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2023, I Castelli di Yale
27 pages
1 file
In this article I discuss the aesthetic sense of habits. I intend to propose that between habits and the aesthetic dimension of experience (including art) there is a close and constituent mutual relationship. In particular, I will suggest the following theses: (i) the way in which habits form and organize experience, and more precisely, the relationship between individuals and the environment, is aesthetic; (ii) aesthetic experience (and not only art) requires habits and is organized through habits that acquire normative force; (iii) habits are a source of aesthetic experience: everyday practices constitute an important dimension of practices with an aesthetic tenor. Riassunto. In questo articolo discuto il senso estetico delle abitudini. La tesi che intendo proporre è che tra abitudini e dimensione estetica dell'esperienza (arte inclusa) ci sia una relazione reciproca stretta e costitutiva. In particolare, suggerirò le seguenti tesi: (i) il modo in cui le abitudini si formano e organizzano l'esperienza e, più precisamente, il rapporto tra individui e ambiente, è di tipo estetico; (ii) l'esperienza estetica (e non soltanto l'arte) richiede abitudini e si organizza grazie ad abitudini che acquisiscono forza normativa; (iii) le abitudini sono fonte di esperienze estetiche: le pratiche quotidiane costituiscono una importante dimensione di pratiche a tenore estetico.
In tema di consuetudine possono enuclearsi :
Itinera, 2024
Starting from antiquity, the concept of habit has traversed the entire history of Western philosophy and has represented one of the great themes of modern and contemporary literature. The reflection on habit has raised questions concerning the relationship between body and mind, the problem of time and the (re)construction of identity, the conscious and the unconscious, and the role of memory. This dossier addresses these questions from an aesthetic perspective, at the crossroads between the history of philosophy and the history of literature.
Pierre Bayle (-) underscores how challenging it is to morally improve ourselves as passionate human beings in order to form a tolerant and peaceful society. Moreover, he conceives moral discourses as dissociated from moral behaviour, which suggests that even good religious precepts do not play any role in the development of a virtuous character. This paper focuses on Bayle's outlook on habit -a common element turning passions into virtue or vice -and showcases how this process is dependent on both education and conscience.
Nel presente articolo verrà analizzata la consuetudine. Se ne indagherà in particolare la natura al fine di delineare i contorni della figura ed i rapporti con le altre fonti del diritto, in particolare con la legge scritta (norma di diritto positivo). Verrà poi riproposta la classica e tradizionale classificazione della consuetudine: secundum legem, praeter legem e contra legem.
The subject of the article concerns the use of video to document the constitution and the production of a judgment of taste. Far from neurological or psycho-physiological concerns, the article is based on ethnomethodological premises to empirically study some basic philosophical themes: how a judgment of taste based on subjective and personal experience can aspire to a level of objectivity? In what way a judgment based on subjective and personal experience can aspire to a level of generality, that is, how are categories and formulations shared and acknowledged in a circle of mutual recognition? In what way can a judgment based on subjective and personal experience aspire to a level of commonality? The case empirically analyzed concerns the recognition of an olfactory object in a group of untrained tasters. The objectivity of judgment, the object recognition and the inter-subjectivity of experience are the features of the tasting and the basis of the judgment of taste that a multimod...
Everyday Objects, eds. Giovanni Matteucci, Elisabetta Di Stefano e Andrea Mecacci, 2014
According to Hegel and to the romantic theory, Aesthetics is a philosophy of art. However, nowadays we can experience the beauty not only with art, but also with every product (fashion, videogames, cars, technological products). So we can query if the realm of aesthetics should hold also everyday products and how this could transform the traditional aesthetic categories.This essay aim to answer these questions. It aim furthermore to sketch the product’s theoretical foundations referring to national and international debate which have dealt with everyday aesthetics according to different point of view. L’estetica secondo l’interpretazione hegeliana e romantica si configura come una filosofia dell’arte, eppure nell’epoca attuale in cui l’esperienza del bello si può fruire con qualsiasi prodotto non solo artistico ma pure commerciale (dagli abiti agli accessori, dai videogiochi all’automobile ai vari prodotti tecnologici), sorge l’interrogativo se l’estetica debba includere nel suo orizzonte speculativo anche gli oggetti quotidiani e come questa inclusione eventualmente incida sulle sue tradizionali categorie interpretative. Questo saggio mira a rispondere a questi interrogativi, delineando lo statuto epistemologico dell’oggetto d’uso sullo sfondo del dibattito nazionale e internazionale che, dalla seconda metà del Novecento a oggi, ha affrontato il tema dell’estetica della vita quotidiana secondo differenti chiavi di lettura.
Aesthetica Preprint, n. 113, 2020
coordinamento redazione: Leonardo Distaso (Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II) segreteria di redazione: Giacomo Fronzi (Università del Salento), Lisa Giombini (Università degli Studi Roma Tre), Leonardo Monetti Lenner (Università degli Studi
Aesthetica Preprint, 2020
In this paper, I present haptic perception as a general attitude towards life and, then, as an approach to philosophy. Within this framework, I propose "ecological" aesthetics not to be understood as a specific domain dealing with natural environment , but as a comprehensive paradigm that has to do with the sentient being in terms of feeling/thinking. Therefore, ecological aesthetics also involves ontology, epis-temology and ethics, since these domains, rather than detached, are just different. Ecological aesthetics is based upon an ecological logic, which is not the formal logic of isolated items but a participatory logic, calling for attention, intimacy, and care. In order to illustrate this approach, I will review some of the main issues I have developed in my latest book, Estetica ecologica. Percepire saggio, vivere corrispondente ("Ecological Aesthetics. Perceiving wisely, living correspondently"), where a relational model of feeling/thinking, that is, perceiving, is proposed. Here, differences are not predetermined but interstitial, made along the relational process of the experience. It follows that perception is always in action and movement; hence, the corresponding ontology is not a fixed ontology of objects, but a fluid meshwork composed of lines.
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Firenze University Press eBooks, 2007
Lebenswelt. Aesthetics and philosophy of experience, 2014
Aisthesis, Vol 5, 2012, Special Issue – Riconcepire l'estetica, pp. 79-86.
La moda fra senso e cambiamento, (a cura di) I. Pezzini, B. Terracciano, 2020
Spazio Filosofico, 2014
Education Sciences Society, 2015
OCULA Flux College, 2011
Kaiak. A Philosophical Journey, 3, pp. 1-10, 2016
AbiTO. Abitudini estetiche e arte contemporanea. Il caso Torino, 2024