Media and Globalization

2011, DergiPark (Istanbul University)

Modernization, which emerged with the Industrialization period, accordingly brought about a social change. The changing of production relations with the help of the technological developments caused a need for an expanding market, more raw materials and more labor force. While this situation led to some countries to develop, it caused some others to be exploited. The ending of colonialist facilities legally after the Second World War has brought a new colonialist process. This process is a type of exploitation which does not get involved in the territorial integrity of the underdeveloped or the developing countries. Nowadays postmodernism's understanding of displacement, disintegration and turning into micro-formations and the globalization fact brought about a post-colonial act that is conceptualized as globalization. The mass cultural products of the cultural industries of the developed countries are on purpose changing and disintegrating the cultural values of a country they reach through media, and causing a mental confusion as a result of the non-corresponding of the own cultural values of the individuals. As time goes by, the values by the foreign culture begin to change the individuals' own unique cultural values and replace them. Therefore, the feeling of social belonging starts to weaken and the society begins to create mutual-hate towards each other as well as the disintegration of the society by the different belongings such as religion, ethnicity, etc. deepen. This situation forms a basis for the developed countries to intervene, and such provides a justifiable reason for these countries to be exploited.