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2011, DergiPark (Istanbul University)
10 pages
1 file
Modernization, which emerged with the Industrialization period, accordingly brought about a social change. The changing of production relations with the help of the technological developments caused a need for an expanding market, more raw materials and more labor force. While this situation led to some countries to develop, it caused some others to be exploited. The ending of colonialist facilities legally after the Second World War has brought a new colonialist process. This process is a type of exploitation which does not get involved in the territorial integrity of the underdeveloped or the developing countries. Nowadays postmodernism's understanding of displacement, disintegration and turning into micro-formations and the globalization fact brought about a post-colonial act that is conceptualized as globalization. The mass cultural products of the cultural industries of the developed countries are on purpose changing and disintegrating the cultural values of a country they reach through media, and causing a mental confusion as a result of the non-corresponding of the own cultural values of the individuals. As time goes by, the values by the foreign culture begin to change the individuals' own unique cultural values and replace them. Therefore, the feeling of social belonging starts to weaken and the society begins to create mutual-hate towards each other as well as the disintegration of the society by the different belongings such as religion, ethnicity, etc. deepen. This situation forms a basis for the developed countries to intervene, and such provides a justifiable reason for these countries to be exploited.
Post-colonialism to colonialism is what post-modernism to modernism and post-structuralism to structuralism. Though colonialism is dead and gone, it has emerged in a different form, that is globalization. It is an avatar of Colonialism, which subsumes matters of identity, gender, race, racism, ethnicity, slavery, etc. It has submerged all other cultures and languages and made American and European cultures as the standards to which all other cultures are negatively compared. One outcome is digital technology. ELT is another aspect of cultural Imperialism. A new metaphysics of indefinite uncertainty and flux has emerged in the wake of Post-Colonialism attacking God, fixity, certainty, transcendental thought. Epistemologically it is an argument against imagination, intuition and verbal authority. Another baneful aspect is the domination of English language over other languages, due to which several hundreds of languages have been marginalized or declared as most endangered and on the way towards extinction. World literature can be an amazing tool for analysing globalisation. But there is a danger that extrapolating western notions into other cultures effectively perpetuate strategies of cultural Imperialism. The world has been politically liberated. But, cultural self-determination is not happening. It is this form of imperialism or colonialism that needs to be seriously addressed.
PJIA, 2019
What is globalization? It is difficult to define globalization with a single definition although it is a buzz word of this century; this term has mesmerized and fascinated the world significantly. It is considered as the large scale convergence process, it is a multidimensional phenomenon the main agent to activate the merger of economy and culture of the local and distant as a result growing interdependence in all walk of life is eradicating the cultural, social, territorial and religious barriers. The advocates of globalization predict that that through this process poor or developing countries can improve their economies and can raise the standard of living of their common people while the opponents of globalization claim that uncontrolled or free international market economy is benefitting the multinational corporations mostly operated by the entrepreneurs of the western world at the expense of local businesses, local cultures and common people. The advancement of technology and free market economy are working together to create a new globalized and interconnected world. The dynamic and ever-changing technological revolution involving the creation of a computerized network of communication, transportations, and exchange the acceptance of a globalized economy, the enlargement of world capitalist market system is absorbing ever more areas of the world and orbit of production, exchange, and consumption. As the world is experiencing and exploring the massive waves of ideas, norms, values, beliefs and hard products through direct as well as indirect channels not only media but tourists, businessmen, NGO's, migrants are transferring their ideas, beliefs, and ideas from one part of the world to another. Social media is another medium contributing
Suggesting cultural analysis of the phenomenon of globalization needs to take into account more than studies of subjectivity and communications technology, the author suggests a deconstructive methodology that seeks reconciliation of postmodernism with structuralism and idealism with materialism. Demonstrating points of contact between various social actors in the globalization arena, a sketch is made of the state as a pluralist agent articulating the process of globalizing capital. Motivations to globalize are said to point to a real social by which the political structure of the state is revealed. Subversion of the dominant discourse through self-determined practices of liberty are suggested as a means of constructing alternatives to global capital.
The globalization is an economical, technological and social phenomenon that we may base upon many factors like the development of communication and economic reasons (market seeking etc.) based on the colonial states search of the countries which completed its industry revolution postwar , immigration of the group who are unemployed due to the mechanization, to the large cities and the international dimension of the production and commerce. It is at the same time a concept that points the dependency of the individuals and communities one another. This concept is not just related with economics, communication or commerce. It a process that grows like a balloon that takes air in it each day and includes the art and involves it into its negative or positive struggle. Today, the effort of interpreting the artworks in a different way as the result of the globalization, presents the necessity to emphasize the respect to the works and the artists as it should be. With the simplest example to portray, use " Mona Lisa " the work of Leonardo da Vinci in different shapes and to reflect these changes to the individuals as it is normal in the fast growing communication process, shows the negative effect of the globalization on art. The moustache and beard parody that Marcel Duchamp has drown in reproduction of Mona Lisa, is an attack to the selfish western middle class within today's or his own period's imperialist nostalgias, not to the artist or art. The period of this activity, is the period that the modernism has developed and moved in its most firm status. But maybe the parody of Mona Lisa which is fast spreading as the result of Marcel Duchamp taking this icon as an example, made the destruction in the globalization process unavoidable. 'The rebellion period to modernism movement that is formed with the concern to convert the tradition to global and the arrival of this rebellion to the level that probes the ethical dimension of the art brings along the inevitable concern, the concern of determining the limits of the art, artist protection and critical approach. 516 For sure the development of the technology and settlement of the communication problems is a process that glamour the human. The negative results of this process target not only the states that are being exploited but also the culture, art and artist of these states. Under these circumstances, the concern to art for the path that the art shall be followed or directed, have importance. Besides the concerns that are felt for the results of postmodernism, in this study some examples are given for showing that the postmodernism can be evaluated with its inspiration sense more of the one to one counterfeiting.
Canadian Social Science, 2005
Abstract: 'Globalization' -a term that entered popular discourse in the late 1980s has certainly been become one of the most fashionable buzzwords of the new millennium. The nature and impact of globalization has been the subject matter of profound debates and concerns in economic, political, cultural studies and academic circles since the mid-1990s. However, mainstream economic thought promises that globalization would lift the poor above poverty, dissolve dictatorship, protect the environment, integrate cultures, and reverse the growing gap between rich and poor countries of the world. But in reality, globalization has brought about the devastating destruction of the traditions, the continued subordination of poorer nations and regions by richer countries of the west, environmental degradation, and posed a serious threat to indigenous and non-western cultures and economies. The globalization has resulted in the penetration and expansion of western food, film, clothing, mus...
Emerging Trends in Development Research,ISSN NO. 0972-9445, 2019
The era of post modernism has seen many expressions of globalization. It has been reflected in the many domains of the society i.e. the societal processes, social relationships, social structures or in cultural artifacts. It is a Trans-planetary process that is often reciprocated with the term Trans-nationalism. Globalization often results in more liquidity and easier flow of cross cultural barriers in comparison to the other equivalent processes like liberalization or privatization.. Globalization in the recent world has been seen as a proliferation of consumerist Western culture and a global icon of cultural commoditization. But the process not only brings dynamic cultural changes in regard of Homogenization but also have many other facets like differentilism or Convergence of culture etc. The present paper tries to decipher the different concepts and perspectives related to Cultural Globalization and its impacts in the contemporary world.
From being an economic strategy to being the buzz word of the time, Globalization has grown and emerged in a speed almost as that of a social trend. But as ironic as it may sound, the term is more often than not associated with a diverse array of things making it an extremely contested concept, and essentially so. Academicians perceive globalization in various different ways depicting it as an ideology, a condition, a system of processes, a policy, a market strategy, a predicament and even an age or an era. With such diverse lenses breeds diverse nomenclature and hence, those referring to it as a social condition term it as 'globality', characterized by the existence of global economic, political, cultural and environmental interconnections and flows that make many of the existing territorial boundaries seem futile. Sticking strictly with the etymology of globalization brings forth the idea of it being a set of social processes that are thought to transform the prevailing societal condition into one of globality. Globalization, then, almost explicitly suggests some sort of dynamism best captured by the notion of development or unfolding along discernible patterns. Yet another term is 'Globalism' opted by those who view the concept as that of an ideology of globalization going by the age-old tradition of employing-ism suffix to signify the theories, values and assumptions working behind driving the process. Hence, scholars exploring the dynamics of globalization have rightly come up with characterizing it as a complex, multidimensional and multifaceted concept which, at any cost, cannot be boiled down to a single-simple phenomenon or theme. As Andrew Heywood rightly puts it-"the problem with globalization is that it is not so much an 'it' as a 'them': it is not a single process but a complex of processes, sometimes overlapping and interlocking but also, at times, contradictory and oppositional ones." Perhaps the best way one can try unraveling the complexity, then, is to look at how these scholars have defined globalization in their own ways and consequently work out some attributes that appear persistently even when viewed through varied lenses. "Globalization can thus be defined as the intensification of worldwide social relations which link distant localities in such a way that local happenings are shaped by events occurring many miles away and vice versa." ~ Anthony Giddens, "The concept of globalization reflects the sense of an immense enlargement of world communication, as well as of the horizon of a world market, both of which seem far more tangible and immediate than in earlier stages of modernity." ~ Fredric Jameson
What is globalization? It is difficult to define globalization with a single definition although it is a buzz word of this century; this term has mesmerized and fascinated the world significantly. It is considered as the large scale convergence process, it is a multidimensional phenomenon the main agent to activate the merger of economy and culture of the local and distant as a result growing interdependence in all walk of life is eradicating the cultural, social, territorial and religious barriers. The advocates of globalization predict that that through this process poor or developing countries can improve their economies and can raise the standard of living of their common people while the opponents of globalization claim that uncontrolled or free international market economy is benefitting the multinational corporations mostly operated by the entrepreneurs of the western world at the expense of local businesses, local cultures and common people. The advancement of technology and...
Although the concept of globalization has not explicitly stated in a distinct definition, the phenomenon of its cultural dominance is one of the most complex ideas that confront radical intellectual criticism. Cultural globalization differs considerably, not only the stance of its theoretical meaning, but also the aspect of cultural convergence explanations. This academic article endeavours to explain the social and cultural theories of the twentieth century of globalization. It explains how the process of globalization enabled Western capitalism use developing policies in order to influence the least developed countries (LDCs). In contrast, it will highlight the counter-arguments of this phenomenon such as Anthony Giddens and John Tomlinson thoughts of cultural imperialism. It also suggests that the process of globalization allows the cultural imperialism to take effect. Finally, the piece will assess whether the phenomenon of cultural dominance is a product of globalization-as globalization became a device where powerful countries implicitly impose their cultural values to the less powerful states of the world.
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Humanities & Social Sciences Reviews
Critical Sociology, 2009, vol. 35 (1), pp. 57- 78
Current Anthropology, 2006
Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities
Asian Journal of Social Sciences Humanities, 2013