Tasavvufun İslam Medeniyetine Katkıları

2018, AKADEMİAR Akademik İslam Araştırmaları Dergisi

There were many civilizations established throughout history. As well as the significant civilizations before common era, many glorious civilizations were established such as Roman Civilization which was the continuation of Greek Civilization in the first and middle ages in the common era, Sasanian Civilization, Chinese and Indian Civilizations. One of the magnificent civilizations which left its mark in history in the last fourteen hundred years was hands down the Islamic Civilization. The existence of a system of values which embraces the society and meets its spiritual needs is a must for the establishment and survival of the civilizations. Sufism takes the first lines of these values in the Islamic Civilization. In this study, the role of Sufism in the development of the Islamic Civilization is investigated.