Some of the Impact of Mediatisation of Mediation Law Process

2018, Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies


The mediation process is a relatively new form in the legal treatment of legal disputes in Albania. The mediation process is the forerunner of solving a conflict between the parties, and unites them for a unanimous request to the court. The media as the fourth power plays a powerful role in addressing many social and state processes. The role of the media in the overall development of society has already been highlighted, and today in the era of information technology, of course, the media for such delicate issues plays a huge role. The purpose of the article is to highlight the role of media treatment or mediatisation of the mediation process as well as the analysis of the consequences of this process. Mediated cases mediated in the media are accompanied by various reactions, both from the official side of the institutions, which are directly or indirectly affected, but also from the public opinion. Like the nature of legal conflicts, social conflicts are also endless. Often legal complications are even worse because of disagreements between individuals, even when they pursue the same goal.