration of design applications in various domains, namely, product modeling, mechanical and architectural design to suggest possibilities for new design workflows and/or new trajectories in new domains too. Some speculations on the future of the technology pertaining to its potential usage in a new paradigm of programming with shapes (programming by drawing) and/or the envision of a new paradigm of a physical computer are presented in the end.
Computer-Aided Design
Shape grammars are a generative formalism in which dynamic changes to shape structure plays a vital role. Such changes support ambiguity and emergence, and as a result shape grammars are often used as the basis for proposed developments in supporting shape exploration in computeraided design. However, the general implementation of shape grammars remains an unsolved problem, and a common solution is to adopt a fixed structure. This paper explores the consequences of assuming a fixed shape structure, via analysis of a simple shape grammar, often used as a benchmark problem to illustrate advances in shape grammar implementation. With reference to the combinatorics of words, it is proved that adopting a finite fixed structure limits the capability of a shape grammar. The paper concludes with a discussion exploring the implications of this result for shape grammar implementation and for design descriptions in CAD.
This paper presents an innovative tool and method that allow efficient innovation of shape and topology of virtual parts at both mesh and CAD levels using optimization methods. The method consists of automatic variations of shapes in CAD/CAE environments that allow effective search for new shapes that are not considered initially by designers.
Computer Graphics Forum, 2012
École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland point cloud quadrilateral mesh tetrahedral mesh polygon mesh conformal deformation isometric deformation square elements sphere constraint Figure 1: Constraint-based optimization and interactive shape exploration on different geometry representations. Blue dots denote handle positions, green areas are constrained to remain rigid and red spheres indicate that vertices should be arranged on a sphere.
Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design, 1986
A fundamental problem in editing shapes is the recognition of partial shapes in a drawing to which changes are to be made. In this paper the possibility of using shape rules as a mechanism for effecting such changes is explored. Shape rules represent spatial relationships between two shapes a and /? with the interpretation that any instance of a in a shape can be replaced by a 'similar' instance of /?. A shape generation system implemented in PROLOG is described.
In this paper we will present a state of the art of the descriptive and generative models for shape. We will present several different approaches for the manipulation of shape in computational systems: numerical models, graph models, descriptive models. This investigation will lead to a discussion regarding the use of these models for supporting the generation of shapes in the early phases of the design process
Arrangements of planar curves are fundamental structures in computational geometry. Algorithms for computing such arrangements consist of a topological part and a geometric part. For both parts different algorithmic approaches and implementations are possible. In ECG, we further developed and implemented these approaches. We followed modern software design and encapsulated our solutions into modules with well-defined and tight interfaces. In particular, we can combine different realizations of the topological part (we have two) with different realizations of the geometric part (we have three, which in turn are parametrized by different implementations of the underlying number types). The implementations of the geometric part follow quite different designs. In this report, we provide first comparisons of our different designs. In a later version of the report, we also plan to compare implementations outside the ECG-project.
Shape computations are a formal representation that specify particular aspects of the design process with reference to form. They are defined according to shape grammars, where manipulations of pictorial representations of designs are formalised by shapes and rules applied to those shapes. They have frequently been applied in architecture in order to formalise the stylistic properties of a given corpus of designs, and also to generate new designs within those styles. However, applications in more general design fields have been limited. This is largely due to the initial definitions of the shape grammar formalism which are restricted to rectilinear shapes composed of lines, planes or solids. In architecture such shapes are common but in many design fields, for example industrial design, shapes of a more freeform nature are prevalent. Accordingly, the research described in this thesis is concerned with extending the applicability of the shape grammar formalism such that it enables computation with freeform shapes.
8th IFAC International Workshop on Intelligent Manufacturing Systems, 2007, 2007
This work deals with the problem of minimize the waste of space that occurs on a placement of a set of bi-dimensional items inside a bi-dimensional container with fixed dimensions. This problem is approached with an heuristic based on Simulated Annealing, which is inspired on the physic-chemical process that take place during the recrystallization of a metal. Traditional "external penalization" techniques are avoided through the application of no-fit polygons, that represents collision-free areas for each items before its placement. That gives to the proposed process a more universal character, as external penalization is based on empiric parameters of great influence on the optimization performance. The simulated annealing controls: the rotation and the placement. For each nonplaced items a limited depth binary search is performed to find a scale factor that when applied to the items, would allow it to be fitted on the container. The proposed process is suited for non-convex items and containers, and can be easily adapted for related problems, such as container size minimization. Some results are shown with irregular items, non-convex items and containers.
Natural Computing, 2012
Efficient tile sets for self assembling rectilinear shapes is of critical importance in algorithmic self assembly. A lower bound on the tile complexity of any deterministic self assembly system for an n 9 n square is Xð logðnÞ logðlogðnÞÞ Þ (inferred from the Kolmogrov complexity). Deterministic self assembly systems with an optimal tile complexity have been designed for squares and related shapes in the past. However designing Hð logðnÞ logðlogðnÞÞ Þ unique tiles specific to a shape is still an intensive task in the laboratory. On the other hand copies of a tile can be made rapidly using PCR (polymerase chain reaction) experiments. This led to the study of self assembly on tile concentration programming models. We present two major results in this paper on the concentration programming model. First we show how to self assemble rectangles with a fixed aspect ratio (a:b), with high probability, using Hða þ bÞ tiles. This result is much stronger than the existing results by Kao et al. (Randomized self-assembly for approximate shapes, LNCS, vol 5125. Springer, Heidelberg, 2008) and Doty (Randomized self-assembly for exact shapes. In: proceedings of the 50th annual IEEE symposium on foundations of computer science (FOCS), IEEE, Atlanta. pp 85-94, 2009)which can only self assembly squares and rely on tiles which perform binary arithmetic. On the other hand, our result is based on a technique called staircase sampling. This technique eliminates the need for sub-tiles which perform binary arithmetic, reduces the constant in the asymptotic bound, and eliminates the need for approximate frames (Kao et al. Randomized self-assembly for approximate shapes, LNCS, vol 5125. Springer, Heidelberg, 2008). Our second result applies staircase sampling on the equimolar concentration programming model (The tile complexity of linear assemblies. In: proceedings of the 36th international colloquium automata, languages and programming: Part I on ICALP '09, Springer-Verlag, pp 235-253, 2009), to self assemble rectangles (of fixed aspect ratio) with high probability. The tile complexity of our algorithm is HðlogðnÞÞ and is optimal on the probabilistic tile assembly model (PTAM)-n being an upper bound on the dimensions of a rectangle.
WEC'05: The Fourth …, 2005
Packing problems arise in a wide variety of application areas. The basic problem is that of determining an efficient arrangement of different objects in a region without any overlap and with minimal wasted gap between shapes. This paper presents a novel population based approach for optimizing arrangement of irregular shapes. In this approach, each shape is coded as an agent and the agents' reproductions and grouping policies results in arrangements of the objects in positions with least wasted area between them. The approach is implemented in an application for cutting sheets and test results on several problems from literature are presented.
Computational Geometry: Theory and Applications, 2007
Arrangements of planar curves are fundamental structures in computational geometry. Recently, the arrangement package of Cgal, the Computational Geometry Algorithms Library, has been redesigned and re-implemented exploiting several advanced programming techniques. The resulting software package, which constructs and maintains planar arrangements, is easier to use, to extend, and to adapt to a variety of applications, is more efficient space-and timewise, and is more robust. The implementation is complete in the sense that it handles degenerate input, and it produces exact results. In this paper we describe how various programming techniques were used to accomplish specific tasks within the context of Computational Geometry in general and Arrangements in particular. A large set of benchmarks assured the successful applications of the adverted programming techniques. The results of a small sample are reported at the end of this article.
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